Martial Peak

Chapter 541

Public opinion changed as fast as the tides and in only half a day, news had spread throughout War City and the Central Capital. Everyone was talking about it and all those who had been holding great expectations for Yang Kai underwent a great change in attitude.

Qiu Yi Meng and Huo Xing Chen, who were forced to leave, had also become the protagonists of the peoples’ discussions. The Young Lady and Young Lord were abandoning Yang Kai precisely because they had seen through his evil nature yet were helpless to stop him from within.

If not for this, it would have been impossible for them to betray Yang Kai.

When such news was released, the whole city went into an uproar, feeling indignant for Qiu Yi Meng and Huo Xing Chen and abhorrent towards Yang Kai’s tyranny.

Yang Wei’s compound.

Ever since Yang Kai broke through to the Immortal Ascension Boundary, there had been no movement from Yang Wei. All the cultivators who had come to support him were ignoring outside events and cultivating diligently, not caring at all about the Inheritance War. The Eldest Young Lord, Yang Wei, no longer had any confidence in winning, so what waves could his allies make?

What was most important now was for them to improve their strength because once the Inheritance War ended, they would have to leave War City and would lose this advantageous cultivation environment.

Inside the quiet mansion, a rush of footsteps suddenly broke the silence. The sound of these steps was hurried and was obviously heading towards Yang Wei’s room. Quickly arriving, the young man didn’t even knock on the door before shoving it open and frantically shouting, “Eldest Young Lord, Eldest Young Lord!”

Yang Wei, who was meditating, slowly blinked and turned to look at Meng Shan Yi whose expression was a mix of surprise and excitement. The former raising his sword-like eyebrows quickly said, “Shan Qi, how many times have you told not to get so flustered at every little thing.”

Saying so, Yang Wei slowly shook his head with a helpless expression.

“Eldest Young Lord, this time, things are different.” Meng Shan Yi cheeks flushed bright red, seemingly having encountered some kind of great fortune, but if one looked carefully, they would also notice some anxiety and hesitation on his face.

“What happened?” Yang Wei had been in secluded retreat these days, studying a number of old texts, and had no idea about the chaotic situation brewing outside.

Meng Shan Yi collected himself and replied, “Yang Kai is about to be eliminated.”

Yang Wei’s brow suddenly furrowed and seriously asked, “Where did you hear such gossip?”

“It’s not gossip.” Meng Shan Yi shook his head, his expression becoming solemn as he reported the recent changes that had occurred in War City.

As Yang Wei listened, his expression became strange.

Qiu Yi Meng and Huo Xing Chen leaving Yang Kai was something far outside his expectations.

Such rapid changes in public opinion in War City were obviously due to someone fanning the flames behind the scenes. As for who the masterminds behind this propaganda campaign were, there was no need to guess. Besides the Eight Great Families, no one had the ability to influence the masses so quickly.

Yang Wei had not expected that his Heaven defying Ninth Brother had actually captured the attention of the Eight Great Families.

Vaguely, he felt like something was out of place though…

Even if his Ninth Brother had the potential to become a Demon Lord, considering his identity as a direct descendant of the Eight Great Families, it was impossible for them to make such a public fuss about him as it would only serve to tarnish their dignity. What deeper meaning was there to their actions?

Brother and force him into a passive situation, allowing others to take up

the situation, Yang Wei suddenly thought of a

thing I must


cooperate with Second Young Lord… to defeat Yang

brows furrowed, “And

to worry, the Yang Family

swiftly inspecting the situation inside War City and understanding the

of us gather together all of

about anything; all we need to do is make an appearance and take a public stand, as for everything else, those

silent, a strange light

came from

Wei nodded gently. If there is no acquiescence from the Yang Family, how would the Meng Family dare to do this? They

spirit these days, and the staff in his mansion has shrunk dramatically. He is simply not an opponent to the Little Lord.” Meng Shan Yi said sullenly, “But from the sounds of it, Second Young Lord is now certain he can eat up Yang Kai’s house… How could he suddenly have

Great Families!” Yang

thinking. Suddenly wearing a sullen expression the former asked, “Eldest Young Lord… does this

to the Eldest Young Lord, but instead to Yang Zhao, this was enough to

and had thus sent

a smile on his face and nodded lightly, “Even without mentioning Ninth Brother’s situation, according to the current state of

by their decision?”

reach a natural conclusion, the winner would definitely be Yang Kai while Yang Zhao would undoubtedly be the next one eliminated. Yet now, how

mental fortitudes, Yang Wei was undoubtedly more suitable for

though such things were obvious, why

be frustrated? Actually, if I’m to be honest,

was dumbstruck, Yang Kai’s performance throughout the Inheritance War could only be

of the martial peak as their goal will not care for transient things like becoming the Patriarch of the Yang Family. Although such a position seems important and lofty, in the grand scheme of things, it is not but a trivial matter. More importantly, once one mounts such a position, how would they have time to focus on their own cultivation? As far as I know, the biggest reason Ninth Brother is even bothering to participate in the Inheritance War is to clear the name of his Sect, High Heaven Pavilion. He seems to have reached an agreement

Yi was flabbergasted, completely unable to understand what he was hearing. Were

I participated in the Inheritance War because of the family’s rules and also to hone myself. As for becoming the next Patriarch,


is to support Second Brother. Although Second Brother’s mentality isn’t as firm, compared to myself

you’ve put in so far to assist

Young Lord is this Shan Yi’s honour. Since the Eldest Young Lord doesn’t

asked, “Are we going to cooperate with

joined forces with the Yang Family’s acceptance. Am I even able to refuse? If all they need is a

broke through to the

Great Families carrying out some secret manoeuvres under the guise of the

Yi nodded slightly, turned around and left, preparing to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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