Martial Peak

Chapter 584

After listening to Yang Ying Hao’s words, the other seven Patriarchs suddenly fell into contemplation.

“We’ll take our leave now.” Yang Ying Hao said and he stood up, the other seven old men similarly getting up, each of them casting an intractable Yang Kai glance towards before collectively shaking their heads and sighing.

This brief meeting with Yang Kai had really left them dispirited.

“Great Uncle,” Yang Kai suddenly called out, “How are my parents?”

“You don’t have to worry about Fourth Brother and your mother, even if the Yang Family is destroyed, I won’t let any harm come to them.”

Yang Kai nodded slightly, his expression relaxing somewhat, “Many thanks, Great Uncle.”

“It’s what I should do.” Yang Ying Hao nodded back.

When the eight Patriarchs left the hall, they found Qiu Yi Meng and Huo Xing Chen waiting for them outside. It was obvious that this Young Lady and Young Lord were waiting for them.

“Greetings, uncles.” Qiu Yi Meng bowed elegant, displaying etiquette appropriate of her status.

On the other hand, Huo Xing Chen stood there snickering with his arms crossed, causing an annoyed light to flare up in Huo Zheng’s eyes.

Throughout the entire Central Capital, Huo Xing Chen was probably the only Young Lord from a great force who behaved so wantonly.

“Damn brat, come with me, father has something to say to you.” Huo Zheng shouted to Huo Xing Chen.

Hearing this, Huo Xing Chen grinned meaningfully and followed Huo Zheng aside.

On the other hand, Qiu Shou Cheng stared at Qiu Yi Meng arduously for a long time before sighing, “Meng’er, your vision is superior to mine!”

Before the start of the Inheritance War, Qiu Yi Meng had separated herself from the Qiu Family in order to become Yang Kai’s ally, while Qiu Shou Cheng and Qiu Zi Ruo chose to support the Yang Family’s Sixth Young Lord, Yang Shen.

In the end, it turned out that Qiu Yi Meng’s choice was the correct one.

During the Inheritance War, Yang Kai rose from having nothing to dominating above everyone else in short order.

In the waning hours of the Inheritance War, Qiu Shou Cheng had ordered Qiu Yi Meng and the Autumn Rain Hall to return to the family and told his daughter to cut off any relationship with Yang Kai she had.

But facts proved once more that standing firmly together with Yang Kai was more beneficial than joining forces with the Eight Great Families.

Nowadays, the Central Capital was suffering from both internal and external problems. Meanwhile, Qiu Yi Meng remaining in Yang Kai’s mansion and serving as his right arm not only didn’t provoke any complaints from Qiu Shou Cheng but instead caused him to secretly rejoice.

He felt it was a stroke of good fortune that Qiu Yi Meng had steadfastly followed Yang Kai, not even hesitating to disobey her own father’s orders to do so.

This daughter of his could indeed see farther and more clearly than he could; Qiu Shou Cheng couldn’t help suddenly feeling somewhat old and tired.

this was the first time she had heard Qiu Shou Cheng praise

had never praised her for her excellent performance

Yi Meng performed too well, causing Qiu Shou Cheng to

that she was

hearing such unfiltered praise

in Qiu Yi Meng’s

bother you with taking care of the Qiu Family.” Qiu Shou Cheng

became moist as she gently bit her lower lip,

to look at his fellow Patriarchs, “They

the other Patriarchs’ faces

one able to hear what the two

Huo Zheng’s shoulders, “You should abdicate and enjoy retired life, no longer needing to bother with family politics and running around the battlefield fighting. Then you’ll have time and energy to find a few more madams and give me a younger brother. I already have so many sisters, when all of

Zheng smacked Huo Xing Chen across his head and yelled, “You

Huo Family will really end up with only me as an heir. You’re still young and healthy, so your strength in bed shouldn’t be regressing yet. You need to take

mouth you damn unfilial

perhaps I’m not suitable to take charge of the Huo Family, but I believe that with my friendship with Yang Kai, having me sit in the Patriarchs position won’t have any disadvantages to

own, there’s no way you could

Huo Xing Chen grinned, completely

lot.” Huo Zheng glanced over at Qiu Yi Meng and couldn’t help feeling depressed. Why was it that among all his many daughters none of them could compare

she had obviously understood the current

Kai was not willing to work with the Central Capital Eight Great Families because he didn’t want to let go of the power he had worked

were really to turn over all authority to a junior like Yang Kai, wouldn’t the Eight Great Families degenerate into a

hands, everything would be fine, especially if the position was assumed by members of the younger generation as many of them had interacted with

Family were inherited by Huo Xing Chen and Qiu Yi Meng respectively, they could justifiably cooperate with Yang

the other Young Lords didn’t have much friendship with Yang Kai, all of them were members of the younger generation. Their own thoughts would be more straightforward and sincere. If they have any opposing thoughts, they would

is trying to say that they

this seemed like nothing more than cosmetic changes, but now it had all but become inevitable. Unless, of course, the Eight

departed with heavy expressions while Qiu Yi Meng


and displayed it’s extraordinary might, the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land’s forces had become quite law abiding, while the Eight Great Families didn’t take the initiative to find trouble with them. Although Yang Kai wanted to find an opportunity to kill more Immortal Ascension Masters, such opportunities never arose, so he could only give up and peacefully dual cultivate with Su Yan inside the

more stable, allowing him

who had sought refuge within Yang Kai’s mansion were also quite comfortable with the status quo. They came to the Central Capital to provide relief to the Eight Great Families, but none of them were eager to find trouble with the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land and were more than happy to quietly cultivate in this safe

Patriarchs visited Yang Kai once more and brought him news that greatly satisfied

to the Qiu Family’s Eldest Daughter, Qiu Yi Meng, and ordered her to return to the Qiu

time, Huo Zheng would also pass his Patriarch

Ping would pass his Patriarch

Quan would pass his position to Liu Qing

position would be handed down to Kang

Family’s Patriarch position to Gao Rang

Patriarch position would fall to Ye

positions had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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