Martial Peak

Chapter 591

Nearby, the Annihilating Poison King went all out, constantly sending out swaths of poisonous gas, but under the siege of so many masters, his efforts were somewhat insufficient. Panting for breath, he laughed miserably and muttered, “En, Sir Demon Lord doesn’t care about ours lives; why else in this situation would he have not tried to help us yet? I’m afraid he’s already made his escape.”

“Bullshit!” The Force King roared hysterically, “How could sir Demon Lord run away? He must be preparing a decisive strike that will utterly destroy these Central Capital dogs!”

“Idiot!” The Poison King and Ghost King both snickered at once.

Anyone capable of sitting in the position of Evil King was not a simple character. Each of them was meticulous, cunning, and crafty in their own way. The only exception was the Tyrannical Force King, who had no redeeming qualities besides his brute strength.

Even now, he was still convinced that Demon Lord Yang Bai was engaged in some kind of strategy to destroy the Central Capital.

Not only did these five Evil Kings not know where Yang Bai was hiding at the moment, even the Eight Great Families had lost track of him.

Many people were actively searching for Yang Bai’s figure, but no one caught a single glimpse of him. If a Third Order Transcendent master wanted to conceal himself, no one here was capable of discovering him.

Many even thought that Yang Bai had seen that the situation was hopeless and had really escaped.

However, Yang Kai couldn’t help feeling a sense of foreboding, as if something big was about to happen.

Halting his absorption of the Spiritual Energy remnants for the fallen Immortal Ascension Boundary masters, Yang Kai quickly sought out the old Patriarchs of the Eight Great Families.

After fighting a few rounds in this intense battle, these old Patriarchs were currently meditating to recover their strength in preparation to cope with the final confrontation where they would completely smash the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land. When Yang Kai arrived, they were finishing up their final preparations.

“Great Uncle,” Yang Kai walked directly up to Yang Ying Hao and with a dignified expression asked, “Do you know why Yang Bai suddenly decided to launch this invasion into the Central Capital? What is his purpose?”

Yang Ying Hao was slightly startled and asked back, “What do you mean?”

Yang Kai took a long breath and continued, “On the surface, it looks like because the Eight Great Families encircled the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land some time ago, Yang Bai and the Six Great Evil Kings are counter-attacking for the sake of revenge. This reason also makes some sense; after all, after all these years, the Eight Great Families’ and the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land’s mutual hatred have reached an irresolvable level. However, I always get the feeling that Yang Bai wouldn’t attack the Central Capital for such a reason. He should know that even if he succeeds, victory will come at a significant cost. If it’s not simply because he is bored and is seeking entertainment through slaughter, then there must be something here that the Eight Great Families have that he wants badly enough to make all these sacrifices worthwhile.”

Listening to his argument, the eight old men fell into contemplation as they glanced around at each other, Ye Kuang Ren eventually postulated, “The secret of your Yang Family is probably the only thing we have that could peak his interest.”

“En, although our Eight Great Families’ heritages are all quite deep, nothing else that we own could possibly arouse Yang Bai’s attention.”

Yang Kai’s brow deeply furrowed, of course he knew they were referring to the Soul Foundation Temple.

If Yang Bai’s objective was the Soul Foundation Temple, it could barely explain his actions, but soon Yang Kai shook his head, “No, if what he wanted was my Yang Family’s secret heritage, he would not have invaded from the north but instead directly attacked from the south!”

The Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land’s early offence was overwhelming, no matter where they attacked, no family was able to offer any resistance.

Bai wanted to seize the Yang Family’s Soul Foundation Temple, he would definitely not have invaded

Temple were only known to the Yang Family’s Patriarchs and the powerful

families that he would covet.” Yang Kai swept his eyes over

again, but in the end they still couldn’t come up with

in their families that would interest Yang Bai, they would not continue concealing it. Watching everyone’s expression Yang Kai couldn’t

were wrong? What exactly was the

Yang Bai’s aura which had disappeared quite some time ago, suddenly

was quietly standing midair, his cold eyes overlooking the entire Central Capital, a burst of laughter like rolling thunder escaping from

stared towards the source

Suddenly, Yang Bai

feeling becoming much palpable. He didn’t know what Yang Bai was talking about, but since

title, utter nonsense. Martial Nephew, although you are a rare genius, but your vision is not long-term enough, instead of worrying about such small matters you should be striving for greater heights instead. Martial Uncle will tell you today, that this world, and all you think you know, is insignificant, there are many, many things you don’t know about or understand. But regardless of all that, Martial Uncle really must thank you. If not for your sudden rise, I’m afraid that today’s war would not have resulted in so many casualties. Ensuring enough of these ants

Bai appeared extremely calm and arrogant as he hovered above the battlefield, not placing this world or anyone in it into

From what he

Bai know about the mysteries of this world and what lay beyond

issue, Yang Bai

Force King rushed toward

Ghost King, Shadow King, and Beast King, they showed some hesitation, as if they didn’t know

gave them a faint look and chuckled, “What’s wrong? Do

Lord, I just want to ask, why haven’t we seen you since the beginning of the battle yesterday? The Holy Land’s forces have suffered a great

die! If they didn’t die, how could

suddenly cupping his fists, “Sir Demon Lord, you take care. We won’t be accompanying you

was no

and sinister. Loyalty and honour had nothing to do

and Beast King turned to leave. Since Yang Bai didn’t care whether his subordinates lived or died, they naturally would care

you can get away! Stand guard

look of pain emerging on their face, like they were desperately resisting something. A moment later, their looks all slowly eased and then once more turned

Eight Great Families all

Evil Kings, all of them understood that Yang Bai had used some kind of tyrannical method to forcibly

finally took action, waving his hands as a mysterious energy spread through

Yang Kai shouted, it didn’t matter what Yang Bai’s true purpose was, what

this order was given, all the Transcendents who could still fight charged into the sky, targeting Yang Bai and the Six Great

late!” Yang Bai laughed, “From the moment I appeared, there was nothing you could

which had seeped into the earth since the beginning

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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