Martial Peak

Chapter 603

With the Spider Mother sending out such a warm invitation, Yang Kai had no reason to refuse, so he flew down into the canyon and hovered in front of the huge spider statue.

“Hehe, little brother’s courage is really big.” The Spider Mother’s sweet voice continued to sound in his mind.

The other giant spiders, which were at least half the size of an ox, also moved quickly and surrounded Yang Kai, shaking their mandibles towards him, their small beady eyes giving off a threatening light as their mouths showed traces of silk thread, ready to be sprayed towards him at a moment’s notice.

The giant spiders were all Sixth-Order Monster Beasts and they numbered fifty or so in total while there were countless smaller spiders also scurrying about.

Yang Kai heard that the Spider Mother had reached an agreement with the Thunderbolt Beast King and temporarily followed his commands when Yang Bai invaded the Central Capital. In return, the Spider Mother had also received many benefits from the Thunderbolt Beast King.

These Sixth-Order spiders should have been a result of the benefits provided by the Thunderbolt Beast King.

The last time Yang Kai was here, he had not sensed so many formidable spiders.

The ground trembled slightly as something large seemed to be emerging from the depths of the spider statue.

A few moments later, the Spider Mother finally showed up.

While the lower half of her body was still that of a huge spider, her upper half was now actually that of a beautiful woman. Accompanying her flawless face were elegant smooth shoulders and a milk-white set of peaks that towered proudly, all of which was fully exposed to the air. Atop these twin peaks that while stop firm yet seemed to contain an infinite amount of elasticity were two pink cherry that were both dainty and enchanting. Her entire image seemed designs to stimulate the desires inside men’s hearts, inviting them to leap towards her in the hopes of taking a bite of her sweet fruit.

Seeing the Spider Mother’s current appearance, Yang Kai couldn’t help but sneer, “It seems like even though the Central Capital won the war, you’ve managed to gain a lot of benefits.”

The last time he saw her, the Spider Mother’s only human features were her beautiful face, but now her entire upper half had transformed into an exquisite and fascinating female form.

The Spider Mother smiled charmingly and nodded, “En, I ate a great many masters there and greatly enhanced my True Qi and physique, allowing me to evolve into the form you see now. The taste of those masters’ True Qi and flesh was simply wonderful! But when the Ash-Grey Cloud Evil Land was defeated, I had no choice but to escape. Thinking back on those days of endless feasting really stimulates my appetite.”

As she said so, she turned her beautiful eyes towards Yang Kai and used her small red tongue to seductive lick her luscious lips, “Your scent is also wondrous. It makes me wonder just what you’d taste like.”

“You want to eat me?” Yang Kai pointed to herself and laughed, shaking his head dismissively, “Spider Mother, although your intentions are in no way wrong, I’m afraid you do not have the ability to do so.”

The Spider Mother smiled teasingly, “Are you sure?”

“Naturally, since I dared to come here, obviously I am confident in my ability to take care of you.” Yang Kai declared firmly, his eyes suddenly becoming cold.

dignified. Although she was only half human half Monster Beast, her thoughts were not in any way inferior to a

didn’t understand what he was relying on that gave him such

I could also not embarrass you.” Yang Kai suddenly smiled and said calmly, “I didn’t come here today to fight with you this time, if you

little surprised, “Then for

a trade with you!” Yang Kai

“What kind of trade?”

Widow Body’s flaw and in return, I’ll tell you how to fully transform into human form!” Yang Kai directly made his proposal; Shan Qing Luo was still waiting

you really understand the method to transform into human form?” The

her react so strongly, Yang Kai’s expression brightened, thinking that his guess was right. The Spider Mother was the only Seventh-Order Monster Beast he had ever seen and it seemed like, for this highly-intelligent Monster Beast, its biggest goal was to assume human

been working hard

the Beast Transformation Pond?” Yang Kai

shimmer as

form, a profound and mysterious place!” Yang Kai continued to

and more excited as she

Kai still maintained a relaxed expression though and slowly shook his head, “If you want to know where it is, you first have to tell

fact, Yang Kai didn’t actually know where

Shui Ling inadvertently mention back

saw the Spider Mother on the day of the invasion, she had confidently declared that

Yang Kai, so he had taken special note of it.

a while later wearing a tender and charming smile, “How do I know if you’re telling me

before doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Do you want to remain in your current shape for the rest of your life? Do you not want to truly

my body so casually!” The Spider Mother shouted angrily, obviously she

taking a moment to calm herself down, she asked, “You came here to ask me about this for that Beguiling Demon Queen, right? How is her situation now? Has her sentiment reached the Grand Accomplishment Stage and now she needs to mate with

she had a farm more profound understanding of the Poison Widow Body than anyone else; after all,

agree to your proposal!” Spider Mother nodded gently, “First tell me where I can find this Beast Transformation Pond then I will tell

think I’m a three year old child?” Yang Kai sneered

either,” The Spider Mother smiled tenderly, “It seems

assumed an aggressive stance, apparently have received an order

Yang Kai shouted as he stretched out his hand and summoned a

times larger than Yang Kai himself and had a great many scars and cracks along its surface while several of

had suffered, the terrifying aura the bone shield gave off was

of artifact is that?” The Spider Mother couldn’t help taking a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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