Martial Peak

Chapter 610

Chapter 610, Outside Sen Luo Temple

Facing the inquiry of these young girls, Yang Kai chose to remain completely silent, trying to show the demeanour of a powerful master.

Shui Ling, who on the other hand was still in a good mood, immediately began mingling with these two fellow females and was soon chattering non-stop, but whenever they asked anything about Yang Kai, Shui Ling cleverly changed the subject.

Along the way, the pair of girls from Sen Luo Temple didn’t manage to obtain any useful information.

They still didn’t know what purpose this young male and female had for coming to Sen Luo Temple, or what their relationship with their Big Senior Sister Zi Mo was.

Half a day later, Yang Kai suddenly came to a halt and turned his head towards a certain direction, a smile slowly forming on his lips.

He had suddenly a sense of resonance, a fluctuation that belonged to his Soul.

Zi Mo should be close by.

The leading girls also stopped walking when they noticed Yang Kai stop, not knowing what to do; however, Yang Kai was too lazy to explain anything to them and instead just shot off in the direction he sensed the familiar aura.

“Hey…” The pair from Sen Luo Temple cried out in shock and tried to ask what was happening, but by the time they came to their senses Yang Kai had already disappeared.

A short moment later, in the sky over a lush jungle, Yang Kai stood mid-air, staring down at the land below him, his brow furrowed slightly.

In front of him was a range of low undulating mountains covered in a thick jungle, with not the slightest traces of any buildings much less the grand constructions of a Super Force. Instead, some fifty kilometers away Yang Kai discovered a large number of magnificent structures and could sense the auras of many powerful masters.

That place should be the real base of Tian Lang Dynasty’s Sen Luo Temple.

But if that was so, what was Zi Mo doing here?

As far as he could see, there were no unusual fluctuations here, nor even the shadow of people. There also didn’t seem to be some kind of Heaven’s Cave in the depths of these mountains, so Yang Kai was quite confused.

Slightly releasing his own aura, soon after, an angry voice echoed from the depths of the mountain below, “What do you want? We’ve already left Sen Luo Temple like you wanted. Are you people really so ruthless you want to ignore all our former ties and friendships and slaughter us to the last?”

Yang Kai was stunned but quickly smirked and called out teasingly, “Silly girl, is your temper still so hot? Before asking who it is you suddenly begin interrogating and accusing me?”

“You are…” The voice of the woman down below trembled slightly, seemingly trying to recall the identity of this familiar voice, a moment later exclaiming, “That bastard Yang Kai?”

“You can leave out the ‘bastard’ part out, can’t you?” Yang Kai’s face went black.

“Hehe…” A pleasant bell-like laughter resounded from the mountain below and after a few breaths a large stone suddenly moved to the side exposing a deep cave from which a beautiful young woman stepped out.

It was Zi Mo, dressed in her usual high exposure clothes, stimulating the fantasies of any man who saw her. Looking up, she saw the familiar face of Yang Kai standing in the sky and wore a delighted expression, seemingly not having thought that after these few years she could actually see him again, immediately flying up towards him.

Gently curling her lips, she said, “You bastard, aren’t you some kind of big shot in the Great Han Dynasty? Why come all the way over to Tian Lang Dynasty to make trouble?”

“I missed you, so I came to see you,” Yang Kai smiled happily.

to Shui Ling who was standing next to Yang Kai, she sneered and quipped, “You ‘miss me’ yet you bring along another woman when you come to see me? Hmph, that’s just like you, unable to go without

say that, I have nothing to do with him.” Shui Ling

matter. As long as you stick around him long enough, sooner or later you’ll become his woman. If you want to keep your innocence, the farther away from him you stay, the safer you’ll be,” Zi Mo said in a

each other for a few years and the first thing you do is slander me? When did I ever do wrong you?” Yang Kai

faintly, “When did you ever wrong me? All those years ago when you touched and kissed me so forcefully, that wasn’t wronging me? If it wasn’t

a pitiful expression, as if she had experienced the greatest shame under the Heavens at Yang

at Yang Kai badly, gnashing her teeth in indignation as she shouted, “I always knew you were such a

Don’t you believe me?” Yang

had lead Yang Kai here finally caught up and flew over to Zi Mo before pointing towards Yang Kai, “This

to be nervous, he’s not an enemy,” Zi Mo’s aggrieved expression instantly changed to a kind smile as she casually explained,


come to see you yet this is how you treat me?” Yang Kai sighed helplessly, “Haa… Women

on airs,” Zi Mo rolled her eyes again before waving her hand, “Come

The two other girls

worry, I’ll explain everything to master later,” Zi

although there were a lot of doubts in his heart, he also knew that he shouldn’t ask too many questions, the more

down together with Shui Ling, the group of five walked into the cave leading to the base of

cave, Zi Mo tapped the wall in a few spots and

cave, every dozen steps or so there was a bright shining stone so it

light smile adorning her face and a certain bounce in her step the whole

Yang Kai to a spacious stone room in the depths of the mountain, Zi Mo settled him and Shui Ling in

have much in the way of refreshments here so you’ll have

indicating he didn’t mind, quickly picking up a plump red fruit, polishing


allowed into this place,” Zi Mo smiled and said, “But

isn’t small.”

leaving behind her Junior Sister who were now all staring at Yang Kai, their beautiful eyes filled with curious

they were expecting and didn’t bother to ask, instead choosing

his Divine Sense quietly, after quickly investigating

Realm master assuming command, probably the Master Zi Mo spoke of. Other than this powerhouse, there were only a few Immortal Ascension Boundary cultivators, a dozen or so at most, while the rest were mainly at

situation isn’t

kilometers away from this place was Tian Lang Dynasty’s only Super Force, Sen Luo Temple, of which Zi Mo was supposedly a disciple. By all rights, she and the other cultivators here should be living within the boundaries of the

arrived here, Zi Mo had said some intriguing

internal Sect dispute, Yang Kai secretly shook

a while but you must depart

to stay here

you here for?” Zi

free,” Yang Kai

not immediately comprehending what he meant, but soon shaking

laughed, not bothering to explain any further, quickly arriving beside Zi Mo and saying,

at him timidly for a moment before closing her eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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