Martial Peak

Chapter 615

In the swamp, Shui Ling completely let loose, not minding her sloppy appearance, simply celebrating and dancing around joyfully.

Infected by her jubilance, Yang Kai’s mood also gradually became bright.

As he let go of all of his tension, Yang Kai began to feel like something was off because his body had never before felt so unrestrained, as if a layer of shackles that had been weighing him down had suddenly been lifted.

His True Yang Secret Art circulated faster and faster and the True Qi in his meridians flowed much more smoothly than before.

“Shui Ling…” Yang Kai called out, his brow furrowed slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Shui Ling stopped her revelry for a moment and stared at him curiously.

“I have to break through.”

Shui Ling covered her mouth in shock and asked, “Right now?”

“En,” Yang Kai nodded, immediately sitting down and closing his eyes.

Thinking about it for a moment, Shui Ling suddenly understood, “That’s right, in your former world there was a layer a shackles that seemed to fetter the development of all cultivators, but after arriving here on the Tong Xuan Continent, those shackles vanished, creating an opportunity for you to break through, it’s just…”

Taking a glance around, Shui Ling frowned slightly, the two of them didn’t even know where they were right now so to break through in such an environment was not ideal. If Yang Kai’s breakthrough was to be disturbed by a powerful Monster Beast or some other hidden danger, the consequences would be serious.

“Can you suppress it?” Shui Ling proposed.

Yang Kai struggled to open his eyes, and with a single glance said all he needed to say. Closing his eyes again he quickly calmed himself and focused on his breakthrough.

“Forget I asked.” Shui Ling sighed helplessly. Sudden breakthroughs like this were great strokes of fortune that could not be asked for, so intentionally trying to suppress one was quite unreasonable.

Now that things had gotten to this point, all Shui Ling could do was spread out her Divine Sense to scan the local region and probe for any signs of danger.

During her investigation, Shui Ling found nothing within a radius of ten kilometers that could pose a threat to them and subsequently relaxed, waiting quietly while Yang Kai completed his breakthrough, observing the surrounding territory in an effort to determined where they were.

More than a dozen kilometers away from Yang Kai and Shui Ling’s position, a small group of people were quietly lurking behind some tall grass.

There were only eight people in this group, but all of them were Immortal Ascension Boundary cultivators, the leader a beautiful young woman with a plentiful chest and excellent style. She wore a tight fitting light blue dress that had a long slit down her skirt, revealing her slender jade white thigh.

This style of clothing provided excellent flexibility while not limiting her range of motion, but any time, whenever she made any big or rapid movements, her wondrous legs would become fully exposed.

behind her would unconsciously stare at her snow white skin that was exposed to the air as well as her shapely hips and well-rounded bottom. The

secretly steal glances at her, none of them having the courage to get up to

not care about these nervous gazes behind her; not only did she not try to awkwardly hide herself but she was even able to maintain a

that thing is startled by you and runs away, I’ll

before nodding lightly, consciously turning their eyes away from her

our goal is this time?”

of them nodded

Orchid is a World Spirit Treasure, so it already has a certain amount of sentience, don’t underestimate it. According to the information I gathered, this Scarlet Blood Orchid already has seven leaves, which would make it at least a thousand years old. It is incredibly valuable, and as long as we can obtain it, everyone will naturally obtain many

bushy beard grinned, “Young Lady, if we succeed here, what kind of reward can

Crystal Stones per person,” The

everyone’s breathing became heavy again; it seemed like twenty Crystal Stones

instant, everyone’s fighting spirit had risen to a new height, the beautiful young woman’s figure no longer clouding their eyes as all of them held their breaths and completely focused their attention on the task at hand as they

young woman whispered, “Every month, it will surface here for a time to absorb some sunshine and today is the day

it, as long as it dares to appear, it won’t be able to escape.” The man with the big

should also be aware of the benefits our Bold Independent Union will obtain if we can forge a relationship with Langya Sacred

Everyone present nodded again.

true powerhouse assuming command, it was still disparaged by many forces in the nearby region, while Langya Sacred Ground was a true great force. If they could forge a strong relationship with Langya Sacred Ground this time, it would be quite beneficial

In the next moment, one person

the group looked up towards the water in front of

the murky muddy water was a faint red glow and as time passed, the red glow became brighter

the lines

this thousand year old Scarlet Blood Orchid, each of their hearts pounding

later, the Scarlet Blood Orchid gradually exposed itself

it was a World Spirit Treasure, it had its own consciousness and sentience so it was able to detect

man couldn’t

quickly said, “It’s quite crafty, showing itself like this

said so, the Scarlet Blood Orchid rapidly sank into the

later, it still had not resurfaced, causing everyone to feel slightly anxious, worrying about whether their whereabouts had been exposed causing the Scarlet Blood Orchid

woman still wore

murky water’s surface and soon the Scarlet Blood Orchid showed itself for a

completely emerged from the water and quickly arrived at a nearby patch of grass,

The young

their best opportunity as the Scarlet Blood Orchid was now in its most relaxed

the bearded man heard the order, his hands quickly moved, forming a series of seals in order to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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