Martial Peak

Chapter 625

Chapter 625, Metal Devouring Beast

After probing the mountain with his Divine Sense, Yang Kai faintly realized that there was more than one barrier erected here.

He knew that Sun Ying had only opened a single barrier last night to prevent their prey from escaping though.

Yang Kai’s brow wrinkled, faintly feeling that something was off.

“Enter!” Sun Ying waved his hand and walked into the cave, the others following close behind.

The mine was quite deep and the path down was a long twisting passage.

Along the way, there were traces left behind of something gnawing on the walls and there were no traces of Sun Tin ore anywhere to be seen; the Metal Devouring Beasts had obviously cleaned this section out completely.

These Monster Beasts took minerals as food, so once they had finished eating what was available in the surrounding areas, they had apparently moved inwards and were now several kilometers from the entrance, scattered about scavenging for food. This situation was quite convenient for Bold Independent Union as it would allow them to capture them one by one.

After walking a short while, a fork in the path appeared.

Sun Ying paused for a moment to inspect the area in front of them before saying, “Yun girl, your team has the most people, and with your strength you should be able to handle yourselves on your own. Xin Yu’s team has the least members so I will follow them. If you encounter any unforeseen accidents, notify me immediately and I’ll quickly come to your aid.”

Yun Xuan nodded firmly before leading the members of her team and Yang Kai into the channel on the left.

“Yun Xuan, be carefully,” Zhuo Luo said in a concerned, affectionate tone…

Of course, he received no response, Yun Xuan acting as if she hadn’t heard him at all. Ruan Xin Yu couldn’t help but laugh at this as she stared at Zhuo Luo scornfully, “Stop wasting your effort.”

“Alright, let’s get going,” Sun Ying knew that this particular group had a lot of emotional baggage and did not want to give them any more time to bicker, immediately signaling for everyone to continue with their mission.

After Yun Xuan’s team had walked a fair distance, Yang Kai quickly caught up to Yun Xuan and whispered, “With Senior Sun leaving the barrier in that place; will there be any problems?”

“What kind of problems?” Yun Xuan stared at him blankly.

“This way, without him opening the barrier, although the Metal Devouring Beasts can’t escape, doesn’t that mean we can’t exit either?”

“We’re here to capture those Metal Devouring Beasts, why are you worried about being able to exit?” Yun Xuan frowned and suddenly understood, “Are you afraid there’ll be some kind of danger?”

Yang Kai nodded lightly.

Yun Xuan laughed in spite of trying not to, “You’re worried too much. Ruan Xin Yu’s team have already been investigating this place for more than a dozen days, and Uncle Sun also personally checked the situation here. Naturally they determined there wasn’t any danger here so they decided to erect that barrier. But don’t worry, if we really run into trouble we can’t solve, Uncle Sun will quickly help us.”

Listening to these words, Yang Kai knew it wasn’t a good idea to press the issue so he simply closed his mouth and nodded.

whispering, “Being cautions is a good thing, but if you want to be a real man, you have

nearby Metal Devouring Beast, Yun Xuan not only

fragrance quietly drifted into Yang Kai’s nose, his face

faintly, quickly pulling away and letting out a cough, “Follow behind

a kid. Although it was true

called out; the entire team

around the corner, a clear sound of chewing could be heard and a quick sweep with their Divine Senses clearly told them that they had come across


he rolled up his sleeves, the others also

Xuan quickly made a few gestures and

setting up something nearby, probably a trap. Everyone else


Hong glanced over

Yun Xuan nodded.

lips and in the next instant summoned a giant axe

Hong tightly gripped his axe and leapt out, rushing forward what raising a

suddenly stopped and Yang Kai clearly felt that the nearby Monster

Hong’s provocation had obviously angered the Metal

appeared. This head had two golden

Metal Devouring Beast!

glance, Yang Kai determined it was about six meters in

its body; this thick plating looked quite sturdy

everything with the exception of its tail and underbelly, leaving few

meters of the Metal Devouring Beast, he suddenly turned around

never intended to confront this Sixth-Order Monster Beast

on!” Ji Hong yelled as he ran, his and everyone else in

of the trap, Ji Hong leapt forward across it but the Sixth-Order Metal Devouring Beast, with its fat body, obviously wasn’t capable of such movement and crashed directly into

who were standing by didn’t need to wait for Yun Xuan’s order before activating the

of light burst from the ground and a series of energy ropes

quickly entangled, the massive body of the Metal Devouring Beast continued forward a few dozen meters under the influence of its own inertia before coming

its horns!” Yun Xuan shouted, taking the lead, a powerful force erupting

her team

mine tunnel while releasing golden beams of energy from its two horns which puncture many holes in the walls, floor, and ceiling, but as a Sixth-Order Monster Beast, it was only equivalent to an Immortal Ascension Boundary cultivator and with its mobility severely limited it

breaths of time, the Metal Devouring Beast’s hard horns were cut off

enduring excruciating pain, the Metal Devouring Beast wailed

forward and quickly bound its mouth, silencing

Ji Hong smiled sheepishly, handing over the two horns he had just cut down to Yun Xuan, the latter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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