Martial Peak

Chapter 645

Li Rong’s face kept changing, her brow wrinkling and relaxing, a look of puzzlement the only thing consistent.

This Human Race boy had dared to absorb more than a dozen Conflagrated Knowledge Seas into his Knowledge Sea and outwardly showed no signs of distress. The only reasonable conclusion was there was some secret hidden in his Knowledge Sea that could contain the damage these Conflagrated Knowledge Seas should have on him.

The mature, dignified beauty couldn’t help feeling somewhat curious.

Making a decision, with a wave of her hand, she erected a barrier around the stone room and then sat down opposite Yang Kai, stretched out her jade like hand, and delicately placed her finger onto his forehead.

In the next moment, a strand of Divine Sense was sent out from Li Rong’s Knowledge Sea and rushed into Yang Kai’s.

She wanted to see for herself what this boy was hiding.

Inside Yang Kai’s Knowledge Sea, a blazing hot aura lingered and even the water down below seemed to be boiling as wisps of burning flame leapt about.

As Li Rong quietly glanced around at this Knowledge Sea, a great storm welled up in her heart.

She clearly felt just how tyrannical this boy’s Knowledge Sea was. Even though he was only a Human Race brat at the Immortal Ascension Boundary Seventh Stage, his Spiritual Energy was no worse than a peak Transcendent.

Although Yang Kai had previously demonstrated his Spiritual Energy in front of her, Li Rong now realized that at the time he had still been holding back.

The Human Race really was too deceitful!

Somewhere in the sky over the sea, a Soul avatar quietly floated, which was quickly identified by Li Rong as Yang Kai’s avatar.

Right now, in front of his Soul avatar, were a dozen or so flames which were no doubt the Conflagrated Knowledge Seas he had just absorbed. These Conflagrated Knowledge Seas each radiated a devastating power that warped the space around them, causing Yang Kai’s entire Knowledge Sea to look a turbulent, as if it was in danger of collapsing at any time.

Seeing this, Li Rong couldn’t help worrying.

“Senior Li, don’t you think it’s a bit inappropriate to spy on someone else’s inner secrets?” Suddenly, the Human Race’s Soul avatar turned its eyes towards where she was hiding.

Li Rong was stunned but quickly wore a helpless smile. She had thought that she could sneak into Yang Kai’s Knowledge Sea without being noticed because of the vast difference in their strength, but she hadn’t expected his Spiritual Energy to be so strong or for him to be so vigilant of his surroundings.

Since she had already been discovered, Li Rong didn’t bother hiding anymore and instead directly showed herself and lightly flew towards Yang Kai, waving her hand and saying sincerely, “Sorry, I couldn’t suppress my curiosity and wanted to see what method you had to safely devour these Conflagrated Knowledge Seas; after all, this is our Demon God Citadel’s investment in you, as the Lord of Demon God Citadel. So, do I not have some right to monitor how they are used?”

“Does Senior Li not trust me?” Yang Kai grinned.

“Somewhat. We have not yet reached a point where we can truly trust one another, and taking lessons from the past, acting prudently is reasonable,” Li Rong smiled back.

Yang Kai nodded in agreement.

and will not bother you,” Li Rong proposed, obviously she was worried that when Yang Kai tried to refine

no intention of spying on my secrets when you snuck into my Knowledge Sea so I didn’t immediately drive you out because Senior Li is a woman worthy of trusting. Now that we have reached this point though, please


when Li Rong snuck into his Knowledge Sea, Yang Kai had quickly

know about, and as long as Li Rong didn’t deliberately

look to appear on Li Rong’s face; after all, regardless of

insist?” Li Rong bit her red lips and

Yang Kai nodded firmly.

sighed and finally relented, “Good, then I won’t insist. Please be careful

so, a potent Spiritual Energy emerged from her Soul

she just wanted

also knew this and naturally

moment she acted. All of a sudden, Li Rong’s Soul avatar trembled and the Solitary Golden Eye, which had been hidden by Yang Kai, actually took the initiative to show


even the incredibly powerful Li Rong couldn’t help trembling violently, as if her Soul avatar would collapse in the next

off a pressure that made any who saw it feel like

Knowledge Seas, as if they were being stared at by a hungry predatory, all became quiet and clustered together, as if trying to find some sense

as if the only thing reflected

he desperately tried to communicate with the Solitary Golden Eye; however, he

golden light suddenly shot from the Solitary Golden Eye and engulfed all of the Conflagrated Knowledge Seas, purifying all of their remaining impurities in an instant. But the golden light’s power didn’t decrease

dumbfounded at

Soul avatar was also motionless and very quickly faded

slowly closed. Yang Kai glanced over at it with an

purified Conflagrated Knowledge Seas in front of him, quickly pulled

Rong sitting in front of him. At this moment, her eyes were wide open and her entire body was stiff, her jade white finger still gently poking his forehead. Sweat was dripping down her brow as if she had

stone room was sealed off

to him so he knew that Li Rong’s Soul avatar had

to explain it. Forget about studying Alchemy anymore or searching for Su Yan and Little Senior Sister. Han Fei

to calm his nerves, Yang Kai carefully swept Li Rong with his Divine Sense but to his surprise she

body appeared to have suffered any harm, it was just that right now for some reason her thoughts seemed to

happened?] Yang Kai felt

purify any foreign Divine Sense that entered Yang Kai’s Knowledge Sea, leaving behind only

to his own? Was

sound, allowing Yang Kai’s

in front of him, Yang Kai’s

Rong had definitely seen his Solitary Golden Eye, so the thought of killing her couldn’t help coming to Yang Kai’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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