Martial Peak

Chapter 649

Inside the main hall of Demon God Citadel, the noble and graceful Li Rong sat upon her throne and stared down at a number of high-level figures of the Ancient Demon Clan.

This group was composed of many of the strongest and most powerful people below the four Demon Commanders.

An old man with a Third Order Transcendent cultivation had a face filled with anger as he loudly shouted, “Senior Li, that Human Race brat dared to attack members of our Demon God Citadel and heavily wounded all seven of them. He must pay an appropriate price for this!”

“Agreed!” Another Second Order Transcendent old man stepped forward and indignantly added, “A trivial human dares act so arrogantly, even after receiving so much of Senior Li’s kindness and obtaining many benefits from our clan he still isn’t satisfied and even viciously attacks members of our clan, we must teach him a harsh lesson so he knows his place!”

The rest of the crowd all nodded and spoke out in agreement.

The Ancient Demon Clan was a proud race and was also quite short tempered. The seven children of their families had been seriously injured by Yang Kai, the most badly wounded of them having nearly died on the spot and would require more than half a year to fully recover. Such an incident was incredibly shameful to them, and naturally they wanted to seek compensation from Yang Kai.

However, everyone knew just how attentive Senior Li was to this Human Race brat, so before they acted against him, they naturally had to seek her opinion; after all, she was the Lord of Demon God Citadel.

“Do all of you have such thoughts?” Li Rong swept her eyes over the crowd and asked softly.

“Yes!” The Third Order Transcendent old man at the head of the group nodded repeatedly.

“Why?” Li Rong sat up, her crystal clear eyes flashing a hint of coldness as she stared towards him, “Because the one who was injured was Pan Lang, your son?”

The old man was slightly taken aback by Senior Li’s tone but still nodded calmly, “That is one of the reasons, but more importantly this is necessary to preserve the honour of our clan!”

“Senior Li!” Another person interjected, “The impact of this incident is bad, many of our clansmen have already gathered outside that Human Race brat’s stone room, hoping to teach him a lesson. We know that he has excellent aptitude in Alchemy and provides a glimmer of hope for our clan, but many amongst our citizens don’t know that. If we don’t give him an appropriate punishment to preserve Pan Lang and the others faces, our clansmen won’t be satisfied!”

Li Rong smiled lightly in response, “My Ancient Demon Clan believes in strength above all else, if one of us loses in a contest and needs his Elders to take revenge, wouldn’t that really be a loss of face? If Pan Lang has the skill, he can take it back himself.”

“Though that should be the case, the people are quite agitated right now and many of them are displeased with that human brat…” The old man, who was Pan Lang’s father, suddenly said solemnly, “The mood of our clansmen needs to be considered.”

Li Rong took a deep breath and hesitated for a moment before asking, “What do you propose we do to punish him?”

“That’s simple,” Pan Bo said coldly, “Since he broke the bones of so many of our clansmen, we should crush his bones as well, blood and blood, and a tooth for a tooth!”

“Do you want his life?” Li Rong expression became cold.

Pan Bo simply smiled, “Senior Li can rest assured that I will not let him die so easily; after all, he still has great use for our clan. In any case, as long as his ability to perform Alchemy is not affected it shouldn’t matter.”

Li Rong slowly shook her head.

Pan Bo was startled and shouted, “Senior Li, our clan has been imprisoned here for countless years. You understand what kind of state we’re in. We have been shackled for far too long and now that some friction has appeared, it has ignited everyone’s desire to fight, if this is not handled properly, it is very likely to have adverse consequences.”

“For example?”

they might choose to serve Chu Jian instead!” Pan Bo said as his eyes

smile but her aura suddenly underwent a

they hurriedly lowered their eyes. Only at that moment did they suddenly remember that Senior Li

her kindness, Senior Li also had great strength

to some kind of decision and speaking, “I will handle this incident personally while all of you will be responsible for retraining your retainers. Additionally, from today onwards, if anyone dares to find the trouble that Human Race boy, I will personally send him to

and others expression all changed drastically as they stared towards Li Rong in shock,

words not clear?” Li

Senior Li’s orders!”

Rong waved

had been silent the whole time nodded and remained where he was

Rong smiled helplessly and muttered to herself, “That

you have?” Duan Ya

guard outside that stone room. If you discover anyone trying to act against him, kill them without mercy!” Li Rong

a surprise, seemingly not having expected Senior Li to actually value that Human Race kid so much, hesitating for a

lower themselves to deal with a junior personally, but on the off chance they do… I’ll handle

Ya nodded slightly and respectfully

He, like Duan Ya, couldn’t understand why Senior

Alchemy, it didn’t make sense for her to shelter him so

a leader of the younger generation of Demon God Citadel and, in the future, was very likely to become one of

seems to care a great deal about that boy,” One of them whispered

be that Senior Li,

How could she possible… towards a lowly

no reason. There must be more to this situation that we are

Senior Li’s handling

sullen as he sneered, “If Senior Li continues to act so, she will

around at each other, and although they were unwilling to accept this result, they didn’t immediately say

aura spread out around Yang

Qi and Blood Force


he was immersed in Alchemy these past few months, Yang Kai didn’t even notice

Solitary Golden Eye had absorbed the sentiments and insights left over from a great many masters. It could be said that before Yang Kai broke through to the Saint Realm, he should have no bottlenecks, as long as his accumulation of strength could keep up, he should be

Yang Kai guess he would have needed another month or so before breaking through to the Immortal Ascension Boundary

had allowed him to break

the best way to

surroundings with his Divine Sense, Yang Kai noticed that a great deal of Ancient Demon Clan people had gathered outside

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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