Martial Peak

Chapter 658

During his time in Bold Independent Union, Yang Kai learned a lot about the mysteries of Crystal Stone so naturally, he had heard of Saint Crystal.

A piece of Saint Crystal contained more than a hundred times the energy of an equivalent sized Crystal Stone.

And that was just a comparison of pure energy.

In terms of true value, a single piece of Saint Crystal was simply incomparable to a hundred pies of Crystal Stone, because Crystal Stones could be found everywhere, but Saint Crystals rarely appeared.

Anything that was rare, was precious!

“There’s actually Saint Crystal here?” Han Fei couldn’t sit still any longer. It was torture watching Yang Kai mine Crystal Stone because she had nowhere to store more herself, but now he had actually obtained a piece of Saint Crystal!

This kind of rare treasure could provide tremendous assistance to Saint Realm masters in their cultivation. By absorbing the energy inside a piece of Saint Crystal, she could quickly improve her strength.

Yang Kai obtaining this kind of treasure caused Han Fei’s jealousy to soar.

Whether she had the ability to store more or not no longer mattered to Han Fei as she rushed forward and began violently striking the wall again.

Yang Kai also refused to fall behind, drastically increasing his mining efforts, no longer showing the calm and relaxed demeanor he had before.

Chunks of rock flew everywhere along with big and small pieces of Crystal Stones. Han Fei exerted the full strength of her Divine Sense to observe this storm of debris but whether it was ordinary rock or Crystal Stone, she completely ignored it and let it fall to the ground.

Yang Kai pushed his True Qi furiously while carefully controlling it with his Divine Sense to collect all the Crystal Stones that Han Fei ignored, stuffing them into his Black Book space.


A clear sound rang out and Han Fei’s eyes locked onto a target, her hand shooting out faster than Yang Kai could see, stanching up a different looking gem. Grasping it in the palm of her hand, Han Fei smiled brilliantly.

She had also obtained a piece of Saint Crystal.

But in the next moment, she grit her teeth again because Yang Kai also harvested another piece and was casually showing it off to her.

“Just you wait!” Han Fei muttered under her breath, increasing the pace of her attacks again.

For a time, Yang Kai and Han Fei acted like they were possessed, going all out to attack the rock walls and harvest Crystal Stones and Saint Crystals.

The number of Saint Crystals was still quite small, only one or two occasionally popping up, but as time passed, Yang Kai managed to collect more than a dozen pieces while Han Fei gained a few times more. Her cultivation was significantly greater than his so obviously the pace of her mining was faster and taking advantage of her stronger Divine Sense, she would often discover the loose Saint Crystals first.

However, she had no way to store the ordinary Crystal Stones that came loose as she was mining so they ended up being taken for free by Yang Kai.

gains, the two were basically


front of the pair suddenly collapsed, revealing a great chasm, but from the dark chasm a terrifying pulse of energy

broke open this passage, the energy flowing within the mine had become


burst of cracking sound came from all

faces both went stiff at exactly the same moment, stopping all their movements as they stood in place silently,


louder and louder as the entire cave began to tremble violently while piece of stone began

expression sinking as he

should probably leave…”

to the back of his mind as he shot off like

didn’t hesitate

of dust constantly falling all around the pair as the

Kai did his best to observe the surrounding environment as

active, unstable volcano. Now it seems that his and Han Fei’s reckless activities over the past few days had disrupted some kind of delicate

this cave beneath the volcano would no longer

where they had first stopped over in the blink

snorted and grabbed hold of Han Fei’s waist, spreading his Flaming Yang Wings and wrapping both of them

of the volcanic eruption, the speed at which the two

*Hong Hong Hong…*

around them and the massive flow of destructive energy caused both Yang Kai and Han

time, above the mouth of the volcano, a number of figures floated midair, each

facing each other, n dangerous

side was the radical, militant Demon Race group headed by Chu Jian, while on the other were the

Li Rong had been paying attention to Chu Jian’s movements and when she learned about him suddenly leaving his territory with so many masters in tow,

Mo, Li Rong led her subordinates from Demon God Citadel and rushed to the rescue, but she

here, Yang Kai and Han Fei had already been forced into the depths of the volcano by

who had always shown great tolerance and benevolence, was right now, for the first time, feeling a great urge to kill Chu

confirming the whereabouts and status of Yang Kai and Han Fei, Li Rong

for traces of Yang Kai and Han Fei. Li

Ancient Demon Race were convinced that the human

guilt, there was even a flash of excitement in the depths of his eyes as she stared at

he had been

here, Chu Jian wasn’t the least bit afraid,

of the Ancient Demon Clan’s fangs had been dulled. Now

as he let out a sigh and said, “Great Commander Han Fei

Rong’s eyes were shut tight as she continued releasing her tyrannical Divine Sense, ignoring the burning pain the surrounding Yang Yuan

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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