Martial Peak

Chapter 694

This mountain peak was exceptionally beautiful, with crystal clear streams that flowed towards towering waterfalls that cascaded down into the valley down below. The mist which scattered about shimmered in the sunlight like bright stars in the night. Everything here exuded a feeling of natural harmony.

Fei Yu brought Yang Kai past the lower streams and stopped just below one of the great waterfalls, landing atop a wide plateau in front of a cave halfway up the mountain.

Yang Kai took a deep breath in and felt his body and mind relaxing before quickly discovering that there was actually no one else around at all.

“This is Serene Resplendent Peak, the place where I live. Each of us four Protectors have our own peak. Their places are always lively but I prefer peace and quiet, so I live here alone. Come with me.” Saying so, she led Yang Kai towards the cave.

The interior of this cave was spacious and clean. Inside the belly of the mountain, a number of stones rooms were excavated and all the walls were lined with brilliant stones that gave off a gentle light.

Here, there was not even a whiff of foul odor, instead; there was a just a touch of alluring fragrance.

Yang Kai gazed around in appreciation and surprise. He had thought a woman like Fei Yu who was so addicted to alcohol would definitely not have a dwelling that could be described as ‘feminine’, but the truth was her home was actually filled with elegance and refinement.

“Little Martial Nephew, if you’d like, afterwards you can live here with me. Martial Aunt has grown somewhat bored with the constant loneliness,” Fei Yu commented suddenly, perhaps cracking a joke, or perhaps not, Yang Kai wasn’t sure.

“Me, live here?”

“En, I arranged a place for you in the valley before because I didn’t know your origins, but now, since you’re my Soaring Heaven Sect’s disciple, you are free to choose a mountain peak to live on, and since you will be often studying Alchemy, you will need a quiet and comfortable environment, right? My place is perfect then; Cang Yan and their side is crowded every day so there will definitely be more people there disturbing you.”

“The conditions here really are excellent,” Yang Kai nodded earnestly.

“Think about it, Martial Aunt’s offer is serious,” Fei Yu smiled with a healthy glow upon her face like that of a fully ripe fruit.

After touring around the mountainside for a while, Fei Yu led Yang Kai to a large open space.

Fei Yu had been grumbling earlier that Cang Yan, Li Wan, and Fei Jian were just a group of bastards after her Thousand Safflower Wine, but the moment she arrived here she still began enthusiastically arranging tables and chairs before taking out a few bottles of her specially brewed Thousand Safflower Wine as well as some fragrant spirit fruits.

Just after she finished setting the table, there was a rush of footsteps approaching from afar. In the next moment, Cang Yan, Li Wan and another man with a tall, thin build, appeared.

“I seem to smell some delicious wine!” Li Wan’s two thick eyebrows bounced in a wretched manner as he sniffed the air in an exaggerated manner.

Cang Yan beside him carried some Monster Beast Yang Kai had never seen or heard of before on his back with a valiant expression.

After seeing the bottles on the table, both of them showed an understanding smile as they licked their lips and complimented, “Fei Yu is truly a generous lady.”

Fei Yu’s complexion became cold as she snorted loudly, “One bottle per person, quickly drink it down then get the hell out!”

“Enough, enough!” Li Wan nodded quickly before reaching out and grabbing the bottle, apparently quite reluctant to let it go.

Meanwhile, Yang Kai was quietly taking a look at the third newcomer. This man should be the last of the four Protectors of Soaring Heaven Sect, which meant he should also be a Third Order Transcendent powerhouse. Yang Kai quickly became aware that the aura this person gave off was quite different from Cang Yan’s oppressiveness, Fei Yu’s softness, and Li Wan’s insidiousness; this person seemed to give off a feeling of sharpness.

The opposite party also seemed to be observing him and after a moment, suddenly grinned, “Is this our newly arrived little Martial Nephew?”

Kai almost couldn’t

smile was actually

enough appearance,

masters from Soaring Heaven

Yang Kai greets Martial Uncle!” Yang Kai

lightly before suddenly assuming a posture


seems to shiver as the surrounding World Energy

a sense of crisis, like he

Yu, and Li Wan all remained silent,

finger twitched and suddenly, an invisible attack shot straight

Kai’s eyes bulged as he frantically pushed his True


through the

four Protectors

average Peak Immortal Ascension cultivator, but I didn’t believe him at the time. It seems I was mistake, my Soaring Heaven Sect has indeed

Uncle specialize in

Jian nodded

fights people from the front but instead hides in the dark. No one can hide from his arrows.

that Fei Jian’s attack just now was only a test and had no hostility

of Soaring Heaven Sect’s four Protectors was not to


stop spreading nonsense,” Li Wan muttered

and picked up a

Yan’s ardent reaction, Li Wan and Fei Jian couldn’t help

also sat down and picked up a spirit fruit, slowly eating it while he watched these four masters straightforward and unrestrained behaviour, suddenly feeling a touch of warmth

their occasional disputes only seemed to

up appearances anymore, all four of them not showing any of the majesty

dyed a health shade of red, suddenly shot Yang Kai and drunken look and threw him the bottle of wine she had been drinking and grinned,

Kai took it, glanced over at her suspiciously, but still didn’t hesitate to gulp down a

taste of alcohol, instead only a rich yet mellow fragrance lingered on his tongue, but before Yang Kai had time to offer his praises for this concoction,

suddenly felt like his entire physique and all of his meridians were trembling, like a fierce, invisible torrent was flooding through every part of his body. In an instant, Yang Kai could no longer control himself, his body going stiff before he keeled over

and snatched

exchanged glances before suddenly

laugh, the four of them began drinking again, none of them paying


the others had already left, leaving behind only a mess of dishes and bottles. As for Fei Yu,

up?” Fei Yu smiled

red but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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