Martial Peak

Chapter 698

In the quiet wilderness, a small group walked forward silently.

Cang Yan led the way, Li Wan and Fei Yu brought up the rear, and Yang Kai, Mi Na, and Old Man Du were sandwiched in the middle.

With the exception of Mi Na, everyone else looked calm and indifferent, as if they were oblivious to the danger they were approaching.

As they continued walking, Yang Kai’s eyes suddenly flashed.

He was surprised to discover that Fei Jian had disappeared without a trace. This Third Order Transcendent master had managed to vanish without Yang Kai even noticing despite being only a few steps apart.

The night wind blew, the towering trees swayed back and forth, and the leaves rustled eerily, as if there were ghost and demons brushing past them in the darkness.

Mi Na was so scared her pretty face had completely paled and she unconsciously moved towards Yang Kai and leaned against him, looking for a sense of security, her pair of beautiful eyes darting back and forth nervously.

Sensing her uneasiness, Yang Kai firmly grasped her hand, allowing Mi Na to relax a lot; however, she made no attempt to distance herself from him either.

Cang Yan’s mouth slowly curled into a subtle grin, seemingly enjoying this thrilling situation. Li Wan and Fei Yu, who were at the back of the team, also wore aggressive expressions as they scanned the area, as if they couldn’t wait to start something.

Old Man Du, as an experienced Alchemist, maintained his usual calm, unflustered appearance.

Obviously he had great faith in the strength of the four masters from Soaring Heaven Sect.

Suddenly, a burst of strange laughter came from all around, like the howling of a ghost, gloomy and dreadful. At that moment, the night wind seemed to become stronger and colder.

Soon, several more laughing voices began ringing in their ears, trying to disrupt their hearts and weaken their concentration.

However, the three masters from Soaring Heaven Sect were completely unperturbed and continued walking forward without any pause.

Half an hour later, the wicked laughter gradually faded. The other party seemed to have noticed that this little trick wasn’t enough to cause Cang Yan and the others to panic, so they had stopped wasting their time.

“Not even daring to show your faces, just a bunch of cowards,” Cang Yan muttered discontentedly, he thought there would be a big battle when he first entered this region and his blood was boiling in anticipation, but the opposite party didn’t seem to have any intention of immediately attacking and were instead playing tricks on them and probing their reactions.

This made him quite disgruntled.

“Li Wan, go take a look,” Cang Yan said.

Li Wan grinned fiendishly and his small body suddenly disappeared into the darkness.

A short while later, a sad and shrill scream rang out from the forest, giving people a creepy feeling.

These screams didn’t last long, obviously this poor soul had been killed before he had time to react.

The next moment, another scream could be heard from a different direction.

Yang Kai’s eyes flashed. He could tell that these screams came from two different locations at least a few thousand meters apart. In such a short period of time, accurately finding the hiding places of these two people and killing them, Li Wan’s great strength was obvious.

calmly returned and shrugged his shoulders to Cang Yan, “Two First Order Transcendent trash, not even enough to fill

he licked his lips and showed a

this, Mi Na’s eyes rolled back and she fainted

bit too small?”

head and gently held

to hold back her laughter, “She

words could be misconstrued. He wanted to defend himself but the one with the misunderstanding was already out cold so he could do nothing but grumble

continued to move forward, but probably because Li Wan had just killed two of their group a moment ago, the

more hours, nothing out of

sense a vague hostility in the air,

guard, the other party would not hesitate to kill them

lost patience and suddenly stopped, staring around with a cold glare as he shouted, “Since you’ve all already decided to kill us and seize our treasures, you should just come out and fight with us. If you want to keep hiding like timid rats

around it was quiet though, no

a long sword and waving it, leaving a

the artifacts that Cang Yan and Fei

it yet, don’t you want it for your own? If you can

world would not be chaotic, quickly added, also summoning out

artifacts suddenly beings summoned out, in the next instant, countless Divine Senses flooded

hear heavy breathing and feel greedy stares all around

the two of you manage to get Saint Grade artifacts?”

Yu smiled, turning her eyes to Yang Kai, “We got them on our way back after picking up

blind, why didn’t I have a share?” Li Wan cursed and

each took one;

Wan quickly ran over to Fei Yu and stretched

Fei Yu frowned, appearing somewhat

need to bother with him, he only uses

I’ll give that artifact to whoever kills the most enemies,” Fei Yu

Wan clapped his hands and nodded, “Great idea, I’ve already killed

shot out like lightning, all of them trying

masters on this side all noisily discussing some irrelevant nonsense, the surrounding enemies apparently thought now would

Yan’s eyes as the

extreme speed; in the blink of an eye, all of them had arrived in

hands reached out to grab for the

*Xiu xiu xiu…*

Yang Kai faintly saw a number of golden streaks flash through the night sky out of

artifacts flew out from the

of that, these holes, without exception, were where their hearts once

the ground, their life auras

One shot, one kill!

knew where

shouting angrily, “Fei Jian, you sinister bastard, if you have

not respond, instead just sending out more arrows filled with destructive energy from various dead angles, reaping his opponent’s lives before they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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