Martial Peak

Chapter 747

Seeing Yang Kai’s attitude suddenly become so off-putting, the Saintess couldn’t help grumbling, “I never expected you to come save me! You should just worry about yourself!”

After saying so, obviously somewhat annoyed, she was not willing to keep talking with Yang Kai.

Seeing her like this, Yang Kai breathed a sigh of relief.

During this exploration, he didn’t know what would happen; perhaps there would be great danger. If this Saintess was to latch on to him, it would severely restrict his movements. He preferred to act alone without having to concern himself with other people’s wellbeing.

Although this woman had indeed granted Yang Kai passage on her ship, they were essentially still strangers, so Yang Kai felt no obligation to protect her safety.

In Yang Kai’s opinion, she was just another flower that had grown up in a greenhouse who thought she could prove her ability by showing off a bit of her skill. Once she suffered some real pain, she would come to realize the world was not such a friendly place.

After waiting for what seemed like a long time, the Seven Family Alliance’s cultivators finally finished their preparations and selected outsiders gathered into seven teams under the directions of the yellow-faced old man.

When Yang Kai was signing up before, he had simply chosen one of the seven families at random and it wasn’t until now that he learned he had joined the Hai Family’s team which was actually led by the yellow-faced old man.

There were roughly forty people in this team, each of whom looked like they were not weak, one or two of them having even reached the Transcendent Realm. As for the Nine Heavens Holy Land Saintess, she was with a different family’s team.

The yellow faced old man came forward and cleared his throat before addressing the crowd gathered before him, “This old man is Hai Wang Gu, a Protector from the Hai Family of the Seven Family Alliance. For this time’s expedition to the bottom of the sea, this old man will be leading you. Once we enter the Ancient Ruins, I hope you will all obey this old man’s orders and not act on your own so as to avoid unnecessary accidents! En, in addition to all of you, my Hai Family will be sending more than a dozen masters. Let us all act together. Since you’ve chosen to accompany my Hai Family, this old man will try his best to maintain each of your safety, but I will say this up front, if any of you does anything to disrupt the harmony of the group, don’t blame this old man for acting ruthless.”

Saying so, he swept his eyes over the crowd coldly, but received no challenge from any of the foreign cultivators.

Hai Wang Gu nodded with satisfaction, “That being the case… may the Heavens bestow good fortune on us, let’s go!”

Finishing his speech, Hai Wang Gu immediately took off, the forty or so foreign cultivators and the Hai Family’s masters following soon after, all of them flying over to the sea.

At the same time, the other six families began moving as well.

As they sped along, Yang Kai secretly spied on the number and strength of the people the Hai Family had dispatched. There were only a dozen or so of them, but in addition to Hai Wang Gu, there were actually two other Transcendents while the rest were all at the Peak Immortal Ascension Boundary, which meant that although their numbers were smaller, their overall strength was actually greater than the outsiders.

Obviously the Hai Family had sent all of its elites and were in full control of the situation.

The other six teams also had a similar configuration.

disc-shaped artifact. This artifact gave off a

this old man will use this to bring us to the seabed,”


suddenly, a silver light curtain roughly ten meters in diameter appeared and wrapped everyone up. Soon

reveal such a method, many people’s expression became

able to

Wang Gu couldn’t help showing a somewhat smug look on his

ocean, the deeper they dove, the darker it became. This deep darkness gave many people a creepy feeling, most of the cultivators here had never dove into the sea before after all so they were understandably somewhat nervous, some of them

Kai swept his eyes around the area and quickly spotted size other bright lights in the water, obviously the other six families were using their own means to rush to descend to the

from the outside to penetrate it. Staring outside the light shield, the cultivators could see

expression on

pressure became. Even though he was a Transcendent

great deal of stress and slowly began to deform, becoming less rounded than before as the space inside even started to

Wang Gu and wrinkling their brows, wondering whether this old man would be

Wang Gu suddenly said, “Everyone, the old man must ask for your help, contribute some of your True Qi to help this old man maintain the operation of the artifact or we may not be able to reach the bottom of

people silently cursed in

capacity and was simply acting as if he was having a difficult time. Clearly he didn’t want to use too much of his own True Qi

was lying, the gathered cultivators didn’t have any choice and quickly began pushing their True Qi towards Hai Wang Gu’s

quickly guiding this influx of True Qi

in his heart as he did so. Everyone here had the same idea about preserving their True Qi and were only willing to contribute the minimum necessary, hoping that others would pick up the slack so they

they even reached the bottom of the sea, everyone was already playing such games, so when they got there, it could only be

accepting everyone’s True Qi, the silver light curtain really did stabilize

while, Hai Wang Gu once again made a

still no sign of the so-called Ancient Ruins. Everyone had burned through a large amount of True Qi and were

“There’s no need to become anxious, we’ll be there soon, the depth of the seabed here is

continued for another stick of incense worth of time before someone suddenly pointed below

turned their eyes in the direction this man was pointing and suddenly felt their spirits rise. Down below them, there were a number of colourful lights shimmering, and amongst these lights was a

Ruins!” Everyone could not

like we’ve finally arrived,” Hai Wang Gu smiled slightly, increasing the silver light curtain’s rate of

Ancient Ruins occupied a vast expanse of land, at least several dozen kilometers in each direction. Amidst the ruins were several deserted palace-like structures as well as numerous houses arranged in neat rows; of course, many of these buildings had already collapsed, leaving

huge Ancient Ruin was a transparent barrier that, even

in the flowing sea water, many of them giving off a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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