Martial Peak

Chapter 766

Chapter 766, Divine Tree

The leader of this group was the man who had previously lifted the seal on Yang Kai’s True Qi and Spiritual Energy, his expression this time could only be described as gloomy. After arriving, he waved his hand and several of his clansmen immediately opened the two cells..

“Boy, your time of death has arrived,” The man said coldly, “Wasting so many of our resources and living so comfortably for so long, I want to see just how much return you’ll pay!”

As he spoke, he once again sealed Yang Kai’s True Qi before turning to his clansmen and ordering, “Take them all!”

Gou Che and his fellow Demon Race cultivator both suddenly let out muffled grunts as they received several punches and kicks and were dragged out of their cell. On the other hand, Yang Kai and An Ling’er didn’t resist and were spared such unpleasantries.

Walking along the prison’s dark corridor, Gou Che seemed to be somewhat unwilling to cooperate, so it was stop and go for a while, resulting in several whippings. As a result, when the group finally made it out of the prison, Gou Che was a bloody mess, but he was still stubbornly resisting, spewing curses from his mouth as he struggled against his captors.

The master from the Sun Clan simply sneered in response, “Go on, curse, curse like there’s no tomorrow, cause there isn’t! Son of a Demon General? Hmph, you’re nothing but a dead man walking. No one will come to rescue you.”

“If you have the guts, let me go. As soon as I return I’ll rally soldiers and lead my father’s army back here to annihilate you all!” Gou Che yelled.

“Idiot!” The man spat disdainfully.

As Gou Che spoke, he continuously shot glances towards Yang Kai, seemingly urging him to act, but Yang Kai just kept indicating that now was not the time.

Right now was when the surrounding masters were wariest. Even if he was at full strength, Yang Kai couldn’t guarantee he could escape successfully, so how was he supposed to do so when his True Qi and Spiritual Energy were sealed?

He had to wait for an opportunity to release his Soul Devouring Insects and take a large number of Sun Clan clansmen hostage first.

After seeing Yang Kai respond this way several times, Gou Che stopped signalling to him and instead began staring suspiciously, wondering what this strange Human brat was thinking.

As the group walked forward, the Yang Attribute energy fluctuation also grew stronger and more unstable.

The Sun Clan clansmen seemed to be in a hurry and were constantly urging Yang Kai and the others to walk faster.

A short time later, Yang Kai came to an open space where there was nothing within a thousand-meter radius beside a giant golden coloured tree that’s canopy seemed to stretch into the clouds.

Yang Kai could sense that all the Yang Attribute energy in this place was being generated from this giant tree.

It was almost like a giant umbrella, its huge canopy stretching out in all directions, radiating so much Yang Qi that it formed a thin, film-like barrier that subsequently covered the region where the Sun Clan people lived.

As soon as he arrived, the True Qi in Yang Kai’s body showed some signs of movement and soon after, the seal which had been placed on him was silently destroyed.

Kai’s eyes flashed with

This giant tree was obviously the Sun Clan’s Divine

the Sun Clan cultivated, as long as they remained near this Divine Tree, their strength will rapidly increase, unlike Yang Kai

Yang Kai could only

as the one Yang Kai had eaten soon after waking up in this strange Mysterious Small World, some of them were mature while others seemed to

roots of the Divine Tree, the Sun Clan’s Elders were waiting, and upon

the Divine Tree seemed to give off some unusual fluctuations, as if trying to convey a message of desire, releasing a wave of pure Yang Attribute aura that transformed

scene, all of the

muttered, “It

the Divine Tree should be able to stabilize for a while, giving us enough time to find some new

become the Divine Tree’s nutrients is your life’s greatest honour!” The master who escorted Yang

Yang Kai replied flatly but made no attempt to free himself from the energy ropes the

not only didn’t restrict Yang Kai’s movements, they actually

bones and earth that had been dyed red by blood. Obviously,

bones and blood was quite

Ling’er pretty face went pale, thinking that she would soon join

*Kacha Kacha…*

stepped, the bones beneath their feet cracked and crumbled, releasing a somewhat

red and filled

bones here were all left behind by his

Kai’s expression gradually became strange, he felt as if the Divine Tree was trying to convey something to him but was unable to decipher it, causing him to

of prisoners was brought before

of them eager to start the blood sacrifice to

old leader stared at Gou Che

over and knocked Gou Che

yelled at Yang Kai, his body swelling up as he spoke, his physique filling with a kind of explosive power that easily smashed through the seals with just

his hand towards the nearest Sun Clan clansman’s heart, trying to

movements froze, no matter how the latter tried he

by risking your life you can put up some kind of last-ditch struggle?” The leader chuckled, “Foolishness, do you think I would

bastard!” Gou Che gnashed his teeth and cursed, the veins on his forehead nearly popping out, not losing hope as he continued to push his

low, already arriving at the Third Order Transcendent Realm, but in front of a Saint Realm master, he still couldn’t put up any kind of resistance. On top of that, this place was right below the Sun Clan’s Divine Tree, the ambient Yang Qi was incredibly rich, harshly suppressing Gou Che’s Demonic Qi, even the weakest Sun Clan clansmen in the same realm could easily beat him

leader shouted somewhat

Gou Che here sneered as they raised their hands, their True Qi surging as they

Che’s head about to roll, Yang Kai suddenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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