Martial Peak

Chapter 773

Chapter 773, Great Shame

Although the Sun Clan was really somewhat hesitant to act here, none of them put Yang Kai’s cultivation in their eyes; they felt, as long as they could find the right opportunity, when the Divine Tree’s guard was lowered, they could instantly take Yang Kai’s life.

So after listening to Yang Kai’s question, the Sun Clan’s old leader refused without giving it a second thought.

Such great shame! In his own home, the Divine Tree, which was regarded as his clan’s greatest treasure and foundation, was seduced by a little foreign brat. Such shame for the Sun Clan could not be erased even if they killed Yang Kai ten thousand times over.

However, Yang Kai simply sneered, and from the protection of the Divine Tree’s branches, stared down at the old man and replied confidently, “Indeed, I do think I have the qualifications.”

As he spoke, Yang Kai sent out a faint pulse of Spiritual Energy.

This pulse didn’t contain any murderous intent, nor did it have the slightest attack power, but when it swept over several of the nearby Sun Clan clansmen, the latter collapsed to the ground, clutching their heads as they howled in agony.

Three breaths later, these people all went stiff, lying their without the slightest hint of vitality, blood leaking from their seven orifices.

The rest of the Sun Clan masters instantly went pale, the old leader included, sweeping his gaze around as cold light flashed across his eyes.

Even he had not realized what kind of trick Yang Kai had used just now. On top of that, the clansmen who had fallen were not weak, yet none of them seemed to have the slightest ability to resist this human boy’s strange attack.

A chill filled the air as the remaining Sun Clan masters turned to look at Yang Kai again, this time a hint of fear apparent in their stares.

“Boy… you’ve successfully enraged me.” The Sun Clan’s leader muttered in a low tone, his murderous intent so thick it was almost palpable.

Yang Kai remained indifferent and simply shook his head with a smile, “I’m just giving you proof I have the necessary capital to bargain with you.”

As he spoke, his voice suddenly became cold, “My patience is limited. Old dog, you’d best give me a reply as soon as possible, or else, besides your few precious Saints, everyone else will die!”

Hearing this, over eighty percent of the Sun Clan masters stumbled backwards in horror, as if doing so gave them a sense of security. What they didn’t know was that their Knowledge Seas had already been contaminated by Soul Devouring Insects, so no matter where they tried to run it was pointless.

The old leader of the Sun Clan seethed with anger as he glared towards Yang Kai, only managing to squeeze out a strained voice after a long silence, “What do you want?”

“Let us leave! That is my only requirement,” Yang Kai shouted.

“Leader, we can’t just let him go. Our clan’s losses are so heavy, allowing him to just walk away is unacceptable!” Someone immediately objected.

“En, if we don’t kill him my anger will never subside!”

him! We must kill him, even if we have to

Kai to

response to their clamouring, Yang Kai just laughed and shouted, “Your losses are indeed not small, but have you not thought about what you’ve gained? Your Divine Tree now has its own consciousness, which means it is a completely different life form from before. As long as I leave this place, you can slowly get closer to it and once you earn its favour, the benefits you’ll receive are

shook noticeably, apparently quite dissatisfied and aggrieved,

given enough time, I’m confident I can make it only favour me, so that even if you try to win it over in the future you won’t be able to. This won’t take

Sun Clan

Kai’s words were spoken from their perspective, and although they were still quite suspicions of his claims,

such a huge change was a pleasant surprise to them, even taking into consideration the losses

being able to actively assist them was something the Sun

also just kill you and end these troubles once and for all!” The Sun Clan’s old leader obviously was something tempted but when he thought about how many of his clansmen had already been killed, he couldn’t bring himself to simply let Yang Kai go free like this,

not arrogant enough to think I can escape from so many of you, but I can at least bury most of your clansmen along with me, you should ask yourselves if you can afford to pay such a price! In addition, if you want to kill me, you’ll have to damage the Divine Tree. If you hurt it now, will it ever accept you?

his insulting tone caused the

had been calling for Yang Kai’s death also fell

Divine Tree did not have its own consciousness, even if it meant damaging it, they

Tree could think for itself, they didn’t dare act rashly, for fear of exactly what Yang Kai said would happen. If the Divine Tree came to hate them, and refused

for him to

while before staring up at Yang Kai and asking,

It’ll all depend on your own hard work. For a start, you should speak more politely right now. You acting so hostile towards me makes this little guy

the branches of the Divine Tree swung more fiercely at

frowning, their hearts filling with grief and indignation, quickly restraining their

the next

after taking an inch!” The old Sun Clan leader’s face contorted, his

grinned happily in

I hope we will never meet again,” The

him approvingly and added, “Not only me, but my companion as well. Right, I’ll take those two Demon Race

Sun Clan leader frowned, “You want to take those two as well? They have nothing to do

good and generous heart. Helping others brings me the greatest joy, I simply can’t

Yang Kai, heard these words and

has now evolved, obtaining wisdom and awareness. You have no need to offer it those Demon Race cultivators as blood sacrifices anymore,” Yang Kai continued

of his

hurried off towards Yang Kai’s old palace after

the Divine Tree’s trunk and soon after the Sun Clan escorted Gou Che and the other Demon

only counterproductive. When he

Gou Che!” Yang Kai

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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