Martial Peak

Chapter 776

Chapter 776, Oasis

“No, I’ve only somewhat recovered,” Yang Kai smiled and replied.

Although he had saved Gou Che and the other Demon Race cultivator from the Sun Clan, he didn’t have any intention to really forge a friendship with Gou Che.

Rescuing them this time was a means to an end. Yang Kai hoped to take advantage of the other party’s status to move about freely in the Demon Land!

As such, Yang Kai didn’t tell Gou Che the whole truth. He was still somewhat wary of this Demon Race man, feeling that Gou Che didn’t actually treat him sincerely and wouldn’t care much about the fact that the former had saved his life.

“Brother Gou Che, you’re certain this desert is inside the Demon Land? Are you familiar with this region?” Yang Kai asked.

Gou Che frowned and shook his head, “This desert is a very dangerous area, even my Demon Race try to avoid traveling through here. In this place, no matter how strong you are, there are things you can’t easily overcome. I’m only certain we’re in the Demon Land, but as to which direction we should go to reach civilization, I’m also at a loss. All we can do is start walking and hope we’re going the right way, and that we don’t run into any of the more troublesome dangers lurking around. Pray we don’t get lost, once that happens… I’m afraid we won’t ever be able to leave this desert.”

Hearing Gou Che’s speech, Yang Kai and An Ling’er both felt somewhat gloomy, secretly thinking to themselves that their luck had really been quite bad recently. First they had been chased by Saintess Nan back in the archipelago, then forced to flee into an unexplored Void Corridor only to fall into the hands of the Sun Clan. Now, even after a death-defying escape, they had wound up in this seemingly endless desert in the middle of the Demon Land.

The ups and downs of life really made one feel helpless.

Soon after Gou Che finished explaining their situation, Yang Kai’s brow furrowed as he stared off in a certain direction, whispering quietly, “Someone’s approaching!”

Probing this newly appeared aura for a moment, Yang Kai breathed a sigh of relief as he turned to Gou Che and said, “It’s your clansmen!”

“Oh?” Gou Che replied casually, “That guy didn’t die? He didn’t return last night so I thought must have fallen out here. Seems his luck wasn’t so bad.”

When Gou Che spoke his tone was light and carefree, apparently not showing any concern about his fellow clansman’s life, as if he didn’t care whether the latter lived or died one bit.

Realizing this, Yang Kai frowned slightly.

A short time later, the Demon Race man who Yang Kai had rescued from the Mysterious Small World returned with a delighted look upon his face, “I found a way out!”

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed, Gou Che asking urgently, “Really?”

The man smiled and nodded, “I’m certain; I’ve explored this desert once before. At that time, I once encountered an oasis and made a distinctive mark on one of the trees. I came across that same oasis last night. It seems our luck isn’t bad, this place is on the periphery of the desert. We only need to travel a few days in that direction to leave.”

As this Demon Race man spoke, his expression became more and more excited, having some difficulty containing his joy.

feeling like

seemed lucky enough. When they went back, Yang Kai considered finding

for? Hurry up and lead the way, I’m dying of thirst here!” Gou Che waved his hand and began running off in

speak any nonsense and quickly chased after

An Ling’er, the latter nodding slightly as she kept pace with

mood, An Ling’er turned to the side and quietly whispered, “Yang Kai, you have to be careful about that Gou Che. If you trust him too much you’ll

right now we’re in the Demon Land. If we want to

as she said, “Fortunately he didn’t see much of your true ability back in that Mysterious Small World,


how could I possibly be so careless?”

up, Brother Yang, what are you doing?” Gou Che

coming!” Yang Kai responded before turning back to

through this vast sea of sand with next to no landmarks for reference, he was able to accurately lead the way.

so, a faint speck of green

An oasis!

this one existed where one could find water and plants. Almost every desert had such places, but no one

for hundreds or even thousands of years without any change, providing invaluable places for

a life-saving place in the eyes of desert

the oasis appear up ahead, the two Demon Race men began running even faster, rushing forward as if they couldn’t bear to

An Ling’er also arrived at the oasis’ edge. Unlike the outside desert’s blistering

water was crystal clear, like a bottomless

found that Gou Che and the other Demon Race man had not entered the water or even approached it but had instead hidden themselves behind a big rock on the shore and were holding

quickly motioned to him, telling him to keep quiet, the look

not comprehending what was going on, quickly bringing An Ling’er over to the other to and peeking out from behind the

you doing?” Yang Kai

quietly pointed to a

Ling’er both turned their gazes in the direction he pointed

from their style,

nowhere in sight, so the obvious conclusion was that they were currently swimming at the bottom

Demon Race man hiding here was all

cheeks immediately went red as she grit her teeth and a cold light flashed across her beautiful

curled his lips and firmly declared, “I’ve always been a paragon of virtue, I would

as he spoke these words though, his eyes drifted back towards

and chuckled lowly,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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