Martial Peak

Chapter 795

Martial Peak – Chapter 795, Cracking

Xu Hui and the others soon brought Yang Kai to the base of one of the nine peaks.

Yang Kai looked around curiously for a moment but the only thing of note he could see was a flat stone embedded in the mountainside with two magnificent words carved into its slightly mossy surface.

Holy Tomb!

This was obviously the entrance to the Holy Tomb.

Yang Ka’s brow rose. Although he couldn’t see anything with his eyes, he noticed a faint energy fluctuation coming from this stone slab in front of him.

Xu Hui stepped forward and formed a few mysterious hand seals before patting his hand on the stone, causing ripples across its surface, as if a stone had been thrown into a calm lake. A moment later, a hole appeared in the center of the stone.

Upon seeing this hole, Yang Kai couldn’t help calling out in shock, “A Void Corridor!”

Xu Hui gently nodded, “Good. Beyond this lies the Holy Tomb, the final resting place of all previous Holy Masters. Naturally, the inside of the Holy Tomb is a Mysterious Small World. Every perspective Holy Master has to pass this test before officially succeeding the position. Little brother, you must be careful inside. If nothing else, you must bring out the Holy Master’s Spirit Ring which should be with the old Holy Master, it is the key to many important places in the Holy Land.”

“En, you must surely come back alive!” Yu Ying said seriously.

“The Holy Land’s future rests in your hands,” Cheng Yue Tong whispered solemnly.

Everyone else also wore looks of anticipation and concern as they stared at Yang Kai.

On the other hand, Yang Kai just glanced around at them and chuckled, “I think you should instead pray I never come out.”

“Why is that?” Xu Hui asked curiously.

Yang Kai’s eyes flashed a cold light as he glared at them, “If I come out, I’ll make sure you pay for this!”

Everyone was startled by these words and only now realized just how angered Yang Kai was at being forced to enter the Holy Tomb, but before any of them could say anything, Yang Kai plunged into the Void Corridor and disappeared.

“This future Holy Master is clearly one to hold a grudge… It can’t be he really plans to seek compensation from us after exiting, right?” Shi Kun frowned.

Xu Hui’s expression also fluctuated, letting out a deep sigh a moment later, “It seems his disposition… isn’t very mature.”

“Well, in any case, all of this was Great Elders proposal, we just went along with it. If the future Holy Master really does intend to blame us, Great Elder will be here to shoulder the responsibility!” Meng Tian Fei said, clearly taking some pleasure in Xu Hui’s misfortune.

All the other Saints immediately cast contemptuous looks towards him.

Yang Kai entered the Holy Tomb, the Void Corridor closed. All around him, fluorescent green wisps floated about, like tiny spirit. A cold breeze gently permeated this space, carrying with it

light was not bright, leading to limited visibility, but the density of World Energy was quite astonishing, so thick it had almost condensed into a

of an Earth Vein. It was obvious why each Nine Heavens Holy Land’s Holy Master would choose to enter

use any pills or Crystal Stones to cultivate; all they’d need to

was indeed a cultivation paradise, the

he observed his surroundings vigilantly, Yang Kai couldn’t help going slightly

had suddenly appeared and were rapidly moving towards

were extremely strange. They seemed to have always been here but only when Yang Kai appeared

Kai had time to react, these energy

Kai hurriedly condensed his True Qi into a protective barrier but soon he

strange energy auras that had gathered around him weren’t causing him

his brow, Yang Kai carefully examined these auras and a moment later a look of shock appeared on his

that there were a total of nine distinct energy auras, each of them containing a profound and abstruse sentiment, similar to a remnant Soul yet seemingly naturally

contained something which felt familiar

Divine Sense, Yang Kai immediately recognized traces

The Profound Heavenly Sword!

a certain suspicion appeared in his heart. Quickly probing the other two energy auras he felt a sense of familiarity towards, he soon recognized them as insights of the Imprisoning Heaven Chain

were exactly the three moves Yang Kai had learned from An Ling’er,

auras in front of me are the nine, Nine Heavens Divine Skills?] Yang Kai frowned slightly, almost certain of

one must learn the Nine Heavens Divine Skills, because only if one comprehended the Nine Heavens Divine Skills could they

energy auras in front of him should be obstacles meant to test him. Without breaking through them, he

this Holy Tomb. After thinking about it, he sat down cross legged in front of

as Martial Skill with True Qi or as Soul Skills with Spiritual Energy, something Yang

through this barrier, Yang Kai’s only choice was to comprehend and displays all of the Nine

energy quickly transformed into a giant sword that cut towards the energy

Nothing happened though!

Kai’s powerful Divine Sense attack had vanished into the energy aura, like

to attack the energy aura yet each time he failed

test might not be as simple as he


he was not skilled enough at displaying the Nine Heavens Divine Skills causing him to fail to break through the blockade of this energy

Ling’er was still young so

completely different level than his own. Obviously

Heavens Holy Land Holy Master had to enter the Holy Tomb before he could qualify to inherit the position. What was most important though was that those who came before Yang Kai didn’t necessarily have higher strength yet

to show his poor Nine Heavens Divine Skills but instead immersed his consciousness in the Profound Heavenly Sword energy aura in front of him, carefully perceiving its

of its mysteries constantly deepening, soon becoming so familiar with it;

discovered he could perceive the various traces within the energy aura in front of him and all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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