Martial Peak

Chapter 818

Chapter 818, Acting Carefreely

When this Profound Heavenly Sword first appeared, Zhang Ao didn’t pay it any mind; after all, Yang Kai’s cultivation wasn’t high and it was displayed across the Nine Peaks Barrier, there was no way it could threaten a Second Order Saint like him.

But when it inexplicably swelled up, even Zhang Ao felt a hint of danger from it.

In an instant, the power of this Profound Heavenly Sword has increased several fold.

Zhang Ao couldn’t ignore it.

With a loud shout, Zhang Ao counterattacked.


When the giant sword struck, a golden light bursts out, blinding everyone around. Even with his profound strength, Zhang Ao was almost knocked out of the sky by this sword strike.

Beside him, many of the Shattering Mystical Palace’s cultivators, who had been swept up in this golden light, didn’t even have a chance to shout before they were disintegrated, leaving not even ashes behind, as if they had simply vanished.

Seeing this, everyone went pale.

No one had thought that this new Holy Master of Nine Heavens Holy Land who had just been speaking about reconciliation would suddenly turn around and launch a killing blow in the next instant.

Cold, ruthless, and without the slightest hesitation.

This new Holy Master’s face changed faster than flipping a book.

A roar of cursing erupted from the Shattering Mystical Palace’s camp, as the survivors of this attack saw their friends and family slaughtered, their eyes going bloodshot and rage filling their hearts as they glared towards Yang Kai.

The cultivators from War Spirit Temple and Netherworld Sect hastily withdrew upon feeling the terrifying power contained within that sword strike. Seeing the destruction caused by this sword, all of them couldn’t help shuddering as they hurriedly looked for shelter.

The grand formation outside the Nine Peaks Barrier suddenly became messy.

Everyone felt the earth beneath them shake and the masters who had been misled by the three Sects into joining this crusade swiftly retreated. Yang Kai’s attack had been directed entirely at Zhang Ao, so it had not affected them much.

At this moment, they all suddenly had second thoughts, unsure whether or not they should continue antagonizing Nine Heavens Holy Land.

The law of the jungle was the one unchanging truth from the ancient past to the present. Nine Heavens Holy Land’s previous generation Saintess had indeed carried out a merciless slaughter, stirring up a great deal of anger and resentment, but if the people from Nine Heavens Holy Land were telling the truth, it really had nothing to do with them; they had even publicly offered to compensate the victims of this tragedy.

admit to such mistakes. If it was another great force, they would likely pretend they were uninvolved

avoid suffering any more losses, they could even receive some compensation from Nine Heavens Holy Land. There was even a

an instant, many

the other masters from the three Sects all stood dumbly in place; that one strike from Yang Kai had simply left

have ever imagined that Yang Kai, who was only a Second

Zhang Ao had managed to resist it, his arms were now numb and his vitality was disturbed, causing his face to

Saint Realm powerhouses, facing such power, they felt that their lives

just displayed the Profound Heavenly Sword, grinned towards Zhang Ao and slowly

cultivators were gathered, World Energy suddenly began condensing and becoming

the nine spirit peaks suddenly released a torrent of profound energy just like before, and under the blessing of this power, the big palm print suddenly became many times larger and more powerful, now seemingly covering the entire sky, blocking out

Covering Hand, one hand covers

Realm master of the Shattering Mystical Palace summoned their most powerful artifacts and released powerful attacks

*Xiu Xiu…*

of lightning, shot towards the sky, piercing two large holes in it. In


once more and outside the Nine Peaks Barrier, a thousand meter long palm print appeared on the

cultivators had failed to avoid this strike and had now been reduced to piles of meat, their deaths

eyes shrank as he called out in

Yang Kai’s cultivation was now comparable to his

moment ago, even if he didn’t die from that attack, he would

the Nine Peaks Spirit Array, he can enhance the power of his own attacks several times,” Yun Cheng saw through this mystery at a glance. Although Yang Kai had only attacked twice, each time he did, one of the nine peaks had sent out a powerful burst of energy; this subtle connection

they didn’t have a single Saint Realm master. Facing this kind of fierce struggle,

so many of his Sect’s disciples killed and wounded right

Palace’s masters all suddenly awoke from their

hurriedly put aside his fear and shock and quickly

at the edge of the barrier and continued to unceasingly

after another erupted, connecting with Yang Kai and enhancing the power of his killing

in what he had

sense just how terrifying the power

almost comparable to Second Order

no longer held

Yang Kai displayed the Punishing

Barrier. After being enhanced by the Nine Peaks Spirit Array, this massive golden shield became like a second barrier,

Yang Kai not only didn’t show the slightest fear, but instead seemed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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