Martial Peak

Chapter 828

Chapter 828, Tearing Space

Deep in a remote mountain range surrounded by lush vegetation that exuded a peaceful atmosphere, a beautiful and refreshing spring-like day.

Inside a natural cave half-way up a certain peak, Yang Kai sat cross-legged as he reviewed a certain scene in his mind over and over again, examining it from every angle, studying it diligently.

This memory was of the fortuitous encounter Wu Jie had spoken to Yang Kai about and subsequently passed on.

After managing to lose Zhang Ao and Cao Guan, Yang Kai didn’t immediately rush back to Soaring Heaven Sect but instead found a secluded place to begin studying this profound method to tear space.

Yang Kai was very interested in this technique.

If he could successfully grasp it, in the future, should he encounter an enemy he could not match, he could still easily escape.

However, from what Wu Jie had told him before they parted ways, using this method was accompanied by great risks.

Calming his mind, the scene from Wu Jie’s memory appeared before Yang Kai’s eyes as clearly as if he had been there to witness it personally.

After a day or two, Yang Kai had thoroughly remembered all of this memory’s contents.

Opening his eyes, Yang Kai let out a wry laugh, now understanding why Wu Jie had so easily handed over this extremely precious fortuitous encounter to him; it turned out the restrictions on its use were equally great.

Up until now he had still been wondering if Wu Jie was up to some kind of scheme, but after fully comprehending this tearing space method, Yang Kai realized he had been too suspicious. Wu Jie wasn’t plotting anything; it was just that whether he shared this technique with Yang Kai didn’t matter.

This method, while extremely profound and powerful, was actually also extremely simple.

It was like a combination of a Martial Skill and Soul Skill that consumed both True Qi and Spiritual Energy, and the amount consumed was astronomical.

Even someone as strong as Wu Jie, after displaying it once, was thoroughly exhausted.

Yang Kai was only a Second Order Transcendent; Wu Jie obviously thought that even if Yang Kai was able to comprehend this method, he wouldn’t be able to use it for some time.

Unfortunately for Wu Jie, he had looked down on Yang Kai too much. The True Qi and Spiritual Energy Yang Kai possessed were many times greater than Wu Jie imagined and were actually enough for him to display this method.

When using this method, the more True Qi and Spiritual Energy that was consumed, the farther away one could leap after tearing space.

Yang Kai completely immersed himself in this Divine Skill and quietly began comprehending it.

It was rumored that the Void Corridors and Mysterious Small Worlds scattered throughout this world were actually created in ancient times by extremely powerful masters.

Although these rumors weren’t necessarily true, Yang Kai realized from this point, just how high the strength and perception of the cultivators of that age were.

Tearing space and creating independent spaces were perhaps not difficult matters to them.

and the understanding of the Martial Dao and Heavenly Way had greatly

Order Saint Realm could touch this threshold and move instantly across a dozen or even several dozen kilometers, but none of them could tear space and cross a thousand

to achieve such a feat

the sun and moon rose and set many times. Without even realizing it, Yang Kai had sat in this cave for half a month or so before he felt he had thoroughly comprehended this Divine Skill

must be cautious when using it, since he had obtained such a magical technique, if he didn’t try it at least

could really tear space with this method or

he didn’t at least try it here, when he really found himself in danger in the future, it would be

debating the issue in his head for a long time, Yang Kai eventually made

Energy bursting out simultaneously, Yang Kai combined them with one another, causing a subtle change to

spread out, as if he had just thrown a stone into a calm

Yang Kai poured even more True Qi and Spiritual

a long time, Yang Kai’s eyes suddenly lit up as his thoughts became completely calm and tranquil. In that instant, he discovered that the space in front of him was

a chance to examine this space closely

restraining the

Divine Skill, he still

Kai wonder about how these ancient masters formed Void Corridors and Mysterious Small Worlds, moreover doing so

with them, Yang Kai felt

front of those ancient masters,

when Yang Kai finished restoring himself to

once again burst out and bombarded the space in front of Yang Kai, causing a new set

feel the changes in front of him much

or perhaps twisted,

strange fold, some unusual energy fluctuations

transformed his True Qi and Spiritual Energy into a sharp blade and slashed


crack mysteriously appeared in front of Yang Kai. Staring into this tear in space, Yang Kai was unable to see anything, as if nothing at all existed inside it, causing him to wonder just what dangers it

in suddenly became disordered as an unimaginable suction force emerged from this dark tear, madly swallowing the nearby World Energy, creating a

World Energy poured into it, the rift

observe it carefully before, in a flash of darkness, the rift disappeared and

couldn’t help wrinkle

as long as he could expand this tear in space enough

inspected his current state and was

Yang Liquid in his dantian and about half the Spiritual Energy in his

cost to use this Divine Skill was far greater than he

was in peak condition, he could only use it twice at most before he

appeared in front of him that day he looked like an arrow at the end of its flight.

some Spiritual Energy supplementing pills to increase the rate at

Kai was fully restored and prepared


Yang Kai gradually

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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