Martial Peak

Chapter 853

This Saint Pill had previously been kept by the several Grandmasters, but now that Yang Kai was awake, Du Wan naturally returned it to him.

Yang Kai accepted it and gently grasped it, a thoughtful look soon appearing on his face.

Possibly because he had fully comprehended the True Alchemic Way, leading to a leap in his Alchemy skills, Yang Kai noticed that he could clearly feel all the details and nuances of the pill in his hand without even looking at it.

It was as if it was a part of him, a wondrous feeling.

“Right, I saw that at the last moment when you were refining this Saint Pill, you suddenly portrayed a large compound Spirit Array… Was that in some way related to producing Pill Veins?” Du Wan asked suddenly.

Yang Kai nodded lightly, “Indeed, the appearance of Pill Veins was thought to be a purely coincidental occurrence, but at that moment I thought there were actually some subtle ways to promote the probability of Pill Veins being born, hence why I used so many Spirit Arrays.”

“Promoting the probability of their appearance?” Du Wan’s eyes lit up and hurriedly asked, “How much can you improve that probability?”

If this method was really effective, then Alchemy across Tong Xuan Realm would undergo a sensational change. Being able to frequently refine pills that gave birth to Pill Veins would allow the value of Alchemy to multiply several times over.

However, Yang Kai smiled wryly and shook his head, “I can’t give you an answer to that question, all I can say is that it can improve the chances of Pill Veins appearing to some degree. I’ve yet to comprehend and understand everything related to this as well… En, some time ago I came across an ancient Saint Pill that allowed me to spy on some of the Alchemy techniques a Grandmaster from long ago used. I hadn’t expected those techniques were actually to promote the appearance of Pill Veins.”

“A Saint Pill left over from ancient times?” Du Wan’s expression became solemn, “How did you know that Saint Pill came from a previous era?”

“Because it did not have Pill Veins… but a Pill Cloud. Through the condensation of its medicinal efficacies, I could infer that it had existed for at least a few thousand years!”

Du Wan inhaled sharply, his eyes flashing brightly, “A Saint Pill with a Pill Cloud? Where is it now? Can you let me see it?”

Yang Kai scratched his head awkwardly and muttered, “I ate it.”

“Y… you… ate it?” Du Wan was stunned.

“I nearly exploded as a result!” Yang Kai smiled bitterly, thinking back to the scene when he had swallowed that ancient Saint Pill. It was truly a rash move, but thanks to consuming that ancient Saint Pill, his Five Coloured Soul Warming Lotus had finally evolved into a six coloured one.

“Such a waste of Heaven’s gifts!” Du Wan stood up and shouted angrily, “A Saint Pill that had given birth to a Pill Cloud was eaten just like that by you? How could you…. the nerve!”

Du Wan didn’t hold back, vehemently scolding Yang Kai for wasting such a precious treasure.

It wasn’t that Yang Kai couldn’t understand Du Wan’s mood. When one’s knowledge of Alchemy reached a certain height, they would be able to comprehend some of the methods and techniques another Alchemist used by examining their finished works, even possibly uncovering many long-lost Alchemy mysteries.

his decision to swallow the ancient Saint Pill in order to

surprise that Du Wan became angry

for a while, Du Wan took a deep breath and steadied himself, saying, “Fortunately your luck was good, or

pill could retain its full efficacy indefinitely, but a Pill Cloud would allow any pill to slowly

thousands of years ago which had been nourished by its Pill Cloud would have

dying in a violent explosion after swallowing it

exactly did you realize from that ancient Saint

being artificially produced, that’s why when I was performing Alchemy a few days ago I took those actions. Looking back now, it seems that Pill Veins and Pill Cloud can really be artificially induced, even if the probability of producing them is still somewhat small,” Yang

If you can one day fully comprehend it, it will have a huge impact on

Old Man Du in advance, I will most likely be troubling you in the future,”

through his Universe Bag, a moment later pulling out a golden token and handing it over, “This is your new identity token, the original one only recorded you as being a Spirit

I don’t care

and said, “I know that you don’t care about such formalities, but as the Manager of Grand Boulder City’s Alchemist Guild Branch, it is my responsibility to hand this token to you. En, if you agree, I’d actually like to report this to the guild’s headquarters! When those

already see those people’s reactions, Du Wan smiled

high-level Alchemists indeed receive much respect and privilege, it’s also accompaniee by

hearing this and after a moment let out a long sigh, “I must ask you something, and I

Kai couldn’t help also

Wan asked almost forlornly, “Seeing your recent performance, I believe you will one day reach even Old

not strangers, so I won’t try to gloss over this. I told you once before, what I pursue is the

Wan’s expression dimmed

studying Alchemy has brought me tremendous benefits and assisted me greatly in my pursuit of the Martial Dao, so in the future, as I cultivate the Martial Dao, I won’t slack in my study of the Alchemic

the main while the other the branch… But you are still young and have infinite possibilities ahead of you. En, good, this old man will do his best to live on to see if, while majoring in the Martial Dao, you

in his heart was untied, allowing

I must ask Old Man Du

report your promotion to the Guild Headquarters, but in exchange you must promise me

“What request?”

met Wu’er, yes?” Du Wan did not answer

Yang Kai nodded.

do you

good, whether it is cultivation or Alchemy, she is far

my Alchemist Guild Branch, there are very few of us; not long ago, it was just Ye Xiong and Mi Na accompanying this old man. Ye Xiong is a little dull, but if there is enough opportunity in this life, he can still improve, even possibly becoming a

meaning of Old

I hope you can grant Wu’er some guidance. If your Alchemy skills were by chance buried and lost, this old man

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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