Martial Peak

Chapter 878

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain

After bustling about for half a day, all the disciples had come out from the Holy Tomb.

Confirming that there was no longer anyone inside, Yang Kai once again closed the Holy Tomb and gathered the Elders and An Ling’er together.

Seeming aware that he had something important to discuss with them, everyone remained silent and waited for Yang Kai to speak.

“There is something I must tell you,” Yang Kai brow furrowed, still sorting out exactly how to broach this matter.

“If Holy Master has something to say, please speak freely. We subordinates will certainly listen closely!” Xu Hui chuckled, not sure why Yang Kai was acting so awkwardly.

“As long as you don’t say you wish to leave the Holy Land and give up the position of Holy Master, we can promise you anything else,” Yu Ying interjected with a smile.

“En, en, exactly!” The Elders all nodded, obviously still somewhat concerned that Yang Kai would try to cast off his position just as he had attempted to do a few years ago. At that time, Yang Kai acted like a rouge, not displaying any of the poise a Holy Master should at all.

“I won’t,” Yang Kai laughed dumbly despite trying not to, quickly gathering his thoughts and saying, “Before I met all of you, I actually ran into a group of people. It was back when I was still quite ignorant and weak. That group had been imprisoned in a Mysterious Small World for some special reasons and they pleaded with me to find a way to save them; in exchange for freeing them, they pledged to serve me for the rest of my life.”

“Oh?” Xu Hui’s brow rose, “Making such a promise when Holy Master was still weak, if they weren’t speaking irresponsibly, then they must have recognized Holy Master’s potential, in which case they belong to?”

Xu Hui seemed somewhat uneasy. What lay in the heart of an individual was difficult, much less an entire group of people, so hearing Yang Kai’s words he couldn’t help probing.

“They were not speaking casually. During the years when all of you were hiding inside the Holy Tomb, I happened to save them and brought them out of that place just a few months ago. Since then, they have faithfully honoured their pledge and obeyed my commands.”

“This group of people is quite upstanding then,” Cheng Yue Tong smiled warmly, “Those who keep their word are trustworthy. So does Holy Master want to absorb them into the Holy Land?”

Cheng Yue Tong saying this enlightened the other Elders, all of them thinking this was a case, directing curious and somewhat expectant looks towards Yang Kai.

“They can’t be absorbed into the Holy Land… I just wish to have them settle down on one of the nine peaks. I don’t know if the Elders are willing to comply?”

“Can’t be absorbed?” Xu Hui’s brow furrowed but soon relaxed, “If they can’t be absorbed then so be it. Since they are Holy Master’s subordinates, living in the Holy Land is only a matter of course. The Holy Land is quite large, accommodating a group of people isn’t an issue…”

“En…” Luo Sheng and Meng Tian Fei also nodded, agreeing with Xu Hui’s sentiments.

“Don’t be in such a hurry to agree, I haven’t finished explaining everything yet. You should reserve your decision until after hearing all I have to say!” Yang Kai smiled and continued, “There are about a thousand people in this group.”

“Hm, that is certainly not a small number, but the Holy Land should have more than enough capacity to accommodate them,” Xu Hui nodded lightly, asking casually, “What kind of strength do they possess? How strong are their top masters?”

“There are five Saints!”

All of the Elder were instantly dumbfounded, An Ling’er covering

to serve Yang Kai back when he was very weak, so Xu Hui and the others mistakenly thought that the strength of this group wasn’t very high; otherwise how could they have

thousand people were some small Sect or family with a few Transcendents serving as leaders at

Kai to tell them that there were actually five Saint Realm masters among

only slightly fewer than the number of Saints Nine Heavens Holy Land

you perhaps kidding?” Xu Hui simply couldn’t believe what he was

I’m telling a joke?” Yang Kai’s expression became serious, “Three of them are Second Order Saints while two

once against

Heavens Holy Land, if a conflict broke out between the two groups, obviously Nine Heavens Holy Land would be the one

Hui and the others immediately understood why Yang

occurred inside the Holy Land in the future, Xu Hui and the others wouldn’t be able to fight

joy of leaving the Holy Tomb

As if thinking the Elders weren’t shocked enough already, Yang Kai finally brought up the most

“Demons?” Yu Ying screamed.

Tong’s pretty

didn’t say anything immediately, but anyone would be able to see

all this had left him not

settle them,” Yang Kai said faintly, not showing any intention to force them to agree, waving his hand in the next moment, “For now, we should first finish arranging the disciples. My telling all of you about this was simply to give you a chance to

none of

Land, I have a place to put them,” Yang Kai grinned,

he had expected would

his confusion and wore a dignified expression, “Holy Master, I will only ask one question. Has this group of Demons truly submitted to you or could it be that in order to escape that Mysterious Small World they have temporarily deceived you and are just waiting for the right opportunity to escape

Kai smiled confidently, “As long as I live

the firmness

are the Holy Master of the Holy Land, and you have complete authority over who to admit and settle here. The Elders and I are only here to advise you, we have no decision-making power! Holy

grinned, sweeping his eyes

Tian Fei, Yu Ying, and Cheng Yue Tong all nodded. Although they obviously had some concerns, the looks they directed towards Yang Kai were filled with

firmly, “Good, the Holy Land has nine peaks, they only need one. They will prepare their

peak does Holy Master intend to settle them on?”

Reflecting Moon Pond is

in a perpetual state of deep winter and everyone who had once lived there had moved

so living there wouldn’t be an issue for them as long as they didn’t get

that peak so

any complaints? Are you sure you don’t wish to have them

the Mysterious Small World where they used to live was far worse than here, they’ll be more than


arrived inside the

if they didn’t technically belong to the same force, they would be living together. Building a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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