Martial Peak

Chapter 890

Chapter 890, Swarming Like a Flock Of Ducks

Saint Grade Alchemists were too rare, and almost every one of them was the Manager of an Alchemist Guild branch in some major city. There were simply too many people who wanted to request such Alchemy services, so it was quite normal to have to wait several years before even being seen by one of these Grandmasters.

However, the situation around Nine Heavens Holy Land was completely different. Because the mysterious Grandmaster in the Holy Land was essentially unknown to the world, very few people had actually come to request Alchemy services from him, so as long as one did come, there was basically no need to wait at all.

Hearing that these two Saint Realm masters would recommend all their friends and family to come to the Holy Land to request Alchemy services, Xu Hui suddenly felt they were much more pleasing to the eye; putting on a hearty smile, he nodded, “Good, as long as they bring enough compensation, my Holy Land’s Grandmaster will happily accept their requests.”

“We will certainly spread the word,” The two men nodded, both of them carefully stowing away their respective Saint Pills before hurriedly flying off to tell the good news to their loved about this wondrous place.

Time flew by and one month had already passed.

Outside the nine peaks, a large crowded bustled about, creating a lively atmosphere.

All these Transcendent and Saint Realm cultivators lined up in a long queue, anxiously awaiting their turn as they curiously stared at the nine peaks, various different expressions filling their faces.

These cultivators had all heard about the mysterious Grandmasters in Nine Heavens Holy Land and had come here to request Alchemy from him.

Over the past month, more and more people had rushed to the nine peaks. In the beginning, only a few scattered groups of cultivators came to try their luck, perhaps only one or two people every three to five days showing up, but as these cultivators left with high-quality Spirit Grade and Saint Grade pills in hand, more and more people were drawn in.

Gradually, people began showing up every day, sometimes alone, sometimes in small groups.

The frequency of people arriving only increased after that until it finally became the current situation.

Now, outside the nine peaks, there were a few dozen Transcendent and Saint Realm masters waiting in line, forcing Elders Luo Sheng and Meng Tian Fei to lead a group of Holy Land disciples out in order to maintain order.

The Holy Land’s disciples were as courteous and welcoming as possible, setting up places for these guests from afar to sit and rest and providing some simple refreshments while they waited for their turn to receive Alchemy services inside the Holy Land.

However, if anyone dared act rowdy or fail to follow the rules the Holy Land had set out, no matter what kind of exalted status they possessed, they would be driven off without exception.

This was the policy Yang Kai had personally set and was one the two Holy Land Elders did their best to implement.

“How can it not be our turn yet,” One of the cultivators near the head of the line couldn’t help grumbling.

“Relax, we’ll be up next,” One of the man’s companion comforted, a look of anticipation on his face.

“En, don’t be so anxious! It’s just a few days wait here. If you went anywhere else, you may have to wait for several years!” A third person added.

“Fair enough,” The man who first called out nodded, his mood visibly improving as he chatted with a few people nearby, “I heard that Nine Heavens Holy Land’s Alchemy Grandmaster has not failed once since he began offering Alchemy services! Whether it was a Spirit Grade or Saint Grade pill, it would be refined successfully. Everyone who has come here has left greatly satisfied.”

who came here for Alchemy services that left with


there were many pills that gave birth to Pill Veins refined

about the payment then… did they ask for more

to only ask for remuneration equal to the value of

leave a good impression! That way, next time we come to ask for Alchemy services this will be smoother. Heh heh, I’ve specially

is a true powerhouse… in order to achieve all this, he must at least be a Saint Grade Mid-Rank Alchemist, right? I’d reckon that besides the Old Man of Heaven’s Keep, he is this world’s

actually more than one Saint Grade

you say

Alchemy here is too fast? In a single day there are always at least ten pills which are refined, all of which are at least Spirit Grade Top-Rank with many of them actually being Saint Grade… can a single Alchemy Grandmaster

mean to say that there are several such Grandmasters in

they thought about what this statement meant, everyone couldn’t help feeling

cultivating such a Grandmaster. Even for these few forces though, their Saint Grade Alchemists normally had venerated statuses and would only work for their own Sect, never offering services to outsiders. What’s more, such Grandmasters would normally only take action once every few months, sometimes even going a year or two without refining a single pill, spending most of their time

of water much less enjoy the beauties of nature; it would not be an exaggeration to say he was a supreme benefactor to the world’s common people, worthy of worship

all of them to be thoroughly shocked by the

regrettable was that the Grandmaster of Nine Heavens Holy Land would only

some strange personality quirks so such a small

many in number, exactly ten in total. These ten had

out, the group who went in yesterday came out!” Someone near the

called out to this group and asked, “How was

out a hearty laugh unsuited for his age and proclaimed, “The Grandmaster of Nine Heavens Holy Land is truly worthy of his name! All ten of my friends here obtained the pills they asked for; there was not one failure! On

laughed riotously towards the Heavens without any

nine people in the old man’s group couldn’t help directing

of shock, all of them wished

which had given birth to Pill Veins was an extremely rare treasure

upon noticing the old man’s cultivation standard, all these hot-headed ideas were instantly

old man was at least a Second-Order Saint

old man was clearly in a very good mood as he called out to the crowd in a warm and friendly manner. Ordinarily, a master

to Luo Sheng and Meng Tian Fei who were frantically trying to maintain the

the people waiting in line seemed to wake from their

now? We have been waiting here for a few days for it to finally be our turn,” The man at the front of the line

at the front of the line, please follow my Holy Land’s disciples to the reception room inside my Holy Land. When you get there, someone will be there to accept your Alchemy request as well as provide you with some small hospitality. The

way please!” A Holy Land disciple at the front of the line politely

as blood rushed to their heads, pushing and shoving each other in their rush to enter the Holy Land, all of them disappearing into the

the people outside, they

by side, overlooking

where Holy Master found such an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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