Martial Peak

Chapter 894

Chapter 894, Old Farts

Inside the stone pavilion, Yu Ying and Cheng Yue Tong observed the two groups of people who had just arrived, claiming to be friends of Yang Kai. Secretly, they felt that it was possible for the first group, which had several beautiful young women in it, to have some kind of special relationship with the Holy Master, especially one of the young women who had a mature beauty to her yet also a kind of melancholy surrounding her. From time to time, this young woman would glance towards the nine peaks with a complex look upon her face, as if she had some kind of unresolved romance with the Holy Master.

The Holy Master was a young man after all, which young man didn’t have a few romantic encounters?

Thinking so, Yu Ying and Cheng Yue Tong both couldn’t help chuckling.

As for the second group which was comprised of nothing but old folks, although their strength wasn’t high, the aloof, superior temperament they gave off was not something that could be faked.

These old people were definitely prominent characters.

A short while later, the two Holy Land disciples who had been dispatched as messengers returned, bringing with them the command of the Holy Master.

Invite them inside quickly!

“Hmph, seems he still knows his limits!” Shui Ling was quite satisfied, bowing to Yu Ying and Cheng Yue Tong politely before she and the trio from Bold Independent Union set forth.

The several old folks also gently nodded to the two Elders before following after Shui Ling’s group.

However, before they could go far, the cultivators who were waiting in line for Alchemy began making a fuss, one of them clearly unable to endure this and loudly calling out, “Two Elders, what are these people doing? Why is it that they can enter the nine peaks after only arriving here today? If it’s convenient, could two Elders please explain this to us?”

“That’s right!” Someone else immediately followed up, “We’ve all been patiently waiting in line here for many days, but they can actually enter the nine peaks right away. Isn’t that somewhat unfair?”

“Your Nine Heavens Holy Land’s name resounds loudly throughout the world, so bullying us Immortal Ascension Boundary and Transcendent Realm cultivators may not matter much. We clearly aren’t able to argue back, but in this lineup, there are quite a few Saint Realm Seniors. Even these Seniors are willing to abide by the rules set out by your Holy Land, yet now you intend to destroy those customs yourself? If so, even if we hold our tongues, do you think these honoured Seniors will agree?”

These words seemed to resonate with many people who were standing in line and the various Saint Realm masters in line all indeed wore displeased looks upon their faces at this moment as they stared towards Yu Ying and Cheng Yue Tong.

After coming here, they had all put down their own lofty statuses and obediently followed the rules set out by Nine Heavens Holy Land, waiting in line like simple guests.

Naturally, this scene of people skipping the queue made these masters feel a little uncomfortable.

This group of line skippers did not have a single Saint amongst them, yet they seemed to be receiving preferential treatment, it was nothing short of offensive.

Hearing these shouts, Shui Ling’s and the old folks’ group halted their steps and looked back.

Yu Ying and Cheng Yue Tong also realized the seriousness of the issue and knew if they couldn’t handle it properly, it was highly likely that the prestige and goodwill the Holy Land had finally managed to build up these past few months would be ruined, causing many here to have an unnecessary misunderstanding.

Wearing a gentle smile, Yu Ying stepped forward and announced, “Friends, please allow me to explain. These people are old friends of my Holy Land’s Holy Master, this time they have come here only to visit the Holy Master, not to request Alchemy.”


“Do I have a reason to lie to you?” Yu Ying replied with a forced smile.

here to request Alchemy services from the Holy Land’s Grandmaster, but since the Holy Master had said to let them in, it was impossible that they were just casual acquaintances. Still, it had now become a troublesome situation

can understand, they are similar in age to the Holy Master after all and him having friends in the outside world is only natural! But what about those old farts? How

first off, old, and second, low in strength. Each of them looked

such people in

good pills in order to help them break through

people waiting in line

people, and even Yun Cheng couldn’t help wrinkling his brow

you think you all are meddling too much in other people’s business? You should just wait patiently in line. Since Yang Kai invited this group of Seniors inside, naturally he has his reasons! Or what, are you just looking to stir up trouble? If I were you I’d think twice about shouting out accusations outside the Holy Land like this, lest you anger someone you shouldn’t

shrank back upon hearing these words, trying to hide behind others,

now was their way of venting their frustrations and had been done without thinking

and that if they didn’t raise any objections right now, in the future, anyone who claimed

this was unfair to those who obediently

great rotund belly looked towards Shui Ling with a big smile, “Aren’t you afraid they’ll try

smiled fearlessly, “Since you’re friends of Yang Kai that makes you this Young Lady’s friends too. Although you’re all much older than me, I can promise you that so long as I’m here, no

Yang Kai,” Another old man smiled meaningfully towards

“Although that guy can be a bit of a bastard at times, the affection he has towards his friend and family is very strong, en, he’s still quite

you’re also quite good in this old master’s opinion!” The old man with the round belly smiled before turning to his fellow travel companions and said, “Old friends, what do you say, these people seem to think that we’ve come to Nine Heavens Holy Land to abuse some personal

waved their hands casually, telling him to do as

loudly, “Which one of you blind bastards dared call this old master


and did not continue seeking any one person to pick a

his tone without the slightest hint of politeness, as if he thought himself


mere Second-Order Transcendent cultivator facing this crowd of masters outside the nine peaks was really nothing

the more knowledgeable masters couldn’t help narrowing their eyes upon hearing this fat old man’s surname, the image of another rotund

Saint Grade

No wonder he looked so familiar, it turns out

he just say he knows the

those people


of those who had just been looking towards Chang Bao disdainfully hurriedly adjusting their expressions, putting on a respectful

one dared despise

the cultivators waiting in line, there were several who had visited Lightning Flash City before, hoping to meet Grandmaster Chang in order to ask him for Alchemy services; unfortunately, most of them had never even had the opportunity to speak

other old people around


“Du Wan!”

“He Feng!”

Yu!” The only

of these famous names came out, everyone

River City, Broken Moon City,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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