Martial Peak

Chapter 904

Chapter 904, Stone Platforms

“If we want to move on, we can only use those stone platforms,” Thunder Dragon Great Senior shifted his gaze and said.

There was no path leading left or right along the canyon, but suspended a short distance above the strange green sea there was a stone platform roughly three metres wide and three metres long.

After the first platform there was a second, then a third, then a fourth, and so on, each one floating slightly higher than the last, almost like a staircase that stretched on without end.

Above the green sea, a strange, fierce wind blew, containing an ominous energy, causing everyone present to not dare try to fly.

“Do we go on?” Earth Splitting Divine Ox asked, somewhat uncertain if they should continue this exploration.

Although there was a way forward consisting of these stone platforms, no one could guarantee that there wouldn’t be more dangers ahead.

“This is already our second time here. Before this King can make clear what this place is, I won’t go back,” Thunder Dragon Great Senior said firmly before stepping onto the first stone platform.

Cai Die followed without hesitation.

“Kid, you follow Thunder Dragon closely, this Old Ox will bring up the rear!” Earth Splitting Divine Ox nodded to Yang Kai.

Yang Kai nodded back and stepped onto the stone platforms with Li Rong.

Each stone platform was not too far apart from the next, easily reachable by simply lifting one’s foot, forming a path that seemed to lead straight up into the endless sky.

Thunder Dragon walked very slowly as he vigilantly observed his surroundings in case any unexpected danger suddenly appeared, acting extremely cautiously.

Initially, as they ascended the stone platforms, nothing happened, so the group couldn’t help relaxing somewhat.

However, after advancing forward a fair distance, the green sea down below suddenly seemed to boil and numerous floating faces rushed to the surface and began letting out terrifying howls

A moment later, the innumerable Soul-Spirit Bodies broke free from the shackles binding them to the green sea, and like predators smelling their prey, they surged towards Yang Kai’s group.

The disembodied howls and piercing cries mixed together with the whipping winds as the transparent Soul-Spirit Bodies flew towards the group of six from directions.

Everyone instantly went pale, not understanding how this had suddenly happened.

In the blink of an eye, the stone platforms the group of six were standing on were surrounded by the Soul-Spirit Bodies and wave after wave of potent Spiritual Energy attacks rained down on them.

Even Thunder Dragon and Earth Splitting Divine Ox couldn’t help feeling like their very will to live had been crushed, almost completely disabling them.

A great roar rang out and a blue arc of lightning flew out from Thunder Dragon Great Senior, quickly forming into a thin light curtain.

*Xiu xiu xiu…*

continued pelting it from the outside, a few moments later

second light barrier around them, cooperating with

coloured wings fluttered, releasing numerous rays of light

acted, both of them displaying

released by the surrounding Soul Spirit Bodies did not decrease in the slightest,

five following right behind him, each of them leaping


created by the two Great Seniors was incredibly powerful, facing so many attacks, it still only lasted a few breaths before shattering,

that were flitting about became even more violent

Souls, even though they had degenerated into mere beasts, seemed to understand the concept of bullying the weak while fearing the strong. Instinctually understanding that Thunder Dragon and the other Saints possessed tyrannical methods, they all began aiming their attacks towards Yang Kai who seemed the weakest and had

blocked by the five Saints, a few of

down, the Soul Spirit bodies

face went pale as she desperately rushed towards Yang Kai, even forgetting

lightning shot over from nearby, resolving Li Rong’s crisis, but failing to change the fate of Yang Kai

became pained, his eyes

was formerly a master that had at least

being obliterated while his body was being

temporarily thrown into a state of

flashed brilliantly and then became tranquil once more, as if he had received some kind of extrication, his breathing becoming

are you alright?” Thunder Dragon

had passed. Everything had happened so fast that no one was able to react. Most importantly though, Thunder Dragon

been multiple Soul Spirit Bodies that drilled into Yang Kai’s body just now, each

moving, none of us will be alright!” Yang

Dragon also understood that now was not the time for questions and immediately focused, pushing his strength to its limits to open up a path ahead. With arcs of lightning swirling around his body, the Soul-Spirit Bodies did not dare approach rashly, allowing the group of six to continue rushing up the stone

came up beside Yang Kai to assist him in resisting the attacks of the Soul-Spirit Bodies while quietly observing him, a moment later her beautiful eyes lit up, understanding why even after he had been

there was Great Demon

Annihilation’s golden light was able to absolutely restrain all forms of Spiritual Energy, the Soul Spirit Bodies that

to approach the group of six again, only

weren’t about to

to burn, the group of six finally saw the

platform, everyone couldn’t help showing a confused

at was not the

a barren land stretched out

to almost be within reach, yet they were impossible to

strange!” Earth Splitting

Dragon carefully released his Divine Sense, and upon not discovering any danger in their immediate surroundings he proposed, “Let’s take a

a great deal of power. In this crisis-ridden place, they could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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