Martial Peak

Chapter 906

Chapter 906, Heavenly Palace’s Movement

“I think we’re lost,” Thunder Dragon suddenly came to a stop and said bitterly.

Amidst this endless grey world, where the range of both their sight and Divine Sense was limited, the group of six couldn’t help coming to a stop and slumping over.

It had already been a long time since Li Rong broke through to the Third-Order Saint Realm. How long exactly, none of them knew, but it had been at least long enough for Li Rong to completely consolidate her cultivation.

Without any clear direction or goal, the group could only move about randomly, which obviously led them nowhere at all.

Listening to Thunder Dragon, Earth Splitting Divine Ox asked suspiciously, “The scenery here is all the same, how can you be sure we’re lost?”

“Look over there,” Thunder Dragon Great Senior pointed towards a spot not far away. When everyone looked in the direction he pointed, they all noticed a set of bleached bones lying in the wasteland.

“We passed through here some time ago, but somehow, we’ve actually returned to this place, those broken bones are the best proof.”

Yang Kai’s brow rose slightly as he thought back.

The last time they had passed by, he hadn’t paid much attention to this pile of bones, but if Thunder Dragon’s observation wasn’t wrong then their group might have actually walked in a giant circle and returned to their original position.

“Seriously? What should we do then?” Earth Splitting Divine Ox was dumbstruck, “How could we have gotten lost in the first place?”

“I don’t know. Do any of you have any bright ideas about how we should find the exit to this place? Rather than trying to uncover this place’s mysteries, we should first concern ourselves about being able to leave. The time we’ve spent here already isn’t short.”

“You’re the one who has been leading us, if you don’t know where we are or how to get out, how are we supposed to know?” Earth Splitting Divine Ox all but shouted.

“It wasn’t until just now that this King noticed that something was wrong! What? Are you trying to push all the blame for this onto me?” Thunder Dragon Great Senior snapped back.

It had truly been quite a long time since they entered this place and besides Li Rong who managed to grasp some kind of opportunity and break through to the Third Order Saint Realm, no one else had gained anything; obviously even the two Great Seniors weren’t in a good mood.

Seeing that they were on the verge of quarrelling, Yang Kai quickly interjected, “We need to remain calm, before we entered this place, we have already anticipated it would be so strange, but now that we’re stuck in this, rather than blaming one another, we should focus on finding a way out.”

“How do you propose we do that? Have you noticed something about this place kid?” Thunder Dragon asked Yang Kai.

Yang Kai could only shake his head.

“If my guess is correct, someone has set up a very profound Bewildering Array here…” Li Rong thoughtfully said, “Those bones we’ve encountered so far are probably from cultivators who inadvertently entered this place and became trapped, eventually perishing as a result.”

“Agreed,” Thunder Dragon nodded.

During this time, every now and then their group would encounter a skeleton or two which were obviously left behind by cultivators who accidentally entered this place.

Bewildering Array?” Earth Splitting Divine Ox’s eyes widened, “Who could possibly set up a Bewildering Array that could completely

hadn’t purposefully studied Spirit Arrays, with their Third Order Saint Realm cultivations there shouldn’t be any kind of Spirit Array they couldn’t at least detect, but the three top-level powerhouses among their group of six had actually not discovered anything out of the ordinary from

more and more convinced that this place is somehow related to the legendary Great Demon God,” Thunder

and Li Rong exchanged a glance but chose to

we split up and try to find a way out?”

declaring, “This place is too strange, if we

little trip. This Old Ox

but while he was contemplating what to do next, he

quietly informed Li Rong before sending his

is it?” Yang Kai asked, wondering why the Divine Tree would suddenly call out to him at this

strange happened,” Divine Tree replied

discover that they were the same as always, steadily absorbing the essence of the rare

something else. Wait a moment, you’ll understand when you see it!” The Divine Tree

no longer asked anything

in the Black Book space, a glimmer of

towards the source of the flash. The moment he identified what was flashing though, he found himself somewhat

Kai had stored in the Black Book space, the most precious were the Myriad Drug Liquid series,

scrolls he had picked up from here and there along his travels but

was really only the two strange pitch-black round stones left as well as the various

was something Yang Kai had all but

The Heavenly Palace!

mysterious artifact which belonged to

during the final moments of the Yang Family’s Inheritance War, the Ash Grey Cloud Evil Land led by the Devil Lord Yang Bo and the Six Great Evil Kings had invaded War City en mass on their way to the

War City had been razed to the ground and transformed

among the ruins, only Yang Kai’s Mansion survived, and completely unscathed at

thanks to the artifact that Meng Wu Ya

that enveloped the entire periphery of Yang

rope, Yang Bai had chosen to self-destruct, causing the Earth Vein below the city to explode. At that critical moment, Meng Wu Ya had sheltered Xia Ning Chang and Su Yan while bringing them through the

behind at Yang Kai’s mansion and was eventually collected by him

had never planned to refine it or even erase the Soul brand and aura imprint from it. He was simply holding on to it

space since then and if not for the Divine Tree’s reminder just now,

was flickering at a very slow pace, it was indeed flashing,

Kai thought of a

that Meng Wu Ya was also in this Mysterious Small world. Even

brand on it. If it detected Meng

Meng Wu Ya had gone to Ice Sect with Xia Ning Chang and Su Yan, entrusted Su Yan to Ice Sect’s Sect Master Qing

apprentice pair had stopped in Nine Heavens Holy Land for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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