Martial Peak

Chapter 909

Chapter 909, Dry Oil Lamp

When the Heavenly Palace flew out and turned into a stream of light, disappearing before everyone’s eyes, Yang Kai couldn’t help feeling startled.

“It flew away… what does that mean?” Earth Splitting Divine Ox asked as he stared in the direction the Heavenly Palace disappeared.

“Meng Wu Ya is over there!” Thunder Dragon’s eyes narrowed and he declared decisively.

Yang Kai immediately picked up his pace and followed after the Heavenly Palace, feeling both excited and nervous.

Thunder Dragon Great Senior also waved his hand and shouted, “Follow it, the previous strongest master of the Human Race might be nearby.”

“The Human Race’s strongest master, a sight worth seeing,” Earth Splitting Divine Ox’s eyes also lit up.

Anyone who could obtain the title of the first master of an entire race was decidedly not ordinary. This guy named Meng Wu Ya must have some impressive abilities, or else he would not have been recognized as such.

Atop a spacious field, a number of rocky outcroppings and stone pillars were scattered about, many of them broken or lying in ruins.

In the middle of this field, there was a set of intact stone pillars, eight in total, arranged in an octagonal formation, each of them giving off powerful energy fluctuations.

Moreover, these energy fluctuations each had different attributes, one of them burning hot, one frigid cold, another violently poisonous while another rippling with lightning…

All of these different energies melded together to form a strange and imposing domain.

At this moment, on one of the eight pillars, a white-haired old man was bound by some kind of invisible force. He was completely immobilized, not even able to open his mouth to speak, his head hanging limply as his clothes were nothing but tatters and his life aura unstable; clearly he was on the verge of death.

A crackling sound would emerge from time to time as the eight pillars sent out a shocking pulse of energy towards the old man.

Each time this overbearing pulse of energy whipped the old man, although it seemed like he was on his dying breath, he always somehow managed to cling to life, stubbornly refusing to die.

Flames burned the old man’s body, singing his flesh while thunder and lightning coursed through his veins, charring his insides. At the same time, the poisonous toxins invaded every inch of his physique, causing his skin to switch back and forth between black and green.

Just outside the eight stone pillars, a young veiled woman, with beautiful eyes that seemed devoid of the slightest impurity, sat limply on the ground, a strange power constantly pouring out from her tender body towards the energy being released from the stone pillars, her hands constantly swaying, desperately trying to resolve at least some of the terrifying damage directed towards the old man.

The woman’s figure was petite, and her veil completely concealed her visage. Her forehead was dotted with a small blue sapphire, complimenting her beautiful crystal clear eyes.

There were clear tear stains running down her face, and her eyes were puffy and swollen, but it seemed like all her tears had dried up, so she was not currently crying.

to save the old man from the octagonal stone pillar

mouth, the young woman did


skin and causing blood to splash out. Seemingly jolted awake by the pain of this impact, the old man’s pair of old muddy eyes opened as he creakily lifted his gaze towards the young woman, opening his lips

was trying to convey, but she

thick sense of regret, as well as a strong unwillingness and

the old man noticed a familiar aura rapidly approaching and somehow managed to turn his exhausted eyes to the side to see what

stream of light that in the next instant, crashed into

old man’s body shook, and his face revealed a look of astonishment, his originally dim eyes suddenly flickering

body and blocking the destructive energy

the stream of light’s return, the old man’s face became a bit rosier

outside the eight stone pillars let out a shout as he beautiful eyes opened wide, turning her head in the direction the

had thought had

body was boiling up, trembling lightly as he somehow put on a smile and in the gentlest voice he could manage called out to her, “Little Senior

none other than the one he had arrived in Tong

saw her back in the Central Capital, Xia Ning Chang had seemingly not changed in the slightest. Her demeanour and actions were all kept unchanged. With age,

Ning Chang somewhat couldn’t believe what she

head as he

Chang’s tender body trembled terribly until Yang Kai wrapped his arms around her and she felt the warmth of his chest, finally confirming that everything in front of her right now was not a dream,

had longed for every day had really come to this place and found

Xia Ning Chang’s state of mind stabilized, feeling as though in her time of

containing his Little Senior Sister’s warmth drenched Yang Kai’s clothes, he couldn’t help inhaling a soft breath before turning


Treasurer Meng!

frail and weak had lent him so much help, now appeared like a dry oil lamp, his body injured and emaciated to the point where it was nothing short of a miracle

and pain Meng

Kai asked

his impression, Meng Wu Ya was always calm and steady, exuding a kind of innate confidence that

worn an air of invincibility, often giving those who dared to challenge him a terrifying surprise, causing them

same Meng Wu Ya, who was always wearing a calm smile while easily accomplishing what seemed

entered this strange Demon Race Mysterious Small World, and then we unknowingly triggered some kind of trap which sent us here. By the time I woke up, Master had already been shackled to that stone pillar. I don’t know what purpose these eight stone pillars serve, but they are constantly releasing power to torture Master.

very young, she had been picked up by Meng Wu Ya. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say Meng Wu Ya was the one who raised her. On top of that, the one who granted her strength and taught her how to survive was Meng

agony every day, Xia Ning Chang felt as

lifted his hand and gently stroked Xia Ning Chang’s head, injecting a subtle power into her body as he softly declared, “Rest assured, since

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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