Martial Peak

Chapter 915

Chapter 915, Really Pleasant To The Ear

Seeing his dignified expression, Yang Kai quickly asked, “Treasurer Meng, what is the meaning behind those words? What did he mean when he called this place a sealed world?”

“This old master doesn’t know,” Meng Wu Ya slowly shook his head, “But don’t tell others about this for now, give me some time to think about it.”

“En,” Yang Kai nodded, recalling the words of Great Demon God’s Soul Clone and remembering he had also said that by visiting the Demon Capital, he would naturally understand all of these hidden mysteries.

However, the Demon Capital wasn’t exactly a place he could freely enter.

Soaring forward, the Flying Heavens Shuttle maintained a lightning fast pace.

Meng Wu Ya was continuously amazed at the speed of this artifact.

Yang Kai sat with Little Senior Sister at the back of the Flying Heavens Shuttle, gently breathing in her delicate fragrance while feeling the softness and warmth of her body, relaxing his mind and body.

As time passed, his embrace grew tighter.

The tender body of Little Senior Sister trembled as her long eyelashes fluttered constantly, the heat from her body ever increase as a red blush spread across her jade white skin.

Being held by Yang Kai, their two bodies pressing against one another, feeling each other’s heat and pounding heart, for the incredibly pure and innocent Little Senior Sister, it was undoubtedly incredibly stimulating.

Yang Kai didn’t wake her, simply enjoying this rare moment of peace as he stared at her face, softly whispering, “Little Senior Sister, you’re really beautiful!”

Meng Wu Ya, who was sitting in front of him, clenched his fists as he called out indignantly, “Such shamelessness!”

The explicit words of love that seeped into his ears made him feel an unbearable rage.

Li Rong’s eyes remained clear and bright as she licked her red lips gently and moved a little further forward, giving Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang some more space while speaking to Meng Wu Ya, “Old sir, since we have time, could you tell me about Master’s past? Unfortunately my knowledge of Master is still quite shallow.”

“You want to know about his past?” Meng Wu Ya brow rose up, an evil grin appearing on his face, “This old master knows a great many things about that, come, come, this old master will carefully let you know just how brazen, impudent, and shameless this Master of yours truly is! This little bastard is nothing more than a reckless delinquent and an incorrigible womanizer, stirring up trouble wherever he goes.”

Li Rong pursed her lips and giggled, not interrupting, only listening attentively.

Meng Wu Ya immediately launched into a tirade, but as if fearing Yang Kai would overhear all the malicious remarks he was making, he quickly waved his hand a wrapped himself and Li Rong in a sound proof barrier.

Yang Kai turned a blind eye to this and began acting even bolder.

a single day I didn’t wish to see you, and when I finally achieved this cherished wish, it was actually under such

by Yang Kai’s words, the blush on her slender neck deepening even more, filling her white skin with

feels very fortunate, if I hadn’t insisted on traveling together with Li Rong at that time, I’m afraid I would never have been able to see you again,” Yang Kai said with a hint of fear apparent in his

two Monster Race Great Seniors had mainly been interested in inviting Li Rong to go to that place, Yang Kai had simply been tagging along, yet that actually allowed him to meet Meng Wu

was all a

their own right, but none of them had anywhere near the impact you and Su Yan had on me, making me never able to forget them while engraving themselves on my heart, leaving a mark that could never be erased. You being

Yang Kai’s mouth like a gentle stream, conveying his tender affections straight to Xia Ning Chang’s heart, causing her to take the initiative to tightly embrace him, pouring all her strength

seeing her beautiful limpid eyes and faintly blushing cheeks, her delicate neck that seemed aglow with

as she ever so

she quickly closed his eyes and buried her head in Yang

gently whispering them like a spell that infiltrated

of Yang Kai’s body and listening to his voice, Xia Ning Chang felt incredibly satisfied, thinking that even if she were

his teeth as his eyes filled with an

Rong laughed lightly, “Old sir does not need to worry so much, with Master’s aptitude and temperament, he can definitely

Meng sighed heavily, “The little girl has become a woman, I can’t shelter her forever, and this old master might as well settle

still hale and hearty; Master even

“You are very loyal to that boy, with you by his side, this old master can feel relieved. But you have to be careful not to be deceived by his wiles and end up like this old master’s treasured apprentice, losing your very soul to him. He may look like

must be joking, my Ancient Demon Clan is the sharp blade of Master, the shield which guards his life, none of us dare hope

and I are both Third Order Saints, we should interact as

will not do, you are the Senior of Master, naturally that makes you

suddenly felt exasperated and immediately closed his eyes to

him, the whispers of Yang Kai and Xia Ning

later, the nine peaks

Heavens Shuttle’s flight speed

across the sky and

of this streak and the powerhouses that accompanied it, the various Saints around the Holy Land

his Divine Sense, asking suspiciously, “Little Yang Kai, why are there so many people outside your Nine Heavens Holy

come to request Alchemy services,” Yang Kai

rose slightly, snorting disdainfully, “Your Nine Heavens Holy Land

actually a Saint Grade Alchemist!” Li Rong quickly explained, “The people who came here were attracted

Wu Ya stared at Yang

Little Senior Sister,” Yang Kai glanced over at Xia Ning Chang, who was


Rong delicate brow rose as she directed a stunned look towards

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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