Martial Peak

Chapter 958

Chapter 958, Similar

Meng Wu Ya continued cursing resentfully for quite some time.

It was apparent that he was deeply disgruntled with Zhang Yuan using the grand Spirit Array to deal with him in the past. Yang Kai smiled bitterly as he thought to himself that if he had known Treasurer Meng had cared so much about this matter, he wouldn’t have asked about it in the first place, thus avoiding the suffering he was going through right now. This was a perfect example of moving a stone only to smashed one’s foot.

A few days later, the Demon Capital came into sight.

From far away, the entire Demon Capital appeared like an ominous beast lying down on the ground, exuding an ancient and desolate aura. Even from dozens of kilometres away, Yang Kai could clearly feel the violent Demonic Qi pulsing from it.

Naturally, this was the aura of the Demon Race masters living in the Demon Capital.

Although there were only five Third Order Saints in the Demon Land, there were more than a dozen Saint Realm masters living in the Demon Capital.

Ordinarily, Demon Commander Zhang Yuan would be in retreat to explore the mysteries of the Heavenly Way and Martial Dao, and wouldn’t pay much attention to the Demon Land’s day to day occurrences. There were rumours floating about that he was trying to break through the current world’s shackles and arrive at the same height as Great Demon God had in the past.

Unfortunately, even after several dozen years had passed, his cultivation seemed to have not made any progress, remaining at its current realm.

Even so, he was the undisputed strongest master in the Demon Land, far more powerful than any of the four Demon Generals.

The Demon Race city was not the same as one built by humans, not only was the architectural style different, but the buildings themselves were rougher and gave off a kind of wild beauty. On top of that, no one guarded this Demon Race city.

Anyone could freely enter or exit from the main gate, quite unlike cities in the Human Territory where someone would stand at the entrance and force people to pay a certain number of Crystal Stones before they could enter.

The group of four didn’t bother concealing their true faces and openly strode into the Demon Capital from the gate.

In an instant, countless eyes landed on Yang Kai, looks of great interest flashing across the Demons’ faces.

“A human?”

“Heh heh, interesting, unexpectedly there are humans who dare to intrude upon my Demon Capital!”

“This little brat’s courage is not small, isn’t he looking down on my Demon Race too much?”

These Demon Race cultivators who were originally walking about the Demon Capital stopped to sneer at Yang Kai, cold murderous intent slowly rising from their forms. Many Demons even began approaching Yang Kai, intending to teach this arrogant boy a lesson.

Meng Wu Ya coldly snorted and swept his piercing eyes across the crowd, causing every Demon Race cultivator he met eyes with to freeze in place as an icy chill gripped their hearts.

did they comprehend why this human youth dared

stopped in place, allowing himself and his group to be surrounded by hundreds of Demon Race

speak?” Yang Kai looked around and

stared at him, none

spot in the crowd; there, a Demon Race master with a Second-Order Saint Realm cultivation was walking over, his expression extremely solemn and

fierceness of Meng Wu Ya, Li Rong, and Han Fei, but he was

Naturally, they weren’t nameless individuals, yet

have in my Demon Capital?” The Demon Race stood ten

me, please notify him that

before, but he couldn’t immediately place it, asking for

reason for me to deceive you?”

Palace to seek instructions!” The demon said but just as he finished his words, his brow furrowed slightly and he inclined his head, seemingly listening to something, a moment later nodding and respectfully replying,

said, “Sir Demon Commander has just sent a message informing

soon after by

them wondering why their Demon Commander

Palace was a large

of them engraved with

pillars, some of them already dead, some of them

square was filled with a rancid aura and cawing birds were flying about, freely

man into the square, he couldn’t help looking around curiously, his

Yang Kai’s look and voluntarily explained, “These people are criminals who dared disobey

Demon Commander’s means are too cruel, if you must kill them, just kill them,” Yang Kai

man sneered, “Sir Demon Commander has shown them enough mercy, if it were

Kai glanced over at him before

it was well known that the Demon Race were violent and cutthroat, this kind of torture was still somewhat

them.” Yang Kai looked at one

invaded my Demon Land, and obviously they need to

Demon Land to stir up trouble and make a name for themselves without comprehending their own depths, the result being their attempt to steal a chicken ending with them

these kinds of people, Yang Kai only felt they got what

to a halt and stared

“What is it?”

Meng Wu

Meng pointed only to see a dishevelled Demon Race man shackled to a pillar,

his long messy hair was blocking

been nailed to the pillar by some kind of dark metallic spikes, rendering him

of his wounds had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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