Martial Peak

Chapter 1000

Yue Xi of Sword Union was a middle-aged beauty with an abundant set of peaks, graceful waist, and shapely, slender legs. The white dress she wore complimented her looks perfectly and was adorned with the unique sword-shaped symbol of Sword Union atop her right chest. From top to bottom, her tender exuded a mature and dignified temperament.

The two sisters, He Zao and He Miao, led Yang Kai over to her and greeted her respectfully.

Yue Xi’s face still looked pale, and her white robes were stained red in many places. Hearing the two sisters call out to her, she simply nodded lightly before turning a suspicious look towards Yang Kai and asking with some slight vigilance, “What did you lead this Purple Star person over for?”

She had never met Yang Kai, so naturally, she assumed that Yang Kai was a cultivator from Purple Star’s side.

“Master, he’s not a disciple of Purple Star,” He Miao stepped up and held Yue Xi’s arm before pointing back at Yang Kai with a smile, “He was the one who gave Elder Sister and me those Crystal Stones and Pills inside the Chaotic Abyss. He’s called Yang Kai.”

“Him?” Yue Xi’s delicate brow rose slightly, seemingly somewhat surprised.

When she found He Zao and He Miao inside the Chaotic Abyss, she had heard the two sisters mention the bitter experience they had been through and she knew that if Yang Kai had not provided them with some restorative resources, the two sisters would have been too weak to carry on.

However, she still had some doubts about Yang Kai’s origins.

How could a little First-Order Saint run out to the Chaotic Abyss for no reason at all? Did he really have such boldness and skill?

Thinking so in her heart, Yue Xi didn’t show anything on her face, instead just saying lightly, “Young man, thank you for the care you showed my two disciples.”

“Senior is too polite,” Yang Kai nodded faintly, “It was just a little effort.”

“En. Before, you gave He Zao and He Miao some help in their time of need, so I’ll send you a thousand pieces of Saint Crystal as a thank you,” Yue Xi said so before motioning to a nearby Sword Union cultivator. When this cultivator came over and looked over Yang Kai, he couldn’t help asking, “Friend, where is your Space Ring?”

Yang Kai was stunned for a moment before he shook his head, “I don’t have such a thing.”

The cultivator turned to Yue Xi somewhat awkwardly. If Yang Kai didn’t have a Space Ring, he couldn’t hand over a thousand pieces of Saint Crystal.

Yue Xi frowned and said, “Give him your Space Ring, it’s nothing expensive in any case.”

“Yes,” The cultivator nodded reluctantly before he began taking out all of his belongings from his Space Ring and handing them over to one of his companions. After a while, he took the Space Ring off his hand and passed it to Yang Kai, “There are exactly one thousand pieces of Saint Crystal left inside, you can count it yourself.”

“I didn’t come here to ask for a reward,” Yang Kai said with a strange look.

He somehow sensed that this Yue Xi was eager to send him away, as if she was afraid of him sticking around.

He didn’t know why this was.

you want?” Yue Xi frowned, her face showing a

Space Ring also grinned and encouraged, “Friend, a thousand pieces of Saint Crystal isn’t a small amount, I’m also

Yang Kai also frowned, suddenly realizing that the other party seemed to think he was up to some kind of scheme

made him very

a seal on him so he

Divine Sense in the next instant to confirm what He Zao had said and nodding, “I’ll have a

she stretched out her hand towards Yang

didn’t move. Although the other person had some misunderstandings about him that made him a little unhappy, right

he was willing to

forehead and a stream

felt a comfortable sensation. Everywhere this stream of energy

Yang Kai’s expression changed greatly, as if he had been struck by lightning, his body trembling as he hurriedly retreated

woman… while sending her strength into him a moment ago was secretly trying to use her Divine

Knowledge Sea’s defences would have been breached and Yang Kai estimated that all the secrets in his Knowledge Sea would have been exposed to

as well as his Conflagrated Knowledge Sea and the Demon Eye of Annihilation which had been integrated

of what Yue Xi’s true purpose was, her actions had already

he immediately

seemingly not having anticipated Yang Kai’s senses to be so sharp, even able to detect

He Miao saw Yang Kai’s expression

entered my body I couldn’t quite bear it,” Yang Kai explained casually. He didn’t tell

a smile, “I was careless

body be

her head and bitterly said, “If it was before, I could easily remove it, but I was injured just now by that old man, so there’s nothing I can do about the seal in his body

and He Miao suddenly showed disappointed looks, turning apologetic looks in the next

any disappointment, reaching out and accepting the Space Ring from the nearby cultivator’s hand before cupping his fists to Yue Xi, “In any case, many thanks for Senior’s good

what he had to say, he turned

in a few days she will be able to help you,” He Miao shouted innocently,

Yue Xi stared at Yang Kai’s receding back and said, “According to what two Junior Sisters said, he should have been wandering around the Chaotic Abyss, so how did he end up together with Purple Star? Him appearing here clearly means he was

say?” He Zao glanced

two Junior Sisters were deceived by him? Maybe he was originally a Purple Star cultivator and just pretended to meet you


have been cultivating beside Master most of your life and haven’t seen much of the outside world. The outside world is

her Senior Brother talk like this, He Miao also

The two sisters had met Yang Kai twice before yet both times he hadn’t asked them about anything of importance and the second time he had even sent them

a Purple Star cultivator, there would have been no need for him to do any of this, all he would have needed to do was send word to Lu

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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