Martial Peak

Chapter 1004

After absorbing these purified Soul remnants, Yang Kai’s own understanding of the Saint Realm had drastically improved and the control he could exert over his strength had grown substantially.

The benefits he obtained though went far beyond this, because every time he absorbed other cultivator’s Soul remnants, his own Soul’s strength would improve and his Spiritual Energy would be enhanced. Although this increase in strength was quite small, piling up many grains of sand would eventually create a mountain. Over time, by repeating this process again and again, Yang Kai’s Soul had already become several times more powerful than other cultivators in the same realm.

The flames that filled his Knowledge Sea had seemingly become hotter and more intense.

Please with these gains, Yang Kai quickly devoured the last few Soul remnants.

However, when he began absorbing one of these masses of Spiritual Energy, Yang Kai’s expression suddenly became weird and he quickly stopped his movements.

In front of his Soul Avatar was a not so powerful Soul remnant. In fact, this one was weaker than all the rest, only belonging to the level of a Third Order Transcendent.

This was clearly the Soul remnant left behind by the Chart Master named Wu Suo!

Yang Kai understood this clearly because unlike most of the others, he had actually witnessed Wu Suo’s body burst into a bloody fog and his bones ground into dust. At the time, Wu Suo was the only Transcendent Realm cultivator in the Starship power room, everyone else was at least a Saint.

The Spiritual Energy mass that Wu Suo left behind after his death though seemed to be different somehow.

While it was truly only on the level of a Third Order Transcendent, weaker than the others, there seemed to be something hidden inside of it, something out of the ordinary.

Yang Kai concentrated his Divine Sense and began to investigate.

Suddenly, it was as if he had left his Knowledge Sea and been immersed in the Starry Sky, surrounded by stars. Some of these stars exuded a glamorous and dazzling light, some exuded rich vitality, some were blanketed in heavy Death Qi, and so on.

Yang Kai felt as if he had suddenly become omnipotent and was standing above the Starry Sky, overlooking the entire Heng Luo Star Field.

Nothing could escape from his eyes.

All the stars in front of him seemed to be driven by some kind of mysterious force, rotating in a complicated and regular pattern that Yang Kai failed to comprehend.

Yang Kai then saw a place in the exact centre of the entire Star Field.

Some of the stars in this location seemed to be particularly bright, some were red like flame, some were white like frost, some stars gave off incredible amounts of pure energy, some seemed like enormous ancient trees…

It was the Chaotic Abyss!


he was looking at was the Chaotic Abyss he

first place he had arrived at in the Star Field was the Chaotic Abyss, and its appearance that had long ago been carved into the depths of his soul was identical to the one

was that it had been reduced

Suo’s Soul remnant actually

of the entire Heng

quite a while, not understanding

his Knowledge Sea rapidly began to evaporate and dry up, his

him to quickly withdraw his Divine Sense from the Star Chart, only then discovering

time, he had actually used up

being over-consumed and the

didn’t dare to act recklessly,

wind brush against him, causing him to shiver and notice that he was

who was sitting nearby, stared at him with

speaking a few words of persuasion, “Yang Kai, calm down, don’t get anxious, that’s the seal of a Saint King

Yang Kai was trying to break open Lu Gui Chen’s

a Spiritual Energy restoring Saint Pill from the Demon Mystic Tome and

Tu had told him, Wu Suo was one of the top-ranking Chart Masters in all of Purple Star, qualifying him to assume responsibility for setting the

unique insights into the makeup of the Star Field. In addition to spending a small amount of time on his personal

Chart would remain even after being exposed to the

the memories and life experiences of a

able to obtain the insights these fallen cultivators possessed about the Heavenly Way and Martial Dao, but never any

obtained about Star Charts across the course of his


strange and had

thought about it for a while and eventually arrived

left behind wasn’t part of Wu Suo’s knowledge but was

and on top of that, it

could explain the current

it, the more Yang Kai felt his

to Shen Tu and said, “I have something I

What?” Shen Tu looked back

know about

you suddenly want to know about him?” Shen Tu wore a confused look, “He seems to have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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