Martial Peak

Chapter 1021

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain

“Fully mastered their strength?” Yang Kai frowned.

“Having a comply understanding of the mysteries of the strength one uses, allowing them to display its full potential and might!” Bi Ya explained with a smile.

“Fair enough,” Yang Kai was a bit confused. Although Gui Zu’s previous words had made him very excited and he secretly felt that a whole new world of possibilities had opened in front of him, it may have also just been Gui Zu speaking randomly.

He couldn’t offer Yang Kai any kind of advice or guidance on the matter.

“Your slave has never met such an astonishing genius, but I have witnessed two people who cultivate opposite attribute strengths fight side by side. Those two forces should have interfered with one another but instead they mutually enhanced each other,” Bi Ya added, “These types of cultivators are actually not that rare, I believe Master has also encountered some before.”

Yang Kai’s eyes lit up as he turned to stare at Bi Ya, his burning gaze making it seem as if he wanted to swallow her whole.

Bi Ya wore a forced smile and shyly whispered, “What does Master want, staring at your slave so?”

Yang Kai didn’t answer as a thousand different thoughts flashed across his mind.

It was as if he had found a light in the darkness, Bi Ya’s unintentional words had made Yang Kai remember a vital point.

It was indeed extremely difficult or even impossible for two opposing forces to fuse together; however, two people who cultivated different attribute forces could work side by side while complementing one another, such things often happened.

This was also the case when him and Su Yan!

Su Yan controlled frigid cold while he used blazing heat, the two of them shouldn’t be able to cooperate at all, but when they fought side by side, each of them would obtain a massive boost in strength!

And this was all because of the existence of the Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art!

The two of them were dual cultivators, the primary forces in each of their bodies blending with one another before returning back to themselves in an endless cycle. Su Yan’s icy strength and his True Yang strength would purify and sublimate one another, increasing their density and intensity.

[Yin-Yang Joyous Unification Art?]

Yang Kai’s expression changed, sinking into an even deeper state of contemplation.

Yang Kai suddenly recalled the scene of him and Su Yan dual cultivating. He entered a state of epiphany, as if Su Yan was right in front of himself, the two of them achieving a union of heart and soul, unable to extricate themselves.


In the midst of his reflection, Yang Kai felt like a barrier of fog around him lifted, allowing him to see further into this unknown realm.

greatly and a

this moment, he had

flowed together in a never-ending cycle, not restraining one another,

were capable of this, so his True Yang Saint Qi and

Attribute strength; it was a type of cold that could cause one’s mind and soul to feel as if they had been

alternating hot and cold aura surrounded Bi Ya, causing her to feel a sweltering heat difficult to bear, then a

discovering that Yang Kai’s situation was unusual,

she had done her very best to please Yang Kai in order to make him feel some sympathy,


shouted, and immediately, Bi Ya found herself held by an invisible force and thrown out of the

amazed to discover that Gui Zu was now standing beside her, his gloomy eyes filled with profound light as


of harvest!” Gui Zu frowned, “What

explained everything that just

expression fluctuated, soon grinning strangely, “This boy, just because of a few words from this old master, was actually able to achieve such a result? I really don’t know if it’s a blessing or a

Bi Ya

fuse together two opposite attribute forces, what do you think?” Gui Zu grinned, “It’s

“Don’t you need

Besides, this little boy isn’t sincerely trying to help this old master. Even if he does find a way to escape, I’m afraid the first thing he’ll do is look for a way to leave this old master behind! Heh, if he dies,

it was useless. Regardless of what she said now, Gui Zu would not change his stance

about his safety, why act so nervous?”

be joking… I really don’t want him to

Shen Tu shouted and quickly appeared, falling into a state of shock the moment he arrived at the stone chamber’s door and hurriedly calling out, “Brother Yang, what’s happening?

though, Gui Zu’s brow furrowed

Saying so, he disappeared.

seriousness with which Gui Zu was acting, how could Bi Ya and Shen Tu dare to remain? Using their movement skills,

two of them appeared outside, two opposing forces suddenly broke

hot, the other was cold

of these forces were incredibly powerful and had flooded the entire stone tunnel

staying nearby, turned

and He Miao, also turned to face the same

now engulfed in a bizarre phenomenon, seemingly having been divided into two distinct

light, while the right half was bathed in a jet black evil

polar opposites and were visibly clashing against one another, causing the entire mountain to

Chen muttered as he rapidly withdrew. At the same time, everyone else around the mountain fell back more than a dozen

Junior’s aura. What is he doing?” Yue Xi narrowed her eyes and asked He Zao

we came out, he didn’t seem to be doing anything in

eyes to the side where both Bi Ya and Shen Tu

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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