Martial Peak

Chapter 1043

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain

Yang Kai’s Divine Sense flew like lightning across the giant Star Chart suspended above his Knowledge Sea.

Soon, he found a Cultivation Star matching the description Xue Tong had given him. This Cultivation Star was half ocean, half dry land, and was almost the same size as Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce’s home star, Water Moon Star.

Rainfall Star!

Around Rainfall Star there was a great sun as well as a number of small moons. These moons orbited Rainfall Star under the influence of its gravity field, while Rainfall Star orbited the sun under the influence of its gravity. All of these celestial bodies were invisibly yet inextricably linked together.

The entire Star Field was like this, and observing it was equivalent to observing some kind of grand Heavenly principle.

Suns and Moons were two kinds of stars that would inevitably exist around any Cultivation Star. Suns would give off brilliant sunlight, providing the plants and creatures on the surface of a Cultivation Star with the energy required to support life. Moons scattered holy radiance and cold moonlight that would allow cultivators to calm their minds and souls.

After finding Rainfall Star, Yang Kai began trying to use his understanding of the Star Field to plot a safe course to it.

Soon, Yang Kai was pleasantly surprised to discover that using his consciousness as a pen and his Spiritual Energy as ink to sketch routes on this Star Chart was actually able to enhance his understanding of the use of his Divine Sense.

This unexpected discovery caused him some elation.

He spared no effort mapping out other safe routes on the Star Chart, copying them into his Star Shuttle whenever he completed one.

Yang Kai soon immersed himself in this task and gradually forgot the passage of time.

Plotting then copying these safe routes on the Star Chart then into his Star Shuttle consumed a great deal of Spiritual Energy. Yang Kai continued mapping out various safe routes from one Cultivation Star to another on the Star Chart for several days. Some of these safe routes were extremely long and would take several years even with a fast Starship. Others were short enough that only a couple of months would be required to complete them.

Yang Kai’s understanding of the Star Field became more and more profound as he continued this unusual form of practice. His understanding and control over his Conflagrated Knowledge Sea also grew at a noticeable rate. Both inside and out, Yang Kai felt as if his Soul had been baptized and sublimated.

However, he didn’t really know how much use these various routes he was plotting out would have. With the giant Star Chart in his Knowledge Sea, moving safely about the Star Field was a simple task for him.

The only way to verify their usefulness would be to put them to use.

Yang Kai stopped plotting new courses at one point and compared the route the Starship he was sailing about to the one he had created.

When he found that the safe route he had plotted using the giant Star Chart did not differ greatly from the sailing route of the Starship, Yang Kai was quite excited and his confidence and motivation were both boosted.

Yang Kai then began to observe the route ahead, wanting to see if they would encounter any danger.

though, he found something

for another day or two before entering a cold and desolate part of the Star Field. There was a large number of asteroids in this particular region and the light from all the surrounding stars was weak and gloomy, with no aura

stars were

Xue Tong, he asked

does not need to worry, that is the famous

that?” Yang Kai didn’t

Star from Water Moon Star will pass through there, there is no danger,”

asked with amazement, “How did Young Master Yang know that we

Tong knew about him, it was impossible for Yang Kai

Kai did not explain and instead just ended the conversation before continuing to

upon a comfortable chair. He held a glass in his hand, filled with dark red wine, savouring its taste elegantly as he listened to the report of

nothing out of order with the materials being shipped aboard this Starship. It


the crew and spied

a thoughtful look on his face, his slender fingers casually

was standing nearby, that man couldn’t help revealing an infatuated look, his breathing becoming a bit heavier as the gaze gradually went from that of

began to condense, seemingly on the verge of pouncing upon Xue Yue, not caring

Origin Returning Realm master immediately

his contemplation and saw the ugly look on his other subordinate’s face, his crystal clear eyes revealing a thick meaning of disgust as he angrily shouted, “Get

he heard this shout and his face dyed bright red with embarrassment, wishing he

left, the Origin Returning Realm old man could only smile bitterly, “Young Master, you

disappointing metal fortitude, from now on,

gently nodded, sighing in

advanced age, a moment ago, even he might have fallen into a deluded state when Xue Yue had inadvertently revealed his aura. He suddenly understood that this extraordinary Young Master

his charms only

even men would find themselves unable to

to fully mature, who would be capable of resisting his

to hide?” Xue Yue showed a shallow smile on his face before suddenly saying, “Forget it, there’s no point wasting any more effort on such a minor matter.

Origin Returning Realm old man respectfully


cruising speed suddenly dropped as it entered the Ice-Cold Dead Zone. If it wanted to avoid the irregularly moving asteroids, it simply couldn’t maintain its

and desolate void. There was truly

but just as fast

region, the huge Starship continued moving forward

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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