Martial Peak

Chapter 1047

After listening to Xue Yue’s words, Yang Kai couldn’t help but laugh, “You can’t possibly be that naive, right? If you think you can treat me like a three-year-old child, I’m afraid you’re in for a great disappointment. After I’ve treated you like this, can you still swallow this insult and pretend that nothing happened? You are the Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce President’s heir while I am just a nameless pawn. This time, if you really survive, I’m afraid I’ll have no future to look forward to. Since that’s the case, I’d rather take what I can now, have my cultivation crippled, then die by your hand, rather than let you sweet talk me into letting you off for free!”

“You think I’m sweet talking you?” Xue Yue shouted, “Just because I’m a woman you think I’d lower myself to such a level? Are all men so full of yourselves?”

“In any case, I don’t believe a word you say, it’s all nothing but farts to me!” Yang Kai snorted.

“Can you not act so unreasonable!” Xue Yue gasped before grinning, “Since I made this proposal, I can definitely come up with a way to prove my sincerity and let you understand I’m not just biding my time to turn the tables on you!”

Yang Kai expression changed as he stared deeply towards her.

Right now, both he and Xue Yue were stuck in a deadlock, neither one possessing any kind of advantage.

Xue Yue’s cultivation was much higher than his, but her injuries were more severe and the rate she could restore herself was also lower than his, allowing this tenuous stalemate to continue.

However, doing nothing wasn’t a viable solution. If things were left as they were, the end result would definitely be both of them losing something, and neither of them was willing to see that.

In truth, Yang Kai was wholly unwilling to give up his own cultivation just to win a woman’s chastity, while Xue Yue was even more reluctant to be defiled by a peasant like Yang Kai.

He suddenly felt that it wouldn’t be a problem at least hearing Xue Yue out.

“You talk, I’ll listen,” Yang Kai nodded to her, his hands still clenched firmly onto her jade peaks, refusing to relax his vigilance in the slightest.

“There is no major grievance between you and me. In the end, it was just you inadvertently witnessing my secret trade in that mountain valley.”

“Yes, and as a result of that you killed more than two thousand people!” Yang Kai sneered, “A vicious, viper-woman like you, how could I possibly believe your words?”

“Aren’t you still safe and sound?” Xue Yue asked, “Is there anyone among those two thousand people you even care the slightest bit about?”

“No, not really.”

“Then shut up!” Xue Yue coldly snorted, “My proposal is simple: You release me, and I no longer make trouble for you; however, you cannot leak a word about that transaction. En, this situation as well, you cannot tell another soul about it!”

Saying so, her face turned bright red. She had just been involved in a life or death struggle with Yang Kai, yet now she had been forced to set aside that humiliation and discuss terms with him, causing her womanly shame to suddenly rise to the surface.

In particular, the great heat which was transmitted from Yang Kai’s palms to her two proud peaks made her feel a strange sensation she had never before experienced. Quickly dispelling her shame and inner discord, she forced herself to not fall into a passive state.

on guaranteeing this?” Yang

I know you won’t believe me no matter what kind

as you

a reluctantly light flashing across her beautiful eyes as she helplessly said, “I have a special artifact that was refined by a Grandmaster from my Chamber of

Yang Kai asked

that if either one of

brightly and said with a strange grin, “Beauty, I don’t think our relationship has reached that point yet, has it? Although you and I have indulged in each other’s touch and met one another with no barriers between us,

capable of acting so loathsomely?” Xue Yue snorted, “Do you think I am willing to link my life to yours? You’re just a tiny Second-Order Saint,

carefully observed Xue Yue’s breathing,

a while, he asked lowly, “Why should

you still refuse to believe me, we can only fight and perish together! That’s not the ending you want, is it? You and I both have long, bright futures ahead

does it seem like


ask you one last question, can the effects of this artifact be lifted? I don’t want

flew into a rage when she heard Yang

the other? He was making it sound as if she was some kind of shameless woman forcing him to accept her when in truth, them being tied

she forced her voice to remain calm, “It can be lifted, but

Kai smiled, thought about it for a

we have

we have a

to take out the artifact. Loosen your grip a bit, like this I

slowly relaxed his arms, but he maintained the highest degree of vigilance while simultaneously bringing his lips to Xue Yue’s delicate ear


abdomen, Xue Yue brought her other hand wearing her Space Ring to her mouth and poured her

thing?” Yang Kai reached out and seized the artifact before Xue Yue could grab hold of it, “The function of this artifact is quite odd,

danger. If I was confronted by an enemy I could not match, I would be able to use this artifact

of unfamiliar Spirit Arrays engraved inside of it.

doubt, this strange energy belonged to a powerful

Origin King Realm master who forged it that was special. This artifact was just a vessel used to seal this

relaxed slightly but still insisted, “I can’t trust you still, so

spat, “Are you really so cowardly?

for yourself whether I’m a man or not?” Yang Kai

and quickly said, “Just pour

instructions and poured in his Divine Sense

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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