Martial Peak

Chapter 1096

Chapter 1096, Golden Spear

Outside the Starship, dazzling bursts of light from artifacts and Martial Skills lit up the Starry Sky as the cultivators released wave after wave of varied attribute attacks towards the dense pack of Black Rock Beasts.

Even though the Black Rock Beasts possessed extremely hard skins, they weren’t able to withstand such violent attacks and only moments after the battle began, more than twenty Fifth and Sixth-Order Black Rock Beasts had been slaughtered.

The cultivators from the Starship coordinated with one another, acting as a single unit while keeping their distance from the main Black Rock Beast pack under Wu Yi’s command.

There were only fifty to sixty of them in total, many times fewer compared to the huge number of Black Rock Beasts. Face with such a numerical disadvantage, there was no other tactic the cultivators could use in this fight.

Yang Kai’s ears rang with the sound of shouts of cheers as the people who stayed behind to operate the Starship encouraged their companions. These people’s cultivations were the lowest amongst everyone so they weren’t eligible to participate in such a battle.

A pitiful scream suddenly echoed and a Third Order Saint was torn to pieces by a Black Rock Beast, resulting in his death.

Immediately, someone took his place on the battle line and pushed back the Black Rock Beast which had broken through, and then in the next moment, dozens of attacks raced over and exploded the Black Rock Beast.

Wu Yi’s commands were orderly and efficient, making it clear this was not her first time handling such a battle. Everyone was experienced and so long as this situation continued, even if Wu Yi’s group was small in number, victory would ultimately be theirs.

But Yang Kai was keenly aware that everyone who was fighting outside was anxious, seemingly knowing what this pack of Black Rock Beasts would do next and understanding that it would not be an action they could resist.

Another scream came out and a cultivator at the outermost position of the formation was set upon by several Black Rock Beasts which quickly bit him to deaths, raising the death toll to two.

The Black Rock Beasts didn’t devour this cultivator’s body, spitting out his broken flesh and bone after biting him to death. Black Rock Beasts only fed on minerals and ores, not flesh and blood.

*Xiu xiu xiu…*

Suddenly, a dark green liquid spewed out of the Black Rock Beasts’ mouths, and in the blink of an eye, Wu Yi and her team were surrounded by this turquoise wave. All of them wore grim expressions as they quickly avoided this wave under Wu Yi’s command.

One unlucky cultivator was accidentally contaminated by the green liquid and smoke immediately burst from his figure. The majestic Artifact Armour worn on his chest was quickly melted away and the flesh beneath it was also corroded, exposing his white bones.

This turquoise liquid was too corrosive!

furrowed and couldn’t help worrying for Wu Yi and

restored, and at most he could display the combat effectiveness equivalent to an ordinary Third Order Saint. If Wu Yi and her group were defeated and the Starship was destroyed, everyone would suffer disaster and it was uncertain if any of them would be

felt that

*Dong dong dong…*

Rock Beasts had actually circumvented Wu Yi’s defence perimeter and directly begun spraying

metal echoing throughout the Starship was enough to send cold chills up the spines of

longer afford to concentrate her forces and split them up into groups of three to five cultivators to intercept these Black Rock Beasts. Many cultivators fearlessly leapt towards the Starship

people died, with dozens of Black Rock Beasts

joined forces with three others to protect Wu Yi, using their own Saint Qi to block the enemy from harming

mesmerizing yet deadly dance, condensing flames into dragon-like shapes that deterred most Black Rock Beasts from

Black Rock Beasts seemed afraid

Beasts noticed this anomaly quickly and

tide of

to Saint King Realm cultivators. Two Seventh-Order Black Rock Beasts were pinning down Yu Feng while the others in the pack were confronting Wu Yi

aura erupted from Wu Yi’s rings and a blast of heat rushed out to hit one of the Seventh-Order Black

Rock Beasts were thick-skinned and possessed extremely tenacious vitality, Wu Yi could easily kill those that were Fifth or Sixth-Order, but she had no way to kill a Seventh-Order

become enraged, opening its mouth wide to reveal its rows of irregularly serrated fangs and

bit towards Wu Yi’s delicate waist while she was

Wu Yi wouldn’t be able to avoid death or serious injury as the potent acid from the

this clearly but

all out

as she stared stunned at the

of golden light suddenly appeared in front of her. There was no sign of this golden radiance the instant before, as if it had simply come into existence.

forward towards the open mouth of the Seventh-Order Black Rock Beast like a bolt

Rock Beasts. None of these thick-skinned Star Beasts was able to resist this attack, with those in the Fifth and Sixth-Order bursting into blood

the dangerous situation he was in as he stared at the golden spear which was rapidly

certain he would soon

in front of him, it suddenly swerved, brushed past his body, and ran through the Black Rock Beast behind

blankly, their heads filled with fog, wondering who this golden

her death had been easily resolved by this golden spear, allowing her to escape.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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