Martial Peak

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152, Black Hearted Money

For a time, the space around Heavenly Fate City fluctuated as the Space Array was used at a frequency higher than at any point in history.

When the first spatial fluctuations appeared, Qian Tong didn’t pay it much mind, only thinking about seeing Yang Kai to say a few words about not bringing such precious treasures out to auction again in the future. No matter what they were, Qian Tong was fully capable of buying them all.

However, after another three or four consecutive spatial fluctuations propagated through the air, Qian Tong’s expression slowly solidified, and a certain thought came to him. His face changing greatly, Qian Tong quickly disappeared from Treasure Trove Pavilion and rushed to the palace where the Space Array was housed.

Inside the palace, the Shadow Moon Hall disciples who were responsible for guarding the Space Array all wore looks of shock. They didn’t understand why so many people all of a sudden needed to use the Space Array. Wasn’t it just about time for the auction to start? What were these people doing returning to their Sects instead of participating?

On top of that, those here were all from great forces like Thunder Typhoon Sect, Heaven Battling Union, Coloured Glass Sect, Twin Heart Valley, Grand Fire Temple… Each of these Sects was no less powerful than Shadow Moon Hall, some of them even exceeding them in strength.

Moreover, these people all seemed to be on guard against one another, their eyes darting about vigilantly, resulting in a very tense atmosphere inside the palace.

The few Shadow Moon Hall disciples here were afraid a fight would all of a sudden, break out here so none of them dared to ask any question, just quickly collecting the appropriate fee before sending people on their way.

Even though this was the case, everyone here was still urging these poor disciples to hurry things along.

In total, there were several dozen individuals representing several dozen powerful forces, so even if the Shadow Moon Hall disciples acted with all haste, it was still taking some time. Opening the Space Array, supplying enough Saint Crystals, and setting the appropriate destination wasn’t a process that could be completed in just a breath or two.

Just as the several Shadow Moon Hall disciples were about to shed tears from this sudden intense workload, another powerful aura rushed in from outside, causing the several dozen masters inside to frown. After seeing who this newcomer was though, all of them greeted him with cupped fists, “Elder Qian!”

Qian Tong’s face was filled with gloom as he strode inside quickly. Originally, he had just been suspicious and rushed over to investigate the situation, but after seeing so many people waiting to use the Space Array, how could he not know what happened?

“Old dog Yan, this old master will remember this! This Qian must sever his friendship with you!” Qian Tong snarled.

Just now, Yan Pei had told Qian Tong that he held the absolute advantage right now because he was the only one knew about the rare treasures which had appeared, but in a flash, that advantage had disappeared. If Yan Pei hadn’t intentionally leaked the news, how could these people have gathered here?

Everyone heard Qian Tong’s words and wanted to laugh, but none of them dared show any signs of doing so on their faces. Elder Qian was clearly unhappy right now, so no one was eager to find trouble with him.

Shadow Moon Hall disciples finally breathed a sigh of relief

really couldn’t handle this

Tong took a deep breath, calming his anger while trying to

far,” A

Snorting loudly, he

people in the hall wore embarrassed looks, some of them scratching their ears while others scratched their

Qian Tong’s question

use of Heavenly Fate City’s Space Array will put a huge load on it, resulting in great damage, possibly even its complete destruction! As such,

many years without any issue. Even if it was used far more frequently than normal, it wouldn’t be in any danger of being destroyed. This was all just

Fate City, a city under Shadow Moon Hall’s jurisdiction. The Space Array here also belonged to Shadow Moon Hall, so unless they didn’t want to use it, they would not offend Qian Tong. All of them had been entrusted with an important mission so none wanted to

“It’s just a small additional charge, five hundred

a Space Array is usually just ten thousand High-Rank Saint Crystals, how could you

thousand High-Rank Saint Crystals is too much, isn’t

can you

began shouting and clamouring. If a single use of a Space Array cost five

less than provoking public anger, how could Elder Qian say such a thing? All of

use it, this old master won’t force you either way,” Qian Tong said, unperturbed, “But this old master must remind you that the auction will start soon. If you fail to raise enough Saint Crystals and return before those few items appear,

a burly man walked up and tossed over a Space Ring to a Shadow Moon Hall disciple guarding

the Space Ring, swept it with his Divine Sense, confirmed the amount was correct, then nodded

waved his hand and a white

Shadow Moon Hall were still completely baffled about what was happening. None of them could figure out why they had suddenly obtained five

major cities and Sects on Shadowed Star. No one had ever used it as a tool to make money,

half a million Saint Crystals, sixty or seventy people waiting to

The Shadow Moon Hall disciples soon began trembling with excitement. If this worked, in the future Shadow Moon Hall wouldn’t need to operate any shops or stores, the fee

easier once someone went first. After the burly man left, everyone who had been hesitating immediately charged forward, handed over the five hundred thousand

Moon Hall smiled from ear to ear, assigning one person specifically to take inventory of the Saint Crystals. Each time they received the appropriate fee, the other disciples would open the Space Array and send the one

Palace will be sure to entertain you appropriately!” A middle-aged man who was clearly angered by Qian Tong charging so many Saint Crystals stared at

retorted, “This old master intends to die of old age in Heavenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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