Martial Peak

Chapter 1198

Editor and Proofreader: Leo of Zion Mountain

When the beautiful woman asked this, her four companions were stunned silent. All of them had experienced for themselves how unbearable the Flame Area was. At that time, the five of them had to work hard together to traverse it and arrive at the Treasure Area, so how did a weak First-Order Saint King manage to make it here all on his own?

“Senior Sister Chen, do you know why?” The four turned to the beautiful young woman curiously.

Shaking her head slightly, the beautiful woman replied, “I don’t know exactly, but I think he is a man of great destiny!”

“A man of great destiny…” The four men and women behind her all exchanged strange looks.

The beautiful woman surnamed Chen giggled as she smiled, “You may think it sounds ridiculous; but personally, I believe in such things. Some people are born blessed with good fortune while others are fated to have bad luck. This affects how many opportunities they encounter in life compared to others with similar aptitude, allowing them to develop at a different pace than their peers. Over the years, I’ve met a few people who carry such great destinies and by associating with them, I’ve been able to obtain some small benefits.”

The burly youth couldn’t help his face from twitching slightly before hesitantly asking, “Senior Sister Chen, you mean, if we allow him to come with us, we may get some unexpected benefits?”

“Exactly. If you think about it, it’s already a miracle that a First-Order Saint King was able to pass through the Flame Area all on his own. I don’t think he relied on his own strength to do that but instead was able to find a safe path to travel on all the way to the Treasure Area. If this wasn’t the case, just depending on his own cultivation, it would be impossible for him to cross the last section of the Flame Area. What he relied on should be his great luck,” The beautiful woman explained gently, and although her words weren’t enough to make her fellow Sect Brothers and Sisters believe here completely, they were still thought-provoking enough. “Of course, this alone isn’t enough to determine he carries a great destiny; however, what happened in the stone cavern just now you all saw with your own eyes.”

“In the stone cavern…” Everyone thought back for a while and naturally recalled bits and pieces of Yang Kai’s performance at that time, all of them soon feeling everything about him had been a bit strange.

“Do you remember? At that time, I thought that after Qu Chang Feng finished dividing up the Soul Cleansing Divine Water, it would be impossible for him to gain anything, so I urged him to not waste his time and leave as quickly as possible. But through a series of twists and turns, everyone ended up soaking in that pool. No matter how small the benefits he managed to obtain there, it was still far more than he should have been able to acquire. Far more than ten thousand cultivators entered the Flowing Flame Sand Field, yet only three or four thousand managed to reach the Treasure Area, but the ones who managed to obtain benefits from that stone cavern only numbered thirty. Among those thirty though, he was the only First-Order Saint King!”

“When Senior Sister Chen puts it that way, his luck really seems to be extraordinarily good,” The burly youth felt the stubble on his chin and gently nodded, seemingly thinking what this beautiful young woman had said was reasonable.

Fated luck and destiny were vague concepts, difficult to see or understand, but no matter how one looked at it, the luck of that First Order Saint King was strangely good.

“Senior Sister, there’s a saying that the night is darkest before dawn. If his destiny was all used up just now…” Another female cultivator in the group was secretly worried, there was no such thing as endless wealth or endless luck in this world.

“It doesn’t matter. It won’t hurt us to bring him along either way. If we can really find something good because of him, giving him a share isn’t a problem. If we can’t, it just means our luck was too bad to begin with,” The beautiful young woman smiled freely.

It was indeed as she had said, there wasn’t any loss in allowing him to join them, at worst, they would need to give him some small benefits, but as a trivial First-Order

danger, they would simply let him fend for himself. In any case, if it was true what Senior

burly youth agreed, everyone stopped talking and simply followed the beautiful


destiny? He couldn’t help chuckling

abilities. He wasn’t afraid of Qu Chang Feng in the first place, so he had stuck around, if it had another First-Order Saint King, they would likely have left at the first chance they could without obtaining

that even count as difficult? What did that have to do with

the hostility on Yang Kai’s face dispersed. They didn’t have any malicious

a hindrance, Yang Kai also felt the same about them. Moving on his own was both easier

spirit liquid had been divided up. As such, it wasn’t long before the group of five appeared in Yang Kai’s

avoid Yang Kai’s misunderstanding their intentions, when they were still quite far away, the beautiful young woman surnamed Chen shouted enthusiastically, “Little

them, Yang Kai put on a look of vigilance as he

be startled!” The beautiful young woman seemed to have expected this and flashed a charming yet kind smile, her eyes crystal clear

the other four

they closed the gap between them, Yang Kai asked flatly, “What intentions

much, we just saw that little brother was all alone, so we wanted to ask you a few questions,”

right,” Yang Kai nodded

woman remarked enthusiastically in a crisp and clear voice, nodding her head in approval. According to her previous conjectures, Yang Kai should be from a small family that had sent at most three disciples into the Flowing Flame Sand. Field’. The other two probably hadn’t been able to cross the Flame Area, but Yang Kai had actually managed to

it.” Since he knew their purpose, Yang Kai was disinclined to waste time with

The burly youth couldn’t help smirking. In his opinion, Senior Sister Chen’s willingness to accept him into their group was also a

anyone call her like this for a long time, so she kindly explained, “Alright.

Chen Shi Tao and these are my Junior Brothers and Junior Sisters. Seeing how you are all alone here, Little Brother might not be aware of the dangers on this Treasure Area,

say a few words of comfort before smoothly recruiting him into her team, but she hadn’t anticipated that Yang Kai would still wear

to herself, even more thinking that this guy came from a very small family and was thus completely ignorant about the Flowing Flame

only get straight to the point, “If you want, you might as well act together with us. Although the five of us aren’t the strongest around, it’s still better to work together as a group than take risks all on your own.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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