Martial Peak

Chapter 1333

Chapter 1333, Late Night Meeting

Among the ruins of Heavenly Fate City, Ma Xin Yuan and others stood silently, their faces sombre and the atmosphere dignified.

They had not expected Yang Kai to really be able to resist one move from Fei Zhi Tu and then retreat safely.

All of them had witnessed the power behind that move and understood that Fei Zhi Tu had not just been putting on a show. None of the Origin Realm masters present were confident they could have successfully blocked that move, yet a mere Third-Order Saint King Realm youth had.

While Ma Xin Yuan and the others felt shocked, a fear of Yang Kai swept over them. This boy was just a Third-Order Saint King yet already possessed such strength, so what would happen if he were to break through to the Origin Returning Realm?

Everyone on the scene was an old fox, so naturally they understood the truth of strangling danger in its cradle, and after witnessing Yang Kai’s cold gaze before he left, none of them doubted he would seek revenge for this when he rose up in the future.

After hesitating for a moment, Ma Xin Yuan cupped his fists and haltingly asked, “Sir City Lord, are you really going to just let him go?”

“If I don’t let him go, what do you want me to do?” Fei Zhi Tu had a stomach full of grievances but nowhere to vent, so he glared coldly the moment Ma Xin Yuan spoke up.

“But that little brat killed a member of the Xie Family…”

“Xie Family!” Fei Zhi Tu coldly snorted, “So what? Are you also a member of the Xie Family? What do the lives of the Xie Family have to do with me?”

Ma Xin Yuan lowered his head and did not dare say anything more.

“Hmph, if you don’t want to let him go, you can chase after him now, as long as you have the confidence to make him remain!”

“Sir City Lord surely jests,” The group of people all looked extremely embarrassed, none of them daring to mention Yang Kai again.

“Since you have no confidence in your own strength, just shut up and stay put! If anyone dares question this City Lord’s conduct again, do not blame this City Lord for not giving any face. In addition, do you really think that old fart Qian Tong really will not come back? Heh, you’d all best pray you’ve made the right choice today, otherwise, there may be no place for you in Shadow Moon Hall in the future.”

The group of people all glanced around at each other in dismay and were about to try to inquire more about the current situation when they saw Fei Zhi Tu flick his sleeve and fly off.

“Brother Ma, what should we do? Listening to what City Lord Fei said just now, there seems to be some twists and turns in the battle inside the Sect. Perhaps the rumours about Elder Qian aren’t…” Someone looked at Ma Xin Yuan and asked.

matter was foolproof and wouldn’t have any repercussions? Why else would we all cooperate with the Xie Family against

to the people above and followed their instructions, how am I supposed to understand the specific situation? If you

been used as pawns? Feeling deeply regretful and remembering Qian Tong’s power and

Yang Kai returned with a

Yang Yan, Qian Yue, and the others standing there waiting for him. When the three women saw him appear,

Kai’s complexion and could not help calling out

Yu Feng and the others doing?” Yang Kai waved his

recover. If you had not returned just now, Foreign Elder Chang and Foreign

“Tell them there’s no need for that, this time’s matter will end here. Shadow Moon Hall shouldn’t engage in any kind of harassment anymore, but you should

one leaves unless absolutely necessary,” Wu Yi responded quickly before

nodded and walked

not outwardly seem fancy or profound, only Yang Kai, who had taken it head-on, understood how fierce it was. Unfortunately, whether his opponent had used his full strength or

to wound him, even without using full strength, it seemed the gap between Yang Kai and

pills out from his ring, Yang Kai poured them out and began stuffing them into his mouth before closing his eyes and

aura was a bit unstable, so after half a day of meditation, Yang Kai had

realizing that it was already late at night, Yang Kai’s expression became solemn as he quietly got up, opened

following the route in his

tea worth of time, Yang Kai landed outside the City Lord’s Mansion, and although this was his first time here, under the investigation

a little weird. There were no people around, not even the cultivators

what was happening, only that tonight the City Lord himself had ordered that everyone was forbidden to move

kind of strict order, no one dared to violate the City

After taking a few turns, he soon arrived at a certain side building inside the City Lord’s Mansion and, just as he stood

Yang Kai smiled slightly and pushed the door

a smile. After Yang Kai walked in, he waved his hand lightly, using his Saint Qi to

he walked directly to another chair across from Fei

underestimated your courage. Aren’t you afraid that after entering the tiger’s cave you won’t be

would be no need to go through all this trouble. Taking

and he nodded, “Good, it seems that old fart Qian Tong didn’t misread you, a truly impressive

why Senior Fei silently sent this Junior a message earlier today, asking me to come here at this time?” Yang

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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