Martial Peak

Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384, Lu Ye’s Ambush

Seemingly having known Yang Yan would say so, Yang Kai smiled slightly and handed the Star Emperor Token he obtained from Ge Qi to her.

Yang Yan accepted it and a slightly complex look appeared on her face as she gently stroked it. Her expression changed constantly as her eyes revealed a look of reminiscence.

Yang Kai sat to the side without interrupting.

After half an hour, the strange look upon Yang Yan’s face completely faded and she let out a long sigh, returning the Star Emperor Token to Yang Kai as she said, “Keep this thing safe, it may be of great use in the future.”

“Great use?” Yang Kai raised his brow, “What kind of use?”

“I don’t know,” Yang Yan shook her head slowly, “This is just my feeling, I can’t give you anything more than that; however, I can confirm that there is some secret hidden within this thing. It’s rumoured that the Great Emperor refined ten of these Star Emperor Tokens, so perhaps one needs to gather all ten pieces together to unravel that mystery.”

Saying so, Yang Yan let out a wry laugh, “But doing so is far too difficult. Obtaining a single Star Emperor Token can already be considered a once in a very lucky lifetime opportunity, how is one supposed to obtain all ten?”

“Really?” Yang Kai smiled strangely, “I have others.”

“What?” Yang Yan stared at him in amazement, her beautiful eyes going wide in the next moment as she stared at another Star Emperor Token that appeared in Yang Kai’s hands.

This Star Emperor Token was basically identical to the one exchanged by Ge Qi, with the Divine Ability which had been sealed inside already having been used. Both of these tokens had faint Emperor Pressure lingering on them, so it was clear they were genuine.

The surprise hadn’t ended yet though as Yang Kai raised his other hand and summoned another Star Emperor Token to it.

When Yang Yan saw this third Star Emperor Token, she couldn’t help covering her mouth as her beautiful eyes bulged in shock, hesitantly asking, “Could this be…”

This third Star Emperor Token was obviously different from the first two. Although their appearances were identical, this third one gave off a terrifying energy fluctuation, and with Yang Yan being so knowledgeable, how could she not understand what this implied?

“Yeah, this in an unused Star Emperor Token!” Yang Kai smiled lightly as he tossed it over to Yang Yan.

Yang Yan hurriedly caught it.

Just as she did though, something unexpected happened.

When that unused Star Emperor Token was caught by Yang Yan, a ripple of energy visible to the naked eye burst from it. At the same time, a resonant cry rang out, like the piercing call of a bird. Immediately after, an exotic looking cyan coloured bird with long feathers suddenly emerged from the Star Emperor Token.

the next instant, Yang Yan’s Saint Qi fluctuations and the energy contained in the Star Emperor Token resonated

pulsing noise so great rang out that the entire cave mansion was thrown into disorder and a pressure which caused Yang Kai

on so he hurriedly summoned his Purple Shield and circulated his Saint Qi to protect himself.

Yang Kai was shocked by

and instead seemed to be receiving some kind of information from the Star Emperor Token. Her beautiful eyes

was wondering what to do, Yang Yan suddenly opened her eyes and caught the Star Emperor Token floating in front of her before lightly descending to


lightly before completely changing the

thing can be refined?” Yang Kai was

naturally it can be refined. Fortunately you’ve only been hiding it so far and hadn’t tried

this earlier, so even though he had encountered many dangerous situations over the years, Yang Kai had never thought of using this Star Emperor Token. Currently, this token

seem to know a lot about this,” Yang Kai stared at her with a

you trying to say?” Yang Yan pursed her lips lightly, her expression

Kai finally decided to express his doubts. He had become incredibly curious after he saw Ge Qi react to meeting Yang Yan, as if the former had seen a ghost yet Yang Yan claimed to have never met him. And now, this Star Emperor Token actually resonated with Yang Yan. All


hide anything, it’s just…” Yang Yan showed a hesitant look on her

“Just what?”

just that I’m not sure either, so I didn’t want to say anything. When I am certain, I

this thing, I’ve studied it a few times before but

Yang Kai not continue to press to issue, Yang Yan felt

condensed a ray of Saint Qi at her fingertip and with a quick stroke made a small cut on her wrist, allowing her fresh blood to immediately flow out. Yang Yan next presse the Star Emperor Token against this

was feasting, as the Star Emperor Token began absorbing the blood from the wound on

eye, the Star Emperor

seemed a bit tired as she tossed

finding that only


thing required blood, it should be the one attempting to refine it that provides it.

you try it now,” Yang Yan smiled before standing up and walking towards the exit, “Make sure you


the bright red Star Emperor Token in his palm curiously and tried pouring his Saint Qi into it. Surprisingly, his Saint Qi easily infiltrated it, without the slightest hindrance. There was no sign of the Divine Ability inside being triggered but the Star Emperor Token at this moment

causing Yang Kai to feel overjoyed and immediately understood that what Yang Yan said was right. This Star Emperor Token could really be

same time, in a jungle about four hundred kilometres away from Dragon Cave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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