Martial Peak

Chapter 1397

Chapter 1397, Luring Into A Trap

Moving around indiscriminately would only lead to triggering more Spirit Array traps, akin to seeking one’s death.

Sure enough, with all the Spirit Arrays arranged around Dragon Cave Mountain’s periphery, the more than eighty Saint King Realm cultivators that entered to probe its defences were wiped out in just half an incense worth of time.

Ning Xiang Chen could hardly believe his eyes!

That was eighty plus Saint King Realm cultivators! If he were to encounter such a force, he would have no choice but to avoid head on confrontation, but now, without even needing to deploy a single soldier, Dragon Cave Mountain had easily annihilated them.

What did a dragon den count for? This little hilltop was clearly more terrifying than any dragon den or tiger cave!

However, Ning Xiang Chen also realized that with the power of these Spirit Arrays alone, it would have been impossible to kill those eighty or so Saint Kings so quickly. The decisive factor was the expenditure of the master who had arranged these Spirit Arrays.

The Array Cores of each of these Spirit Arrays was actually a powerful artifact! With these Spirit Arrays powering these artifacts, the might they could display was greatly enhanced, making it impossible for those Saint Kings to put up any kind of resistance at all.

Just how many powerful artifacts were used to arrange all these Spirit Arrays? Ning Xiang Chen couldn’t even begin to imagine.

Back in Heavenly Fate City, Qian Tong and Fei Zhi Tu were also dumbfounded as they exchanged an astonished glance. Although they both knew that there were many Spirit Arrays arranged on Dragon Cave Mountain, they never thought that they would be able to display such power.

Eighty Saint King Realm had been sent in, but before they could even probe Dragon Cave Mountain’s depths, they had been eliminated. This time, the Xie Family, Myriad Beast Mountain, and Demon Blood Temple were bound to suffer a great loss.

“It seems Heaven Gathering Hall’s forces may not even need to move!” Wei Gu Chang snickered, taking great pleasure in others’ misfortune.

“Not necessarily!” Fei Zhi Tu shook his head slowly, “The attacking force only lost Saint Kings during this probe, none of the Origin Realm masters have acted yet. We should continue monitoring the situation.”

Wei Gu Chang pondered for a moment before nodding in agreement; after all, the might an Origin Realm master could display was in a different league compared to mere Saint Kings. While it was true that the Xie Family coalition had taken heavy losses just now, they hadn’t suffered a fatal blow.

Outside Dragon Cave Mountain, Xie Li, the old man from Myriad Beast Mountain, and the middle-aged man from Demon Blood Temple all wore gloomy looks, their expressions were all dark. None of them had anticipated that Dragon Cave Mountain’s defensive power would be so overwhelming. Even without those three drinking old men acting, all of the Saint King Realm disciples they had deployed had been killed.

If all the Spirit Arrays around Dragon Cave Mountain were this strong, Saint Kings wouldn’t be able to play much role here other than becoming sacrificial pawns.

Xie Li suddenly proposed, “Friends,

old man from Myriad Beast Mountain

Arrays arranged at the front of this mountain, so breaking through from this spot won’t be easy. But since that’s the case, we can simply try attacking from different

Xie says makes sense,” The old man nodded in agreement, feeling that what

certain direction, signaling to the disciples of Myriad Beast Mountain to follow him, sat down on his Blue-Eyed Blood Toad and flew

objections and immediately brought his Sect’s disciples

instead choosing to stick together with the Xie Family and follow

of forces split into three groups and began

leadership, a dozen or so other Origin Returning Realm masters, accompanied by several Saint Kings each, split

the invading enemy unwilling to miss the slightest detail or suspicious

extremely cautious approach

someone did accidentally touch some restriction or

Returning Realm masters, even if someone fell

they seemed to have exhausted their strength and could now only display

people began directing malicious glares towards Chang Qi’s group of three who were still casually drinking. It was as if these invaders couldn’t wait to soar over to these three old men and cut off their heads to vent the anger in their

Staring at these three old

and smiled very strangely, “Brother Xie, why do you think you were able to travel this far unscathed? Do you really think my Dragon Cave Mountain

face to fill

black long whip. This whip seemed to contain a potent Wind and Thunder Attribute energy and was clearly a powerful artifact. Striking out, it was like a

Chang Qi didn’t make any attempt to defend himself, simply remaining where he sat smiling towards him, not moving at

act cautiously lest he be hurt, but how could he have anticipated that

Li’s eyes flashed sharply, not retracting his whip but instead pouring his Saint Qi


released a burst of lightning, splitting its target apart and reducing the

was torn apart, the two of

of blood or smell of iron, nor did it feel like he

surrounding scenery had disappeared, being replaced by a dull grey world with no sun, moon, or stars. All that surrounded

Illusion Array his enemy had arranged, causing Xie Li’s

who should have been

all the masters in his group had been separated and forced into a situation where they had to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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