Martial Peak

Chapter 1438

Chapter 1438, Once in A Lifetime Opportunity

This scene was not just happening in High Heaven Sect though. All of Shadowed Star’s cultivators were staring up into the sky towards the same spot at this moment.

The Emperor Garden!

Right now, the Emperor Garden was releasing a dazzling five-coloured light as it hovered quietly high up in the sky, clouds drifting around it, making it somewhat difficult to make out.

At the same time that this change in the Emperor Garden occurred, an invisible coercion appeared.

Emperor Pressure! Fortunately, this Emperor Pressure was not too strong, otherwise, at least eighty percent of cultivators on Shadowed Star would have already collapsed.


A buzzing sound echoed across all of Shadowed Star and jade tokens the size of one’s palm exuding soft white light appeared. Even if these jade tokens had been stored in cultivator’s Space Rings, seemingly attracted by some mysterious force, they flew out all on their own.

The owners of these Emperor Jades reached out and grabbed hold of them hurriedly, but the instant they did, an indescribable feeling spread across each of their bodies, causing them shock and joy.

The Emperor Garden was about to open!

Although no one told them this explicitly, when they held onto their respective Emperor Jades, these cultivators were somehow able to sense this truth. Since the Emperor Garden first appeared, everyone had been waiting for more than two years for it to open, and now, finally, it was going to.

This was a huge opportunity; one countless people couldn’t help feeling exuberant about.

Inside High Heaven Sect, Yang Kai’s figure flickered and appeared beside Yang Yan and the others before he too turned a solemn gaze skyward.

“Yang Kai!” Yang Yan called out, her red lips opening lightly, seemingly wanting to say something, but before she could, Yang Kai smiled at her and simply said, “I know.”

Yang Yan nodded lightly and said nothing more.

Although Qian Tong and the others wanted to ask if Yang Kai had managed to finish consolidating his cultivation, it was clearly not the time for such questions, so they all remained silent.

Time continued to pass, the five coloured glow surrounding the magnificent Emperor Garden high up in the sky was suddenly drawn into it and seemingly absorbed in front of everyone’s eyes.

Immediately afterwards, three beams of white light shot straight down from the bottom of the Emperor Garden at an extremely slow speed.

Seeing this situation, Yang Kai’s heart froze as his face paled.

Defending Array had been torn

turned out to be unnecessary, as although the three beams of light shot straight down, they stopped about half-way to the ground. After these three beams of

breaths as they

level of cultivation, so they were naturally able to clearly see what these objects were. To everyone’s

few metres in diameter each, but engraved on each of these jade white platforms was a complicated set of flashing lines. Clearly these lines composed some type of Spirit Array. The distance between each of these discs

beautiful eyes flashed an unusual light before she thoughtfully remarked, “It looks like we need to pass through one of those

Tong and others showed

were supposed to enter the Emperor Garden after it opened. After all, from what they could see, the Emperor Garden did not have any kind of clear entrance, causing

to do with the Emperor Jades which had

needed to do was use one of these Space Arrays to enter

Jade, there was no way to get close

Everything suddenly became clear.

old master will be going on ahead!” Just as everyone was lost in thought, an aged voice called out from the side and two figures flew up into the sky, turning into a stream of

Sect Master and Great Elder

that the Emperor Garden had finally opened and these Space Arrays had appeared, they were reluctant to delay any further. The one who strikes first gains the advantage so

Jade, these two had won the right to depart for the Emperor Garden from High Heaven Sect’s Front Court, granting them

half-day to explore more

two old men departed for the Emperor Garden, two other groups of people flew up into the air from within High Heaven Sect’s territory; unfortunately for them, their locations didn’t grant them as much

purchase the other two departure spots from High Heaven Sect. Yang Kai had obtained his

the Flowing Flame Sand Field, the groups from the various great forces

get around the flame barrier formed from the Three Blazing Flame Rings, a process that would take a significant amount of

Qian Tong could not help turning an

wanted to say, grinned, and

immediately pushed his Saint Qi along with Fei Zhi Tu to wrap up Wei Gu Chang

Coloured Glass Sect followed suit, as did the

we’re away, I’ll have to trouble you to look after the Sect!” Yang Kai turned to Chang

Qi and

and Ye Xi Yun were all leaving for the Emperor Garden, dramatically reducing High Heaven Sect’s available strength, thanks to its unique

could be said to be perfectly

Yang Kai glanced over at Yang Yan before his figure flickered and disappeared, reappearing a

Kai didn’t know what method Yang Yan used to accomplish it, but the speed she displayed was not inferior to his at all, and needless to say, Ye Xi Yun was

them were displaying. In fact, whether it was Yang Kai

the situation inside. With this kind of prior experience, he would not need

the Great Emperor’s personal residence, although she did not know much about it now,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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