Martial Peak

Chapter 1453

Chapter 1453, You Again?

In the end, this Grandmaster had died over ten thousand years ago, so it was not a surprise that, after all this time, their clothes could not withstand even a slight test of the elements.

Not only that, but their bones as well.

With a clatter, the skeleton also collapsed into ashes. Yang Kai frowned at this sight and released his Saint Qi to surround the freshly dug grave and prevent the wind from reaching it.

Even if this Senior’s clothes had been turned to dust and blown away, Yang Kai couldn’t allow the same to happen to their remains. If that were to happen, this Senior would truly have died without burial, a miserable fate.

Waving his Saint Qi about, Yang Kai quickly carried over some nearby soil to fill in this grave.

Before filling the grave though, Yang Kai’s brow rose as he stared towards a certain spot, a trace of suspicion flashing across his face. A moment later, a Golden Blood Thread flashed out.

After withdrawing this Golden Blood Thread, Yang Kai held a small piece of bone in his hand.

This should be a finger bone from the Grandmaster’s skeleton, but unlike all the other bones, this one had not disintegrated and was instead perfectly preserved. Although there were no energy fluctuations coming from this fingertip, when Yang Kai observed it closely, he could not help showing a look of surprise that soon turned to shock as he muttered aloud, “This is…”

This finger bone was covered with many complicated lines and runes, seemingly hiding some incredible secrets within them.

Injecting a little of his Saint Qi into this finger bone though, Yang Kai was unable to observe any kind of reaction. With a puzzled expression, Yang Kai was at a loss as to how to access the mysteries contained in this finger bone.

Setting this matter aside for the moment, Yang Kai carefully stored this finger bone away before filling up the grave.

A moment later, the grave was filled. Finished with this task, Yang Kai bowed once before turning around and quickly leaving this mountain valley.

This was all he could do for this Senior. As for the finger bone, Yang Kai planned on studying it carefully later as he was certain this Grandmaster had sealed something important in it. Otherwise, there would be no reason to refine it to not degrade even after ten thousand years.

Flying along at lightning-quick speeds, Yang Kai carefully observed his surroundings as he rushed towards the Emperor Garden’s main palace.

The journey was quite calm, with no other unexpected situations occurring along the way. For Yang Kai, the exploration of the mountain valley had wasted a little time, but compared to the massive gains he obtained, such a delay was still acceptable.

However, he had also made up his mind that even if he encountered anything else of interest, he would not stop to investigate and focus entirely on reaching the main palace.

As he got closer to the Emperor Garden’s main palace though, Yang Kai increasingly felt the atmosphere becoming tense. There were clearly many cultivators lying in ambush around the periphery of the main palace, targeting both those who were coming to explore the main palace and those who were leaving it.

As time passed, Yang Kai even began seeing many cultivators engaged in fierce battles with one another.


it carefully, Yang Kai immediately understood what

his group to escape after they suffered heavy losses, and look for opportunities outside instead. It seemed the cultivators lying in ambush outside the Emperor Garden’s main palace knew about the situation inside and had decided to wait for gains without pains

some benefits, but they also would not have to risk their lives

Garden’s main palace were filled

Kai some effort to break

Kai stood atop a mild slope, looking at a magnificent

The Emperor Garden!

his own eyes. This was the Starry Sky Great Emperor’s private residence and it was suspended in mid-air. Looking around, Yang Kai could not see where this palace ended,

time Yang Kai came to the Emperor Garden, the feeling it had given him was far less profound than the one he was experiencing right now. At this moment, even from a thousand kilometres away, the main palace of the Emperor Garden radiated an ancient and desolate aura,

entrance?] Yang Kai frowned, but soon, he found

was flashing, and violent energy fluctuations filled the air as many small black

was the scene

got to the Emperor Garden’s main palace, the more chaotic it became. The Emperor Garden had opened to the entire Star Field,

mistaken, the location of the fiercest battle should be where the main palace’s entrance

not hesitate

were at least hundreds of cultivators involved in this battle, most of them Origin Realm masters.

robes and their cultivations were equally varied but every one of them was deeply immersed in this hot-blooded battle. Some people wanted to slaughter a path to the Emperor Garden, some wanted to flee this place, some even wanted to kill others and rob them

out and in a splash of

was obviously impossible to pass through such a

some Third-Order Origin Returning Realm cultivators, he was not

Kai’s face as he confirmed his theory to be correct; the Emperor Garden’s main palace’s entrance was indeed located nearby. A massive gate several dozen metres in height leading into the magnificent palace stood just beyond the chaotic battlefield. This gate was covered with a kind of light

his full speed to try to break through this region,

light was rapidly approaching, and although it was still a fair

cultivator who was engaged in battle was shocked by this new arrival and paused their

stream of light reached the edge of the chaotic battlefield, dispersed, and revealed seven figures that had been hidden

these seven

only one of them was a Second-Order Origin Realm

cultivators involved in this chaotic battlefield, forcing everyone to give way was not an issue. Clearly this group was from an elite great force and challenging

the robes worn by those people, someone even exclaimed, “Heng Luo Chamber of

this cry, everyone showed a terrified

handful of super forces. It controlled multiple Cultivation Stars and had more than a dozen Origin King Realm

the current leader of Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce, had reached the peak

existence that the entire Star Field had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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