Martial Peak

Chapter 1508

Chapter 1508, Incomplete Sentience

As Xiao Xiao’s owner, Yang Kai could naturally feel his irritability and anxiety, and if he could, he would definitely not refuse Xiao Xiao’s request.

However, Yang Kai knew next to nothing about Stone Puppets and had no idea what had gone wrong at this moment, causing the second Stone Puppet to not only fail to break out of its shell but also lose its vitality.

Even if he wanted to help, there was nothing he could do.

The master and servant were connected, so Xiao Xiao was aware of Yang Kai’s helplessness, causing the light in his eyes to gradually dim.

Sniffling lightly, Xiao Xiao was like an aggrieved child.

After a long time, Xiao Xiao gently placed the stone embryo in front of Yang Kai, treating it extremely carefully, as if he was afraid that acting roughly would cause damage to the stone embryo.

Immediately after, Xiao Xiao rushed to the edge of the cliff that was ten thousand metres high and began banging his chest with his hands, making a drum-like sound, his small body quickly growing bigger, in the blink of an eye becoming a stone giant several tens of metres high.

Like a huge gorilla standing on the top of the peak, straightening up his rickety waist, Xiao Xiao turned his face towards the Heavens.

A long cry, like a billowing dragon roar, came from his mouth.

This howl spread across the sky, containing unimaginable force that stirred up the sea of ​​clouds around the peak.

This howl was filled with indelible pain and sorrow.

Drops of some kind of crystal-clear jade slipped from Xiao Xiao’s eyes and fell to the ground, clinking as they hit the hard earth.

Xiao Xiao wept!

Yang Kai never imagined there would come a day when he would witness a Stone Puppet crying. He could not imagine just how significant this second Stone Puppet’s stone embryo was to Xiao Xiao, but from the sadness the latter showed now, it was obvious just how depressed and lonely he felt.

It was as if he was the only one of his kind in this world, destined to be alone for his entire life.

Yang Kai watched this for a moment before his expression changed suddenly and he swiftly moved to the stone embryo, stretched out his hand, and cut open his wrist with one of his Golden Blood Threads.

A long, bone-deep wound instantly appeared and Yang Kai’s golden blood began leaking out drop by drop onto the stone embryo.

[It should not be like this!] Xiao Xiao’s birth had gone extremely smoothly, but Yang Kai had also been quite stunned and confused at that time. It was Xiao Xiao who had merged with the Blood Essence Stone inside the Black Book Space and then broke out of the shell easily almost entirely on his own.

[Why is the second time so different?] Even at this moment, the life fluctuations inside the stone embryo had disappeared.

Regardless of why, this was one of Xiao Xiao’s own kind, and regarding its birth, Xiao Xiao obviously had a thousand times more expectations than Yang Kai himself.

Yang Kai did not believe that a creature with such strong vitality could really just die like this.

He had to try everything, then leave the rest to fate!

of pure Golden Blood fell

contained in Yang Kai’s Golden Blood, and when Xiao Xiao was born, Yang Kai had only needed to give it one drop to form a

did not concern himself about

at him with gratitude, often glancing over at the stone embryo,

was completely dyed golden, but to Yang Kai’s disappointment, his Golden Blood did not

This saddened him.

anxious as an ant on a hot wok, fidgeting

Kai’s eyes narrowed slightly when he felt this, not certain if it were just his

was a weak fluctuation

A fluctuation of life!

spark setting fire to an entire prairie, this extremely weak fluctuation, which seemed like it would be snuffed out at

*Dong dong…*

the top of the peak, signifying the rhythm of

sadness in the Stone Puppet’s eyes disappeared, replaced with

*Dong dong…*

from the stone embryo and the faded light patterns glowed brightly once more. However, different from before, instead of a pure blood-red colour, there was now a tinge of golden light mixed into this radiant halo, giving it a

on the surface of the stone embryo flashed as if they had

like this had happened, making him wonder just what differences there were between this

Three days passed by.

the stone embryo, and after absorbing twenty or

this moment, Yang Kai and Xiao Xiao were both waiting anxiously next to each

out, causing Yang Kai’s expression to lift as he quickly stared at

Yang Kai could not help becoming overjoyed as

after this crack appeared, more cracks began to form one after another, and soon the stone embryo was covered with dense, criss-crossing cracks,


embryo broke apart, revealing the life-form

The second Stone Puppet!

through its shell, it pushed its way out of

and it took it quite some

of grey, it was actually a golden Stone Puppet, a fact that surprised Yang Kai quite a bit. This Stone Puppet’s body was completely golden in colour, possibly as a result of it absorbing

swallow all

its first meal,

up and down, his joy beyond any

up, placed it on his shoulders, and then began running around the mountain

stifle his laughter as he watched this scene,

was simply acting happily as a result of the safe

amiss with this

Xiao Xiao to stop frolicking and put down

always obeyed Yang Kai’s orders, so he complied

to perform a careful

his brow furrowed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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