Martial Peak

Chapter 1581

Chapter 1581, Head On

“Brother Xue Lian, be careful, he’s the human I mentioned to you before,” Mi Tian looked at Yang Kai coldly and muttered.

The Monster Race cultivator named Xue Lian frowned slightly as he took another look at Yang Kai for grinning widely, “So this is the Human that killed your two Thunder Flame Flying Lizards? He doesn’t look like much.”

From his contemptuous expression, it was clear he did not put Yang Kai in his eyes.

Mi Tian chuckled, “If Brother Xue Lian underestimates him simply because he is a human, that would be a big mistake, he’s… somewhat different from the other humans on Monster Emperor Star.”

“Hmph, I haven’t seen you in more than ten years, Mi Tian, but it seems you’ve lost all your spirit in that time, even cowering before a mere human now. If my carriage’s Monster Beasts were killed by this boy, he would have never lived to see the next sunrise! Mi Tian, it seems this is as far as you’ll rise, from now on, this Monster Emperor Star will be my, Xue Lian’s world!” Xue Lian did not seem to take Mi Tian seriously, even ridiculing him for his timidity.

Mi Tian did not get angry, however, and simply smiled, “I was only advising you, whether you listen or not… heh heh!”

These two Monster Race masters did not even try to lower their voices, so Yang Kai naturally heard every word they said.

Yang Kai could not help observing the cultivator called Xue Lian with some interest and curiosity.

This Xue Lian must really have a powerful background, otherwise, he would not dare speak to Mi Tian like this. Yang Kai knew Mi Tian was the Young Lord of Thousand Eyes Tribal Lord, a figure famous across all of Monster Emperor Star, but this Xue Lian actually stood on equal footing with him and even criticized and mocked him mercilessly, so what were Xue Lian’s origins?

Regardless, this Xue Lian’s cultivation was not weaker than Mi Tian’s, having also reached the Third-Order Origin Returning Realm!

“Do you two have business here?” Yang Kai’s face was full of smiles but the light in his eyes was slightly cold as he asked faintly.

“Of course we have business here,” Xue Lian grinned and stared at Yang Kai disdainfully, “But you’re not qualified to talk to this Young Lord. Get that human woman surnamed Xia to come out and see me.”

“You want to see Little Senior Sister?” Yang Kai chuckled and shook his head, “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Little Senior Sister is currently in the middle of performing Alchemy and won’t see anyone.”

“She won’t?” Xue Lian said with a sharp expression before coldly snorting, “That’s not up to her to decide! Since this Young Lord is here, she must see me, she has no say in the matter.

Mi Tian, who was standing behind Xue Lian, smiled and added, “Brother Xue Lian came this time to find that young lady to help him with Alchemy. En, we’ve heard that her Alchemy skills are quite good. Brother Xue Lian has prepared the necessary herbs, as long as she agrees to refine them, this matter can be settled.”

“Help with Alchemy?” Yang Kai nodded, “Such a small matter isn’t worth disturbing Little Senior Sister over, I can agree on her behalf, just give the herbs to me then go back and wait.”

Mi Tian raised his brow while Xue Lian sneered, “Give you the herbs? What thing are you? This Young Lord heard that you’re just a boy toy that relies on women to survive. Go back and tell that woman to get out here and see me! Hmph, a trivial human slut dares put on airs in front of this Young Lord, she’d best be careful I don’t tear off her limbs as punishment!”

The smile on Yang Kai’s face receded immediately as his eyes narrowed, suddenly showing a cold and callous expression, “Did you just insult my Senior Sister?”

you deaf? So what

to pay

him move, his figure flickered and mysteriously appeared directly in front of Xue Lian, his arm already extending outwards as he sent a punch towards the latter’s face,

trouble, so Yang Kai had

moved just now, but feeling

filled with anger, but also with

truly been a surprise. No human had ever dared initiate

this human boy was clearly much too overconfident, actually trying to compete with him with pure physical strength! Even considering all of Monster Emperor Star, Xue Lian’s lineage was renowned for its physical strength with few Monster

his full strength, thinking he would


collided and space seemed to collapse as an invisible shockwave exploded outwards

slightly as he

look of disbelief appeared on his

full ferocity of the other’s blow and instantly realized their opponent was not one

impact pushed both of them back a few steps before they could stabilize their

Mi Tian praised without hesitation. The moment Yang Kai made a move, he had lightly retreated, and after standing firm, he was able

Tian was quite

he was no worse than Xue Lian in terms of overall strength, if it was a contest of physical power, Mi Tian had no choice but to admit his

Lian one on one, Mi Tian would do his best to avoid meeting him head on as much as possible and attack using his own

this human named Yang Kai chose to clash directly with Xue Lian! On top of that, in their first exchange of blows,

Thunder Flame Flying Lizards in Shimmering Moon City was not just a lucky eruption of strength but his

Tian suddenly became excited, his eyes glancing over towards a certain position a few

atop the palace’s roof with folded arms, looking down from on high with a triumphant expression. Noticing Mi Tian’s gaze, he raised

Xue Lian scanned Yang Kai up and

suddenly appeared around his body, one that was filled with a malevolent

Xue Lian rushed

shook and deep footprints were left behind. With these footprints as an

enveloped by a potent murderous

like a cold blade was trying to slice into his skin. It was a disturbing feeling most would

no intention of backing

raging beast, Yang Kai’s muscles swelled up and his bones creaked as his aura also rapidly rose, shattering the murderous

and sent out a hail

to dodge, allowing his opponent’s attack to land on him while he sent out his

*Peng peng peng…*

impact sounds erupted together with loud shouts and roars, causing the skin of those who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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