Martial Peak

Chapter 1772

Chapter 1772, It’s Not A Secret

What’s more, Gui Zu was strong, to the point that even Ni Guang was wary of him, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to establish a good relationship with him. Perhaps there would come a time when Yang Kai would need help from Gui Zu in the future.

“There is a place in here that I will need to borrow your powers to explore,” Gui Zu pondered for a moment, “This old master doesn’t dare to enter that place on his own, but it will be fine if you are there.”

Gui Zu was a decisive character, so after reaching an agreement, he immediately led the way forward.

Yang Kai adjusted Xue Yue on his back, allowing her to lean on him more comfortably as he hurriedly kept up.

Along the way, through some idle chatter, Yang Kai learned that since Gui Zu saw him before entering the Severed World, he had been searching for him; after all, there were many Void Cracks in this Severed World, and only someone proficient in the Dao of Space could travel through here safely.

And Gui Zu happened to know that Yang Kai was quite accomplished in the Dao of Space.

Gui Zu originally intended to find a chance to snatch Yang Kai from under Ni Guang and Luo Lan’s noses and then take him to explore the Severed World, but after entering this place, he had been unable to track Yang Kai down and was only able to use some clues to chase after him.

But suddenly, an accident occurred, and he completely lost track of Yang Kai.

It was not until just now, when Yang Kai suddenly rushed out of The Void and appeared in front of Gui Zu that the latter picked up the former’s trail.

“It seems that Senior and I do indeed share some fate,” Yang Kai laughed after hearing his explanation.

The Void was connected to almost everywhere in the Severed World, yet the injured Shocking Void Beast had appeared right in front of Gui Zu with Yang Kai following close behind. It was a coincidence within a coincidence.

“This old master was also quite surprised, I was beginning to believe I’d lost my chance to meet up with you,” Gui Zu wrapped himself in his black Qi again, making it impossible for others to see his face, but from his tone, it was still obvious he felt quite pleasantly surprised.

“By the way, where are you taking me, Senior?”

“A medicine valley!” Gui Zu flew ahead and replied without looking back, “When this old master passed by there before, he spotted many rare spirit medicines. Unfortunately, that damned place was filled with Void Cracks, so this old master didn’t dare enter too deep and only collected a few Enlightenment Flowers which had bloomed around the periphery before having to withdraw.”

“Enlightenment Flowers!” Yang Kai’s eyes lit up.

They were extraordinarily rare in the Star Field because the current World Principles did not seem suitable to their growth. Only in places where an

just such an environment, so it wasn’t surprising that there were Enlightenment

directly consumed, was of great help to Origin King Realm cultivators in improving their strength and state

Zu, with his profound cultivation, was so interested in that medicine valley. It turned out that he obtained a few Enlightenment Flowers

those herbs even I, an old master, can’t recognize, but I am certain it is a paradise for Origin Kings! If I can obtain enough benefits from there, this old master is confident he will be able to break through to the Third-Order Origin King Realm

he said, Yang Kai’s brow rose slightly as he was able to speculate that Gui Zu was already a Second-Order Origin

seemed like it was not unreasonable for Ni Guang to

here can safely enter that medicine valley, it would definitely be you! This old master didn’t hold out much hope, but… en, it seems this old master’s luck

valley that Uncle Ni spoke

as Gui Zu finished speaking, Xue Yue’s voice came from behind

was still weak, but it did not sound haggard or distressed like

head and glanced at her, quickly discovering that Xue Yue’s face had become quite ruddy.

intention to get off Yang Kai’s back. Instead, she hugged him tighter, enjoying the warmth and care Yang Kai showed her with peace of mind. Glancing over

Kai chuckled.

“Little girl, your thoughts are quite scattered. If this old master really wanted to attack you, do you think you would still be alive? Rest assured,

blushing a hint of pink, but a smile soon formed on her lips as she replied softly,

Xue Yue a thoughtful look before asking, “Little girl, you’re Xue Yue of Heng

she quickly recovered and nodded, “How did Senior

Moreover, that artifact was refined by an Artifact Refining Grandmaster of Heng Luo Chamber of

Gui Zu had uncovered her identity at a

still unable to figure out who you were, he would have lived all these years in vain,” As Gui Zu spoke, he felt relaxed. He had been curious about

out through various clues, and now he

Gui Zu recognizing her was not because of

Heng Luo Chamber of Commerce’s Third Young Master is actually a woman, simply astonishing,” Gui

I hope Senior can keep it a secret,” Yang Kai

loose-lipped,” Gui Zu snickered, “Whether she’s male or female has nothing to do with

Xue Yue bit her

over and whispered into Yang Kai’s ear, “I’d best change my appearance back, otherwise,

what you think is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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