Martial Peak

Chapter 2297

It wasn’t limited to just this. Yang Kai also felt that his body had turned lighter. He felt refreshed and full of vigour, and his body’s Source Qi started circulating quicker than before.

Upon noticing this, Yang Kai was taken aback, but he quickly understood what happened. His state of mind seemed to have achieved a subtle breakthrough.

Realizing this, his delight quickly surfaced on his face. Going for a walk had been a wise decision.

If he stayed in the Heavenly Puppet Workshop and cultivated, then he would’ve just racked his brain over this in vain and wouldn’t have gotten this fortuitous encounter.

After a short while, the waiter served him top-notch dishes and wine. Even though Yang Kai felt that the waiter was just bragging somewhat, he couldn’t deny that the dishes of this restaurant were pretty delicious and they were all made from special ingredients rich in energy. If one consumed those dishes all year long, then it was theoretically possible to increase their cultivation.

But it was quite an insignificant increase and it wouldn’t be as pure and refined as meditative cultivation.

So, cultivators would usually avoid such methods to increase their cultivation. They would have to spend a large amount of Source Crystals to eat here every day, just to obtain limited growth. It would be far better to just sit down and cultivate.

But, Yang Kai didn’t bother with nitpicking over tiny details with the waiter. He just praised him with a few words and tipped him with a few Source Crystals then asked him to leave. Yang Kai then just sat there by himself and enjoyed his drink alone.

The third floor of the restaurant was packed with guests sitting down in groups. At worst, the patrons were pairs, with the sole exception being Yang Kai.

Everyone was drinking cheerfully and discussing miscellaneous matters in loud voices, touching upon many of lands’ affairs and oddities.

Yang Kai had been listening to them with full interest.

The topic of discussions quickly focused, however, on the new concubine being taken by the City Lord, Luo Jin. The reasons for this were most likely rooted in the curiosities of men.

“Now that you mention it, the City Lord is already so old, yet he’s still enjoying himself.”

“You’re right, the City Lord has already taken in fourteen concubines and he’s planning on marrying a fifteenth tomorrow! I really wonder where he gets all the energy to keep up? Hahaha!”

“Leaving beauties to spend their nights in solitude is pretty cruel and sinful. If Sir Luo can’t pamper them all equally, then his harem may stray off-road.”

“Huh? Brother, from what you have said so far, it seems that you’re harbouring some desires for them?”

“Hehe, I won’t dare. I would never dare, I’m just speaking randomly.”

“It looked like you were sympathizing with them, as if you wanted to help the old City Lord… Hehe…”

the saying goes, if you can die beneath a beauty,

may befall you. Don’t forget that walls have ears,” someone suddenly spoke

of the two people caught in a heated discussion changed and they

say anything. Come on,

of the discussion had suddenly

about it, it’s said that his fourteen concubines

said, you must have gotten to see the City Lord’s concubines,

there, the City Lord keeps all of his concubines hidden in the City Lord’s Mansion. Even if they were to come out, they would be escorted by guards, clearing the way for them. Their

but my niece is working as a maid in the City Lord’s Mansion and she got the opportunity to serve his concubines. According to her, they are all exceptionally beautiful, especially the newest one. She’s a lot prettier than the others and the City Lord

new bride? Hurry up and

right, we’re all curious about

a smile, “I don’t mind telling you,

us a few bottles of your

“Friend, you’re pretty straightforward. I won’t keep you in suspense and I’ll tell

City Lord’s new bride with his silver tongue. As the man described it, the crowd felt like they could see a graceful and alluring woman stroking her hair coquettishly and walking out of the void toward them. They had all revealed captivated looks and some had almost started

and slammed

their fanciful dreams and they

tale eagerly, and he quickly looked at the source of the noise. He sighted upon a muscular man stinking off alcohol

Sense, Yang Kai discovered that this man was only a Third-Order Origin King,

by some

apparent on the one-eyed man’s face. He had even destroyed the

lone tiger who has just left his mountain, Brother Hu Chai,” the person who had been speaking a while ago laughed then covered his

mockery, and he laughed along with the crowd. It looked like they all didn’t like

After that man had his fill of laughter,

there with a vicious look on his face and

expression of that person changed and he shouted, “Making things up? What do you mean

said, “That woman… doesn’t

quickly came back to his senses and responded. Squinting as he

raised a wine bottle on the

let go of this, “You’re talking like you have seen the bride.

stiffened and a reminiscent look flashed past his sole eye, but he

blinded.” He stopped for a moment, leaving those around him in suspense, then laughed aloud, “You must have peeped on the City Lord’s bride when she was bathing and your eye

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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