Martial Peak

Chapter 2561

Chapter 2561, Xi Lei

Despite the middle-aged man’s strenuous effort, he couldn’t convince those standing guard at the gate to allow him to pass.

He was left without a better choice and could only offer them a bribe. This barren land had no valuable treasures, and he couldn’t offer them anything other than the Monster Cores of Monster Beasts slain by him.

Monster Cores were a pretty hard currency in the Ancient Wild Lands, as anyone could use them to raise their strength. Thus, upon receiving these gifts, the two beamed in delight, and after they discussed it for a moment, one of them turned around and went inside. He had obviously gone to make a report!

The dark python who had taken a humanoid shape had finally experienced and understood the meaning of the saying, ‘Meeting the king of Hell wasn’t difficult, but dealing with his lackeys was’.

The man started exchanging pleasantries with the others at the gate to pass time, while he vowed inwardly, [Once I get rewarded for this great contribution, I’ll surely teach you all a memorable lesson and make you regret putting on such a haughty front. I’ll make you spit out everything you took from me!]

After a short while, the one who had gone to make a report came back and cupped his fist at the middle-aged man, saying, “Today, Sir is in a pretty good mood and doesn’t mind meeting you. Go inside!”

The middle-aged man expressed his thanks to them then started climbing up the mountain, leaving the two guards playing with the few Monster Cores in their hands in delight.

There wasn’t anyone to guide the middle-aged man, but he could still make his way through with ease, as this wasn’t his first visit. He quickly crossed several checkpoints and reached the peak of the mountain where a large palace was built with a rough design completely different from the ones commonly seen in the Star Boundary. It was just a large mass of boulders piled up together without an ounce of beauty.

Moreover, there was a large sculpture of a mighty-looking galloping rhinoceros outside the palace.

This was the true body of Monster King Xi Lei. He had just been an ordinary rhinoceros who managed to cultivate to the peak of the Twelfth-Order. Who knew what kind of fortuitous encounter had helped him accomplish this great feat, but nonetheless, he had now become the ruler of a large expanse of the Ancient Wild Lands with over a hundred thousand Monster Race subordinates under him.

There were only thirty-two beings in the same realm as Xi Lei in all the Ancient Wild Lands. They all had their own territories and wouldn’t invade nor assault each other, and they were all under the jurisdiction of the Four Great Divine Spirits.

Every Divine Spirit had eight Monster Kings at the peak of the Twelfth-Order under them, while Monster Kings had Monster Commanders and Monster Generals, as well as an innumerable number of Monster Beasts below the Twelfth-Order. One could well imagine how dangerous the Ancient Wild Lands were.

However, the Humans outside were obviously oblivious to this and they only knew that the Ancient Wild Lands was a chaotic land fraught with dangers. They were unaware that deep within the Ancient Wild Lands, it had already developed its own social order.

After the middle-aged man reached the palace, the Monsters guarding the gate just checked his identity then allowed him in.

It couldn’t be said that they were careless, as it was pretty much impossible for the middle-aged man to wreak havoc in the face of the Xi Lei with his low cultivation. The Monster Race had always been pretty casual about customs and they didn’t attach great importance to them.

If this was a Sect of the Human Race, then it wouldn’t have been so easy for a Dao Source Realm cultivator to meet a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master.

After the middle-aged man entered the palace, soft music, light singing, as well as decadent noises reached his ears, taking him aback and almost making him assume he walked into the wrong place.

table decorated with the corpse of a Monster Beast in front of him, a bloody corpse that died not long ago. The muscular man was holding the corpse of the Monster Beast and gorging himself with blood dripping off the corners of his mouth. It was a pretty ghastly sight, yet the man was eating

of the middle-aged man went soft and he had

Monster Kings were fond of devouring their subordinates’ flesh, but he didn’t take it for more than a mere rumour. This was a sight he had never expected

middle-aged man had once seen him from afar and he could recognize him

a few more bites of the

were next to the muscular man, serving him and fawning over him. They

let out a peal of laughter, one of the women took advantage of this

he embraced the woman and started having

a bloody mouth, but she wasn’t

middle-aged man observed this in trepidation and longing, wondering when he would obtain a cultivation equal to Xi Lei. At that time, beauties would throw themselves at him and

a few women with slim waists and plump bottoms clad in

observed them in a daze with his eyes rolling around

of the middle-aged man and she curled up the corners of her

Xi Lei’s ears and

to look at the middle-aged man and he waved his hands, sending

didn’t dare to slight this Master and hurriedly walked forward with a solemn look, then knelt and

“Is it you who has claimed that you have


see me personally? If it’s just a trivial matter, then you

didn’t dare to delay, quickly explaining, “Sir, it’s related to the

Blood Gate?” Monster King Xi Lei stood up and the few female Monsters in the hall covered their

Blood Gate was a pretty pivotal place for all beings of the Ancient Lands. It was rumoured that the Blood Gate contained a great secret, which could awaken their bloodline power and

Monster Race, he still couldn’t repress his desire to enter the Blood Gate. If he could become a Divine Spirit, then he would

hand and shouted, realizing that

him a while ago leaned against him, putting on

head around and

didn’t dare to make any more presumptuous actions. She quickly retreated, followed closely by

What happened to the Blood Gate?” Once the crowd had left,

“An unusual incident has

of unusual incident?” Xi

out, Xi Lei

his subordinate had no reason to falsify it. He surely wasn’t the only one who had seen it as well, so verifying the claim would be as simple as questioning other Monsters Race members who were in the vicinity of the Blood Gate. But,

since the Blood Gate appeared and it didn’t go through any changes since then. It had always been quietly sitting atop the peak of the mountain, yet on this day, it emitted radiant scarlet

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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