Martial Peak

Chapter 2616

Chapter 2616, What Do You Think?

Zhou Yong was certain that if he just showed his resolve, then the Sect Master was sure to agree with him; after all, he had toiled for the Sect for so many years, and all that hard work had to count for something.

“Great Elder Zhou, was it?” Yang Kai spoke up with a light laugh, looking towards him with great amusement, “Why don’t you tell Sect Master Fu just why your grandson was killed?”

Fu Bo jolted and realized that he was right. Zhou Yong was quick to accuse someone who had strength equal to a Great Emperor of murdering his grandson, but why would someone with such lofty status randomly decide to attack a First-Order Dao Source Realm Junior? Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t even spare such a person a glance, much less attack him.

Zhou Yong snorted coldly, “No matter what wrong Ji’er may have committed, you still shouldn’t have killed him!”

Yang Kai was stunned speechless. After a long pause he finally gave an approving nod and declared, “The Great Elder is bold indeed!”

Zhou Yong continued angrily, “Ji’er is my grandson, and any small mistakes he makes is understandable. And yet you people cruelly used lethal force against him! I have come here today because I must take your lives as revenge for my Ji’er!”

“Small mistake!?” Yang Kai couldn’t help but laugh as he turned to Fu Bo, “Sect Master Fu, Zhou Ji was blinded by lust for Lady Feng you see by my side. Without any care for anything at all, he tried to abduct her and force her to warm his bed. What do you think of that, Sect Master Fu?”

“Abduct!? Warm his bed?!” Fu Bo was horrified and cold sweat began pouring down like buckets from his entire figure. The whole world around him seemed to be spinning and he felt certain that there was no hope left.

Even Fu Bo had to be on his best behaviour in front of Lady Feng, but Zhou Ji had the guts to try and abduct her? Not only that, he wanted her to serve him in his bed? He was simply courting death!

Only at this moment did he finally understand why someone like her would attack a First-Order Dao Source Ream cultivator.

But according to what he knew of Zhou Ji, that good-for-nothing really was capable of doing such a thing.

Yang Kai smiled as he looked at Zhou Yong, “Today, I have witnessed the grand posture of the Great Elder. It has been quite eye-opening to see how someone from a top Sect has a completely different tone from the rest! You are quite right… if your grandson was still alive, and had your personal tutelage, then he would certainly achieve greatness some day! After all, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!”

“Anything you say now is useless!” Zhong Yong stared coldly at Yang Kai, his eyes full of murderous intent, “Only by taking your lives can I quell the rage in my heart!”

He turned to look at Fu Bo, and quickly repeated, “Please accede to my wishes, Sect Master!”

Fu Bo’s face was as black as the abyss as he silently cursed the Great Elder for being so blind. He was just about to secretly convey to him just how powerful Luan Feng was, when Yang Kai suddenly spoke, “Sect Master Fu, since this Great Elder is willing to leave your noble Sect in order to kill us, why don’t you give him what he wants? If you keep trying to stop him, then it may upset all parties involved.”

Upon hearing this, Fu Bo perfectly understood what Yang Kai meant. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, making it clear that he was not getting involved.

“Many thanks, Sect Master!” Zhou Yong spun around, ecstatic. Emperor Qi surged up within his body and he launched a heavy palm strike towards Yang Kai’s group.

manner that he wanted to kill them all in one

she suddenly appeared in front of Yang

off an aura capable of eliminating

completely collapsed as he shuddered, his

horror. He screamed as the deathly aura

realised that he had kicked an unbendable iron plate. This elegant and beautiful woman was so far above him in power that he was

opened immediately, but before he could say anything, Yang Kai coldly spoke, “Sect Master

heart jumped as he swallowed back the words he had been about to

World Extinguishing Black Flames turned Zhou Yong into a black fireball and started to incinerate

more Zhou Yong tried to channel his Emperor Qi to defend himself, the more furiously the flames on

was still screaming piteously, begging for help in the most miserable of

Fu Bo pitied him, he didn’t dare to intercede. All

Yong was reduced to a pile of ash. With a careless wave of her hand, Luan Feng called back her World Extinguishing

of the Netherworld

feelings and she cast a glare at Yang Kai, “I do apologize, Young Master Yang. I once again forgot about

that even if she killed Zhou Yong, it was impossible for his

all, Yang Kai was greatly responsible for what happened today. Luan Feng was clearly still annoyed at Yang Kai for ducking aside earlier when that good-for-nothing grabbed at her, leading to her instinctually

to the side, then perhaps they wouldn’t have so

his forehead and said awkwardly, “It’s

the protection of that Heaven’s Order descendant. Now that Luan Feng saw that he wasn’t at all annoyed by her actions,

next, “Sect Master Fu, Lady Feng has killed your noble

one hell of a problem! He was the only one left amongst the Sect’s three Third-Order Emperor Realm Masters! How could he have no problem with that? But

Feng’s attack with his own eyes and recognized the origin of those pitch-black flames. Coupled with Yang Kai addressing her as Lady Feng

the Ancient Wild Lands. Her subordinates included eight

afford to offend her. If he did enrage her, she could easily send a few Monster Kings over and

heart, “Zhou Yong had already left my Sect, so he doesn’t count as one of our members. Whether

he said all this, Fu Bo was filled with curiosity. How could Divine Spirit Luan Feng be willing to follow a human Junior? She even

of background did this

look and smiled, “Sect Master Fu is a flexible man of great understanding. In

Fu Bo smiled bitterly, “I

but now, all he wanted was to quickly send these three calamity-bringers on their way. After a disciple of his own Sect had

so, Fu Bo retrieved a communication artifact from his Space Ring and channelled his Divine Sense into it. He was evidently conversing with

away, Fu Bo forced a smile

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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