Martial Peak

Chapter 2729

Chapter 2729, Image Recording Crystal

“What are your intentions here?” Ji Ying looked gravely at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai responded, “Nothing at all. Since Grandmaster Ji is willing to believe what his disciple says, this Palace Master thinks it is useless to argue, so I won’t bother with petty words. Instead, let me show you something interesting.”

“Something interesting?” Ji Ying frowned, having no idea what Yang Kai was up to.

Yang Kai clapped his hands and looked out the hall, “Come in!”

Everyone looked over in unison, only to see a man walk in from the outside before standing in the middle of the hall and cupping his fists, “Greetings, Palace Master!”

“En!” Yang Kai nodded lightly.


“Grandmaster Nanmen! What are you doing here?”

Mi Qi and Li Jiao both stared wide-eyed at Nanmen Da Jun who had just entered, unable to believe their eyes.

As Sect Masters of two of the top Sects in the Northern Territory, they naturally had dealings with Nanmen Da Jun before. They knew that this man was highly accomplished in the Dao of Spirit Arrays, his achievements only matched by his aloof and arrogant character. They had tried in the past to recruit Nanmen Da Jun into their Sects, but never had any success.

When they saw Nanmen Da Jun here, treating Yang Kai with such respect, it felt a little unreal to both Mi Qi and Li Jiao.

Was this really that Nanmen Da Jun they knew? To think he could actually bow down to another person of his own free will.

“I am now the Chief Array Master of High Heaven Palace. Why shouldn’t I be here?” Nanmen Da Jun glanced at the two men.

“Chief Array Master!”

“Grandmaster Nanmen, you… Ai!”

Li Jiao and Mi Qi were both shocked and a little disappointed to hear this. They had tried many times to recruit Nanmen Da Jun, but they were always rejected by him. How long had this High Heaven Palace been established yet they actually managed to rope him in? What sort of tricks did that damn Yang Kai use to achieve this?

Yang Kai just smiled lightly and continued, “Grandmaster Nanmen, bring that thing out.”

“Yes!” Nanmen Da Jun answered and suddenly took out several Array Flags from his Space Ring, placing them in a neat arrangement before him.

In just a few moments, a Spirit Array was laid down. However, the crowd was confused and had no idea what he was trying to show them by arranging this Spirit Array.

Nanmen Da Jun took out another item from his Space Ring next, one that looked like a mirror but strangely did not show any kind of reflection, a somewhat unsettling sight.

Recording Crystal, and just as its name suggests, it can record some images. I have no idea how it was refined despite asking several Artifact Refining Grandmasters to examine it. None of those Grandmasters were even able to tell what sort of material it is made of. I rarely use this in usual times,

“Image Recording Crystal!”

“Image Recording!”

they vaguely understood

Xuan’s face paled as he stared dumbly at the Image Recording Crystal, seemingly not having expected that such

Li Xuan couldn’t help but dodge his gaze, causing Ji Ying’s face to

and waved an Array Flag in his hand. Emperor Qi surged up and the centre of the room was suddenly shrouded. A light then shot out from that Image Recording Crystal, spreading out

clear image emerged at

looked over and instantly recognized the scene depicted as High Heaven Palace’s main gate. That was because a giant stone slate with

that moment, four figures were

him, there were three women, two of which

Recording Crystal seemed to only

Jun fed it his Emperor Qi, the image kept on changing,

on his face, but it was not known what was said. Zhu Qing ignored him with a cold

Qing following his first failed attempt, but despite her looking angrier and angrier,

more and more unruly, only then did Zhu Qing send him flying with a slap across the

while, Yang Kai suddenly appeared, and after seeming to ask a few questions, he sent


ending after Li Xuan left

Flags and the Image Recording Crystal before cupping his fists to Yang Kai,

Li Xuan with strange looks

naturally understood that even they were no match for her, yet this Li Xuan actually dared to profane her. It was the great blessings of all his ancestors that Li Xuan was let off with just a slap on the cheek. If he were not protected by his identity as a

of beating him, but also of snatching away his Source Crystals. Now that they had been led here, muddle-headed by his

eyes were set ablaze as he turned around to glare at Li

was wrong! I ask Master to please punish this

to quibble. The only thing he could do now was quickly admit to his wrongs and hope that Ji Ying would

you to be such a person.” Ji Ying was so angry and upset with Li Xuan that he instinctually raised his hand at him. He really did not


slap he

a long sigh and

his head and looked at Ji Ying

are no longer my, Ji Ying’s, disciple, nor are you a disciple of Medicine Pill Valley. If you dare try to use Medicine Pill Valley’s name in the future for malicious gains, then I will not forgive you!”

panic. He knew that Ji Ying was really going to expel himself from the Sect this time. As a disciple of Medicine Pill Valley, he had gained many benefits and had a bright future ahead of him, so how could

more word and I’ll kill you!” Ji Ying did not look at him. His expression was firm, determined to drive him out of

for believing a cunning villain like Li Xuan who told such outrageous lies. If he allowed Li Xuan to remain in Medicine Pill Valley, there was no telling just how much damage he would bring to Medicine Pill Valley in the future. If his own Honoured Master, Wondrous Pill Great Emperor, had

for mercy, but how could he dare to say anything more after hearing such

him at that moment, and only then did Li Xuan stand up with tears in his

only the sound of Yang Kai drinking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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