Martial Peak

Chapter 2804

Chapter 2804, The Return of the Hero

At dawn, Ah Hu appeared outside the village with a pale face. He had yet to recover from the bloody battle yesterday, especially the effects of the Bloodlust Spell’s backlash. Even if he was one of the best warriors in the village, he would be weakened for several days at least; therefore, he couldn’t fight again within the next few days.

Still, he held his head high as he glanced at the large tree at the entrance of the village, and asked, “Do you see anything?”

A head popped out from among the foliage of the large tree. It was the young boy who was in charge of logistics on top of the wall from before. He replied, “I don’t see anything, Brother Ah Hu.”

Ah Hu frowned at those words with an anxious expression on his face. Ah Niu had gone after the Barbarian Beast yesterday and failed to return last night. Hence, the villagers were very worried about him. The young boy had hidden in the canopy of that tree for two reasons. One reason was that he was keeping watch; the other reason was that he wanted to look out for signs of Ah Niu’s whereabouts. Unfortunately, the young boy’s reply disappointed Ah Hu greatly.

“Didn’t the Village Chief mention that Ah Niu has been blessed by the Barbarian Gods? Why are you still so worried about him?” Ah Hua appeared behind Ah Hu with a longbow on her back.

“Ah Niu received the blessing of the Bloodlust Spell, but now that one night has passed, the effects must have faded, and you know what consequences that will bring.”

Even if Ah Niu had been blessed by the Barbarian Gods, allowing him to shed his former self and be reborn, the backlash of the Bloodlust Spell could not be ignored by any of the Ancient Barbarians. If they were surrounded by the herd of beasts in that weakened state, they would undoubtedly end up as food.

“There’s no point worrying about him anyway. Just believe in the Barbarian Gods and in Ah Niu.” Ah Hua patted Ah Hu on the shoulder and turned to return to the village. Although the battle yesterday had not damaged the village, there were still many things to take care of.

“Brother Ah Hu… I see someone…” The young boy suddenly shouted at that moment.

“Who is it?!” Ah Hu raised his head and asked anxiously.

“I can’t see clearly!” The young boy replied.

“Then open your eyes wider!” Ah Hu roared.

The young boy felt speechless and thought to himself. [It’s not like opening my eyes wider will make me see things clearer!] However, he soon called out in alarm, “It’s a Barbarian Beast!”

He clearly saw the body of a Barbarian Beast approaching this direction at an extremely fast speed.

“What?!” Ah Hu and Ah Hua paled in shock and horror. Looking at each other, a terrifying thought involuntarily emerged in their minds. [The village is done for!]

The Barbarian Beast had returned to attack again. Thus, it was obvious what kind of fate had befallen Ah Niu, who left in pursuit of it. Besides, yesterday’s bloody battle had caused most of the warriors in the village to lose a lot of their fighting power. Who could stand up to the Barbarian Beast now that it was attacking at this time?

wait…” The young boy corrected himself, his voice trembling in delight, “It’s Brother Ah Niu! It’s Brother Ah

about to lose his mind in frustration as he roared, “Why don’t you

was this boy’s eyesight to confuse the two of them?! Without saying anything, Ah Hua immediately rushed forward and quickly scaled the tree. Standing atop the canopy, she peered into the distance. As

later, Ah Hua lowered her head and smilingly announced, “It’s

asked incredulously, “Ah Niu… killed the Barbarian

braid behind her back,

yelled in the direction of the village, “Everyone! Come out! Ah Niu is returning after killing the Barbarian Beast! He

they heard. Even so, they quickly put

really kill the Barbarian

“Who witnessed it?”

Hu, are you

good-for-nothing, Ah Niu, really that

thanks to him that we managed to

weak to even draw a bow before? How did he change



he arrived at the village’s entrance, he saw from afar that a large group of people had gathered there. Moreover, they were

shouted at

might not have personally experienced that, but this body belonging to this era had been graced by Ah Hu’s kindness.

Ah Hu by lifting the Barbarian Beast from his shoulders, holding it up high in the air, and displaying it to the villagers from a distance. Immediately following that, the

each of them patting him on the shoulder cordially and enthusiastically with looks of admiration and gratitude. Then, they cleared the way and let him continue forward. Even though he did not understand what kind of custom this was, Yang Kai could feel their respect with

leisurely at the entrance of the village with a cane in

villagers as he walked over to the Village Chief and placed the Monster

Chief studied the Barbarian Beast

honest and kind as a result. Thus, Yang Kai continued smiling in

it was their first time seeing something so ferocious. Their eyes were brimming with curiosity while some of the more daring ones even reached out their hands to touch it, but

the air. The young girl walked over to Yang Kai and stared at him shyly.

the Ancient Barbarian Race did not fit Yang Kai’s sense of aesthetics; however, this young girl was a little different from the rest of the women here. Even though she was still very tall, she was

head, he looked at the Village

the village are eligible to drink this bowl of Sacred Wine. Go ahead and drink

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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