Martial Peak

Chapter 2809

Chapter 2809, Ya

Even a Shaman shouldn’t be this weak. The young man in front of him looked like an underage child, his arms and legs thin and frail, a truly ugly appearance. He seemed so weak the Raging Flame Barbarian was worried a single flick of his finger would kill him.

“Ah Niu’s strength is not something you have the honour of knowing!” Ah Hu sneered. Similarly, many of the villagers looked at the Raging Flame Warrior mockingly.

In the past, they, too, had believed that Ah Niu was so weak that he was no better than a ten-year-old child; however, the Beast Tide a few days ago changed their perspectives greatly. The terrifying power and invincible bravery Ah Niu displayed back then was hardly something they had expected. If they had not seen it with their own eyes, it would have been difficult for them to imagine how much power could be hidden in such a thin body.

The Ancient Barbarian Race Warrior from the Raging Flame Clan sneered mockingly and said nothing in reply; it was obvious that he did not find Ah Hu’s words to be a threat. He simply turned around and said, “Shaman Ya is waiting for you inside. Please, come with me.”

While speaking, he walked ahead and led the way.

Yang Kai stepped forward and followed. Similarly, the rest of the villagers followed along.

Upon entering the canyon, Ah Hu and the others looked around and saw that the archers of the Raging Flame Clan remained on the cliffs on both sides of the canyon like shadows. Their bows and arrows never left their hands, an obvious warning that any rash actions would lead to terrible consequences.

Not long after that, that group walked into the deepest part of the canyon where hundreds of Raging Flame Clansmen looked savage and terrifying in the firelight.

The Raging Flame Warrior leading the way came to one of the bonfires and whispered to a burly man sitting on the ground. That man raised his eyes slightly and looked at Yang Kai, as well as the villagers behind him.

[So, this is their Shaman!] Yang Kai had seen him once in the Eagle Eye Spell and immediately recognized him.

Ya studied Yang Kai quietly, an expression of surprise flitting across his eyes. It was clear that he, just like the Ancient Barbarian Race Warrior from before, felt that Yang Kai looked too weak even though Shamans generally did not focus on cultivating their physical strength. Most Shamans spent their time in meditation, so it was a given that their physical toughness would be much lower than their fellow clansmen. Even so, Yang Kai’s tender body was still a first for Ya.

“How should I address you?” Ya asked after observing Yang Kai seriously.

“Ah Niu!” Yang Kai smiled slightly. His expression was neither humble nor overbearing.

“Well then, Shaman Niu… What is your purpose for coming to this place?”

He replied, “We came to bring back my war trophies!”

Ya frowned in response, “Your war trophies?”

Yang Kai gestured around with his hand, “The ones you are roasting above your bonfires, as well as the ones placed over there… All of these are my war trophies!”

Clansmen, who had been looking at Yang Kai mockingly, immediately became livid upon hearing those

for a moment before bursting into laughter, “You claim that these dead beasts are your spoils of war? Do

a moment, he continued, “It’s just that our village suffered from a Beast Tide a few days ago. It was difficult, but we finally managed to repel the Beast Tide. After that, I pursued them to

of a sudden. He glanced at Yang Kai in astonishment and said, “Did you say… that you chased

Kai nodded before adding, “Oh, there was also a Barbarian

was also a Barbarian Beast?” Ya’s

in the surrounding area burst out laughing, acting as if they heard

village to defeat all the beasts in the canyon, then, the story would have been believable. However,

way previously suddenly glanced at Ah Hu disdainfully

I dare you to say that again!” Ah

was akin to insulting the village the Shaman lived in, as well as the

shouted and shook his head at

Ah Hu grit his teeth and swallow his

have grasped the general idea regarding your purpose in coming here,” Ya smiled slightly, appearing calm and unruffled. He had met many other insolent youngsters like Yang Kai, who were overconfident in their abilities, “Let’s see… Seeing as we are both from the same race and you travelled a long way to get here, I will not make things difficult for you…” Turning to the Ancient Barbarian Race Warrior of the Raging Flame Clan, he commanded, “Give them ten of

looked very reluctant. Even so, he had no

are generous,” Yang Kai smiled mockingly,

man, don’t test my patience.” Ya’s expression suddenly became solemn, “I’m sure you are not unfamiliar with my Raging Flame Clan. If it were

will take your teachings to heart, Shaman Ya. However… I insist that you return all my war trophies to me. These things do

words left his mouth, he glared at Ya with a

response, his tall and broad figure casting a shadow over Yang Kai. Looking

two Shamans were suddenly staring daggers at each other.

their bows and aimed their arrows at the other party’s strongest warriors while at the same time, Ah Hu and the rest took out their stone axes and stone spears. They

battle was about to break


he didn’t care who would live and

you determined to

these are my war trophies. You refuse to believe me and are only willing to give me ten of these beasts. However, you know the truth. The wild beasts had been dead

“These are ownerless

the owner has now

“Give me evidence!”

“I don’t have any!

there is only one solution before us. With the Barbarian Gods as our witnesses, let us resolve this dispute the

staring at Yang Kai in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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